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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. I think this mod i very good, but there is one thing that irritate me - Cultist snipers. They are much too overpowered - they can shoot (through obstacle like train, floor, truck) my soldier from opposite corner of the map and a kill him with 1-2 shots. If soldier survive it's a big chance, that he will panic and start shooting to other soldiers. I'm playing without snipers, because they are too overpowered, so I can't kill sniper. Even if I play with snipers, the sniper will die before killing Cultist sniper. Is it possible to remove the sniper rifles from the game? The game would be much more balanced (in previous games snipers kill about 85% enemies) and much more interesting. There are three things that might be related to mod or might be a coincidence: Cultist arrive too quickly (I had only 5-6 province and almost no weapon), they are too little experience from missions, and resources are located in groups (Europe: 4 Humans resources - 8 Cyborgs - 1 Psionics; South America: 4-1-0; North America: 0-4-2; Africa: 4-0-1).
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