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ACM (UFO Aftershock)


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Psionic weapons in AS can`t deal temporal or permanent damage. They deal either stun or special damage. I can edit its stun damage so it will deal some temp and perm damage, but this may be a bit unbalancing.


Hvy armor perhaps will be modified. However i`m not sure that you can add special properties to it. I`ll give it a try someday.


No more characters, sorry. It takes a hell lot of time to ad a simple weapon. Faces will take triple as much as weapons...


Both plasma shotgun and xm8 were replaced by other weapons. I tend to remove forever those things from my mods that i dislike :)


Question; where do I find the weight of the weapons/items and the Time to Fire? For example the write up says the Laser Sniper rifle is heavier than standard sniper rifles and more bulky therefore it takes longer to fire. I would really like to be able to compare those two bits of info when choosing how I want to kit out my squaddies.


Weight does not impact on weapons abbilities. Description just explains why the laser rifle has such properties as longer fire times.


Comment wise, I thought the Wargots were supposed to be tough? Granted I am playing on Easy, only way I could play AM but the ballistic protection of the standard Wargots is only 5%, is that right? The Power Armor is at 70 or 72% and a couple of LMG doesn't seem to have an issue tearing through it's armor. The weapons that do the most damage to me are the area effect "thrown" weapons, those are the weapons that has killed my squaddies the most but at the same time, they are equal opportunists because the bad guys seem to take out a fair share of their own with them as well.


Normal Wargots without armor have minimal protection against any type of weapon and are easily dispatched. Armored and heavily armored ones can withstand more damage. I agree that Wargots might need some improvements in protection or significant health bonus.

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Psionic weapons in AS can`t deal temporal or permanent damage. They deal either stun or special damage. I can edit its stun damage so it will deal some temp and perm damage, but this may be a bit unbalancing.


Well then, how about adding a human counterpart to the reticulan blaster? It's very useful, but for obvious reasons has drawbacks. (Stun damage is fine, as long as it deals useful damage).


Another little idea would be a psionic weapon that sets enemies on fire - wouldn't be very useful, but might be fun. On the other hand, it would be difficult to justify it - psi in AS only deals with the mind, so I doubt it can cause combustion.


Hvy armor perhaps will be modified. However i`m not sure that you can add special properties to it. I`ll give it a try someday.


Hmm... Okay then, I don't really have any new ideas.


No more characters, sorry. It takes a hell lot of time to ad a simple weapon. Faces will take triple as much as weapons...


Well, that's understandable. :)


Both plasma shotgun and xm8 were replaced by other weapons. I tend to remove forever those things from my mods that i dislike :)


Makes sense. :)

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Okim, thanks again for all your hard work - it is appreciated!


I'm also playing the game on easy to more or less see how it goes - I'm far into it, past the arrival of the spaceship, but am still unable to research my own spacecraft. I own all but 3 regions, leaving them for the cultists to further the plot. Now all the action consists of building up my research in other weapons and waiting for Wargot attacks on my controlled regions.


I know I'm playing on easy, but the Wargots are ridiculously easy to kill off. I should perhaps try on normal but it would take a long time to get to them again to compare how tough they are to kill on normal. Perhaps the Wargot armor needs some boosting, though.


Wargots seem to kill themselves very often with their own weaponry, especially the missile launchers. Is that a function of the easy setting or is the AI just dumb?


I'd also like to see some different camo for my soldiers - are there any other armor and uniform mods that I can use that are compatible with your own?


Finally, are any of the night weapon sights and thermal sights any good? Do they really work? I equip my troops with them but can't see much improvement. Though I must admit that on one night scenario, I turned on thermal imaging and could see an enemy on the battlefield that was otherwise just shown as a sound contact. That was cool Are my soldiers with thermal able to make that distinction also - does the AI use it for them?


Thanks for taking time to read this and please keep up the great work - this is my favorite tactical game since X-Com and I really enjoy playing it with your mod much more than I did the vanilla.

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I always wondered (in vanilla AS too)... Aren't the Wargot armor stats swapped? Wargot in full armor (the one that appears next to cultist leader in the cutscene) is easier to kill than Wargot in partial heavy armor...
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Okim: are these bugs? In the game or possibly in the mod? Or do I have a corrupt file somewhere?

1. I can see gauss weapons on the research tree under "other tech" but I cannot research it. Also, I cannot seem to research Wargot accelerator weapons.


2. There is a research category in the "all labs" tree that shows up as "1088931915:NAME" but cannot be researched; the icon is a white block.


3. Plasma grenades and plasma missiles show up in the tree but cannot be researched; their icons are white blocks also.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There appears to be a typo in the address of the link: A letter h missing from "http". you can download the file by copypasting the underlined section to the address bar and adding the h. Or just copypasting it from www. onwards.


Interesting mod btw, I just came to think of getting back to AS, maybe with this mod/some mods I can actually be arsed to finish the damn game. It's great fun, but the end game with the starghosts is a bit of a chore. :P


But enough off-topic, Ima go dig out my AS disc and install it, and start trying out the mods. Just thought I'd toss out that little tidbit about the broken link.

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Thanks for the heads up, I've fixed the link in the files section. We'll upload it here soon, but still some trouble with the system.


Emm. Did i forgot to add a link in this thread or was it removed by moderators? :P


1. I can see gauss weapons on the research tree under "other tech" but I cannot research it. Also, I cannot seem to research Wargot accelerator weapons.


This tech requires advanced weapons and any kind of Wargot accelerator cannon IIRC.


2. There is a research category in the "all labs" tree that shows up as "1088931915:NAME" but cannot be researched; the icon is a white block.


Thats odd. It was fixed in version 92. When does it appear for the first time? And is it present if you start a new game? Any modded techs will update only in new games.


3. Plasma grenades and plasma missiles show up in the tree but cannot be researched; their icons are white blocks also.


There are some requirements for these techs that start to show plasma grenades and missiles right after you get these techs. It is ok.


I know I'm playing on easy, but the Wargots are ridiculously easy to kill off. I should perhaps try on normal but it would take a long time to get to them again to compare how tough they are to kill on normal. Perhaps the Wargot armor needs some boosting, though.


I know that. Wargot are indeed quite easy to deal with and they do really require some boosting :)


Wargots seem to kill themselves very often with their own weaponry, especially the missile launchers. Is that a function of the easy setting or is the AI just dumb?


AI issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having a instability issue with the game currently.


At random, in squad manager, on moving a troop to a different position, the game crashes


Also, every time I click on "All techs" the game CTD


On a side note, when do the cultists start bring out cyborg-only weapons...


I really want to test some of them out =]

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I'm having a instability issue with the game currently.

At random, in squad manager, on moving a troop to a different position, the game crashes

Same in vanillia, when moving in the squad, not in the roster.


Also, every time I click on "All techs" the game CTD

Oh? I didn't know this bug. I'll try this in vanillia.

EDIT: "All labs" and "Other tech" don't CTD with my vanillia (i can't say in the mod, as I don't use it).

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Whoops, I didn't notice you made a new AK model. Sorry about, that model is very good.


I've a question: my games often crashes and when it happens, I can't load the latest savegame. Is this a bug of the game or a bug of the mod?


Crashes are game-based. They seem to happen when a game runs for a long time and you have played many tactical missions. There seems to be some sort of memory leak or smth like that. Closing ufo every 1-2 hour or right before major battles and restarting it again helps most of the times for me.


Crashes in inventory are some what random and cannot be predicted...


great mod, but why use gaussweapons close range skill? bug?


Bug. Already fixed, but awaits upload.

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I love this mod, and am inquiring on the status of the next update.

I'm not asking when it is coming out mind you, I am wondering how goes the next update, the status of the mod update if you will.

Also, I am curious if you, Okim are planning on adding a P90 to the game?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think this mod i very good, but there is one thing that irritate me - Cultist snipers. They are much too overpowered - they can shoot (through obstacle like train, floor, truck) my soldier from opposite corner of the map and a kill him with 1-2 shots. If soldier survive it's a big chance, that he will panic and start shooting to other soldiers. I'm playing without snipers, because they are too overpowered, so I can't kill sniper. Even if I play with snipers, the sniper will die before killing Cultist sniper. Is it possible to remove the sniper rifles from the game? The game would be much more balanced (in previous games snipers kill about 85% enemies) and much more interesting.


There are three things that might be related to mod or might be a coincidence: Cultist arrive too quickly (I had only 5-6 province and almost no weapon), they are too little experience from missions, and resources are located in groups (Europe: 4 Humans resources - 8 Cyborgs - 1 Psionics; South America: 4-1-0; North America: 0-4-2; Africa: 4-0-1).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, Okim!

I have read of your MOd and have started a new game to try it out (i'm finishing the EvilAcanti.. err, the MYrm's, in my original, ill-fated game concurrently).

So far, I am delighted by your mod, and intrigued by the visual effects, to where i now want to do my own texturing. I had to laugh on seeing that you also mod SOS - that's the game i just came off a bender of, before the current AS bender. Next time I go back to SOS, your mod will be my new game.

I could quibble some of the more details in yours, but not in terms of "no you're wrong"; but matter of taste, thats' hardly surprising- I htink it's more surprising i agree with so many of the changes (after, as i read, it became more than an art mod).


I noticed you stopped where i want too start - the wargots.

I wanted to chnage their "skins", their toughness, abit of their weapons, and squads.

partially this was because until last night i mis-understood the story and thought the star-ghosts were , in effect, the projections of the Myrm's; rather than yet another humanoid race

(and i think such would be in fact, "neat" - i kept wondering why i couldn't find a 'ghost' on the wargot ship - my game was spoiled by the cultist-last-base "bug" and so i had wargots and starghosts concurrently).

Anyway, i think it unfortunate the game treats them as bland mooks; I imagined them as a Crusader Army ( seeing themselves a such) - and being anything other than the push-overs they are.

If you're interested, we could get into specific changes/classes I have in mind, you seem like the person to bounce this off.


I was also considering modding the psi-suit skins to look like "eldritch" runic "circuitry" - to imply it's protection comes from the psych of the wearer. Maybe i could mod that. too.

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I think this mod i very good, but there is one thing that irritate me - Cultist snipers. They are much too overpowered - they can shoot (through obstacle like train, floor, truck) my soldier from opposite corner of the map and a kill him with 1-2 shots. If soldier survive it's a big chance, that he will panic and start shooting to other soldiers. I'm playing without snipers, because they are too overpowered, so I can't kill sniper. Even if I play with snipers, the sniper will die before killing Cultist sniper. Is it possible to remove the sniper rifles from the game? The game would be much more balanced (in previous games snipers kill about 85% enemies) and much more interesting.


There are three things that might be related to mod or might be a coincidence: Cultist arrive too quickly (I had only 5-6 province and almost no weapon), they are too little experience from missions, and resources are located in groups (Europe: 4 Humans resources - 8 Cyborgs - 1 Psionics; South America: 4-1-0; North America: 0-4-2; Africa: 4-0-1).


Buster, with all due respect;

Did you play this far in the un-modded AS? Because, that's not necessarily an ACM issue - it's a cultist issue. You specifically mention the "Vivid image circlet" - actually you mention the effects of it - and i think it IS unbalanced ( if it was a projector, or only triggered on PSI damage, I would have no problem with it) - but again, it's part of the regular game.

The cultists are using PSYCHIC SNIPERS - I want you to think about that !

( notice they target your psi's first?) Even in the regular game, they see you first - get tricky!- and keep in mind, they are throwing 50-cal BMG rounds at your head. Yes, there may be casualties.

ANyway, your post is old, and i expect you already whipped them and moved on, or gave up on AS ( or ACM) by now, but, hey sometimes we don't let a little thing like logic stop us.

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Sorry guys. It seems that UFO AS ACM will remain at its current progress for a long long time. There were problems with my current AS install and i have no copy of the game.


Perhaps i`ll get it in 2010, but there is no guarantee.

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