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base ratio?


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i have my research and engineering bases on the interior of my territory and my military bases on the outskirts, for quick response times to UFOs. but now the biomass has appeared.. things are gong to have to change.. ???
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Fortunately, my biomass only appears to be around Antarctica and South Africa with a small blob in the middle of Russia. I'm downing Planters left, right and centre with a high concentration of military installations and just five or six research/development bases in the middle.


I also find it often helps to send out multiple interceptor squadrons as they get rebuilt for free, so you may as well make sure the enemy is down :rolleyes:

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I've been putting all my bases on the INTERIOR of my re-taken territory as either research or development (depending on what I am emphasizing more at the moment) and the PERIPHERY bases (those that are on the border of the re-taken/alien controlled frontier) are all military.


This has appeared to have served me well to date. My research times are sub-12 hours, and my production time on most anything is under 8 hours. Also, I can intercept any alien UFO that comes up, and can get to any hot spot within a 12 hour helo ride.

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I go for a 5:3:2 (m:r:e), with all the military bases on my border.


Sure, my research and developement are slower but no UFO comes over my land without being shot down and my territory doesn't get invaded either (giving me more time to research).

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Before I stupidly deleted my saved games I had 27 bases just before the Russia mission, 15 military-7 Engineering - 5 Research. I had more research bases but I had nothing to research so I changed to military so I could shoot some UFO's down!
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Yea, I havent a solid base ratio myself.


*Military bases on the outskirts of my influence zone (I've heard that they make other hostile zones made aviable faster)

*Bio repulsion bases on the front with biomass (managed to get that damned goo localized in africa and spain....for now)

*R&D bases in the middle of my little kingdom. Much more development bases (I need more bio armors)

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