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Dawn Of War


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Alright, with this post i re-open the Dawn of War thread from the ufoaftermath-forum.


And for this i have some nice presents for you.

First some screenshots from my maps, which you can find on my site (link in my signature):




Picture 1


Picture 2


Picture 3


Picture 4




And here a new map for 2 players:



Picture 5


Picture 6



The fighting takes place in a holodeck, parts of the decks surface shine through the virtual ground...


Btw, you can also find a map with the Xcom-Base layout there...


Picture 7



Edited: Changed pics into links because of the lack of an auto-format feature on this board :(

Edited by Pete
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Ouch! Nice screens, but please, as mentioned in the welcome thread, try and keep them to 600 pixels wide or create small thumbnails of about 180 pixels wide and link to the larger ones using the thumbnails.


It doesn'ttake too much extra work and I want to keep the place tidy :(

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I like the looks of some of Aralez's new maps.


My goal was to play the two single player campaigns of Lord of the Rings Battle For Middle Earth during the Christmas Holiday. I didn't quite make it and get it done, so I have been behind ever since.


I still have to finish the Evil Campaign - Sauron Mordor, Evil Men Mumakill, and Sauruman and Lurtz. Once I get the Evil Campaign done, then there doesn't seem to be as much to do with BFME. The Skirmish Mode in that one doesn't look anywhere near as interesting as the Skirmish Mode in Dawn of War. I don't like the base building and gameplay as much in BFME, it's the campaign, the conquering of the map and the acquiring and using of the special features that makes that BFME game addictive, but the overall mission gameplay is rather boring for the most part, especially in comparison to Dawn of War.


So, someday I'll find time to get BFME finished, and then I think I'll find myself back with DoW. I'm waiting for Aralez to report that there is actually a race replacement out there for DoW that is actually worth playing. It would be fun to play a whole new race and actually have it all done and ready to go and enjoyable.

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At the rate we were goin we would overtake the old Love Nest for number of posts! We were cut short before our prime!  :o


I thought we DID! :o


Hrm, the quote button doesn't seem to work. The 'reply' button next to it does the job. :(

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Hey guys, I'm sure these maps are awesome but what's the game like?! I nearly bought it and in fact a guy who sleeps opposite me actually owns it so...


Well I'll steal it tonight anyway but what did you guys think? :(



If you know Total Annihilation you have a good idea how DoW is. Basically one could say DoW is a simplified and modernized (3D) Warhammer 40k version of TA. The game mechanics are almost the same and even the editor-tools have some similarities.


I found some terrains of real-world locations (e.g. Mons Olympus on Mars, New York etc.). I will test them in the Mission editor, let's see if they are of use...

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The Mons Olympus terrain (from NASA) turned into a nice 8 player map:




As usual on my site. Have fun!


If someone wants the other terrain files (already made importable into the Mission Editor), post here, i will send them to you. Most of them are not very playable and need rescaling, though.

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DOH!! FireWarrior! LOL How dare you mention that game in our beloved DOW nest! :o


K, you here! :o Ummm, did u perchance happen across those 15 Boyz squds, 6 Killa Kanz, 1 Big Mek,War Boss OrkaMorka and his pet squiggoth on your way over here? I sent them to look for u, now you not wot Orkz is like, they may have mistook my orders and tried to chop u up in little pieces instead of "escorting" you ova 'ere. Honestly I said don't harm him too much!


But beens ur 'ere I guess u got here safely (damn) I mean oh good!


No ones mentioned it so I guess no one is up for a game tonight? Or maybe tomorrow?























Aralez is it ready yet?! :(

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DOH!! FireWarrior! LOL How dare you mention that game in our beloved DOW nest!  :o


K, you here!  :o  Ummm, did u perchance happen across those 15 Boyz squds, 6 Killa Kanz, 1 Big Mek,War Boss OrkaMorka and his pet squiggoth on your way over here? I sent them to look for u, now you not wot Orkz is like, they may have mistook my orders and tried to chop u up in little pieces instead of "escorting" you ova 'ere. Honestly I said don't harm him too much!


But beens ur 'ere I guess u got here safely (damn) I mean oh good!


No ones mentioned it so I guess no one is up for a game tonight? Or maybe tomorrow?



Aralez is it ready yet?!  :cry:


What are you talking about ? The map from above ? :( And yes about tomorrow ! What time ?

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OK! 20:30 GMT. In the second chatroom. And make sure you download the Sacrifice map, so we can make cool screenshots of your cultists, just like the one you liked so much B)


Personally i play Orks very often in the last time. I think they are a bit weak in the early game, but in the endgame they are very strong, especially the Nobz squads, just like Terminators only faster... Usually at the start i'm going for a tactic with 4 unit-sluggaz (+1Nobz-boss), which i arm with flamethrowers to break morale easily, one squad gets attached to the boss-unit and teleports into close combat. Later i build mad-docs (and light vehicles) and attach them, too. In the endgame tankbustas and the Nobz-squads companied by heavy vehicles, finish the enemy off. But still i feel a bit vulnerable with them, i don't know why.... especially in the early game phase.....


Slaughter, will u be there tomorrow , too? :(


If anyone wants a small preview of the updated site, look here: https://www.os.101main.com/ufo/Temp/DoW_Section.html


I still need the OK from corsix before i make it my official new site. The layout has been improved a bit, but overall it's the same site as before...

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