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The Different UFO(x-com) games


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I remember I played one of the UFO games along time ago, think it must have been 7 or 8 years ago atleast, not sure though. It was the one where you had the flying suit, interceptors, avangers, blaster bombs etc....


What I hope is that someone can explain the different games to me.


How many games has been releases, whats their names and does anyone know what platform they where meant for...


Id really like to play some of the old games and hope that someone can help me :rolleyes:

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I wonder how many other people will have replied as I type this.


UFO - Enemy Unknown - aliens from mars attack very dark, very scary, good fun.

One alien would kill 4 of your men before you got him.


UFO - Terror from the deep - Same aliens from #1 had been hiding under water, kill em with spear guns. Still scary, but green and murky.


X-com - Apocalypse - Big city, 40s style vehicles, reat time or turn based, face huggers, skeltiods and dimentional gateways;.


X-com ? ? ? few 1st party shooters and a flight sim, nothing like the originals, just cashing in on the name.


and now, this.




Editied because I got the name of the underwater one wrong.

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The original was UFO: Enemy Unknown.


The sequal was X-COM: Terror from the Deep. This was idential to UFO but underwater and in naval bases.


Then there was X-COM: Apocalypse, where the game went real-time and you could crawl and still enter buildings (Aftermath is a step backwards from this!)


Then there was X-COM: Interceptor. This was a space flight sim but you still made your bases etc.


Then there was X-COM: Alliance, which was cancelled (based on the Unreal engine, first person).


Then there was that crappy arcade blaster which was so arse I can't even remember the name (something like X-COM: Braindead).



UFO: Aftermath is NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ABOVE GAMES. It's just "a game of that type".


[EDIT: We posted at the same time. Damn!]


[EDIT: the last offical game was the awful X-COM: Enforcer]

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it was x-com enforcer the arcade game and i never even blinked at it.


i do remember seeing x-com: alliance and wish it could have been finished, i wanted nothing more than to walk up to a sectoid in UFO:EU in firest person and blow his brains out :rolleyes:

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They nearly finished Alliance but the publishers cut the funding completely. It would have been amazing but delays occurred because they updated the game engine rather than sticking with what they had.


Aftermath has made me want to play Apocalypse again.

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Just found a windows version of ufo : enemy unknown that works on my wk2 computer :rolleyes: All the memories :blink: It actually works ok, the only problem is that when I move the mouse to the end of the screen to scroll it scrolls from one side of the map to the other...its just to fast...difficult to find that guy of yours in the middle of the map ....
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If you want the original X-com you can find it here *LINK REMOVED BY ADMIN*


It's legal to download because Microprose like a year or so ago gave any standing away and lets people distrbute or Download for free now. It was even on a pcgamer disc like a year or so ago.


There's a cracked exe that comes along with it too so it works on Xp.


*Note from Pete - it is not legal to download it from abandonware sites as it is not abandonware. Not long back, an abandonware site got told to remove it by Infogrames/Atari as they still hold the license for all the X-COM games. Please do not post and link to warez/CD cracks/abandonware sites on this forum, as we don't want to be shut down by anyone for linking to these sites. Anyone who wishes to discuss abandonware issues with the X-COM series can feel free to PM me or e-mail me (I don't bite!:rolleyes:), but don't post more about it in this topic.*

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While I'm really enjoying Aftermath (after finding and fixing the difficulty setting...was set to Hard! No wonder I kept getting slaughtered!), I still feel that Enemy Unknown was the best of the breed. I wish someone would open up that source code and make it compatible with 2k/XP. I loved the comic book artistic stylings, the base building, the research, etc... I loved the way the armour (wait a sec, I'm an American...make that "armor") looked.


You could go into buildings, too, which I thought was going to be possible here but it isn't...bleh.


Also, didn't we get "alien scanners" in Enemy Unknown? I miss those! lol.


- Rave


P.S. To this day I LOVE the opening "cinematic" for Enemy Unknown!

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It's actually still totally illegal to download the games, so I've edited the above link. Just because UFO Enemy Unknown (X-COM UFO Defense outside the EU) was on a cover disc does NOT make it free and available to distribute and download. It means that PCGamer paid for the rights to distribute it as a one off.


I must alo stress that it is against forum policy to link to any abandonware sites as they frequently violate copyright laws and we'd rather not have our site here shut down for linking to them in even the most marginal of ways.


If anyone from Infogrames/Atari (the company that owns the license and does sod all with it) would like to tell me any differently, then I'm interested in being corrected on this as I've got a site bigger than this one devoted to all the X-COM games at https://www.x-com.co.uk


Anywho - you ALL missed off two games from the list, it should read like this:


1) UFO Enemy Unknown (X-COM UFO Defense)

5) E-Mail Games - X-COM (The e-mail game, quite cool but impossible to find in the shops any more)

6) X-COM Enforcer (3rd person shooter)

2) X-COM Terror From The Deep

4) X-COM Interceptor (The rock-hard (on hard setting) flight simulator)

3) X-COM Apocalypse

*) X-COM Alliance (The never-completed first person shooter)

*) X-COM Genesis (The half-started fully-rotatable/zoomy UFO Enemy Unknown/UFO Aftermath type game that got canned years ago at about the same time as Alliance).


The above is in chronological order in the X-COM timeline of events. The number prefixing the game title is the order they were released in (never sure about Interceptor/Apoc :withstupid:).

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Alliance and Interceptor took place at around the same time, ie before Apocalypse.


As for Enforcer, it was a dopey stupid arcade game, but if you clicked off the brain, it was kinda fun while it lasted. Alliance, however, would have been awesome. It's funny that apparently Hasbro / Infogrames didn't see the potential in it, because later Rainbow Six came out and really made that genre catapult into the mainstream. If Alliance would have been finished and had a good multiplayer mode, the game would have sold bundles. :hmmm:

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Actually no as I said microprose gave away all rights and it is shareware now so you can put the link back, pcgamer itself said this is a free program and we didn't pay anything for it. It was some top ten list of greatest game that are free now or something. Companys can do that sort of thing you know letting people download it for free after awhile.
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I enjoyed Apocalypse above all the others simply because it had so many facets and levels of depth to it. I've never played a game since that allowed so much flexibilty when it came to how you play tactical missions AND they even managed to solve the great real time/turn based divide intelligently.


The idea of having to protect the other factions bases or gradually lose out on sources of valuable equipment was and, so far as I know, still is unique.


It's also one of the few games I ever went back to after completing and then cheating hideously and still found enjoyable.



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Amazon are funny. X-COM Alliance has a sales rank with them (it's their 7,318 best-selling item!).


Thanks for the reminder of the email X-COM game. I also never knew about Genesis.


Incidentally, did anyone finish Interceptor? I finished X-Wing, TIE-Fighter and all that lot so I thought I was good at space sims. Then I played Interceptor and lost most missions and each took about an hour!

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how can underclocking the CPU using a util damage the CPU ?


I still kept my x-com games , UFO defence , TFTD , Apocalypse . i hope they will run in winXP ? So i dont think i need to hunt for the x-com collector's edition




Looks like the utility CPUKILLER the name doesnt mean it kills your CPU i hope :withstupid: , but it looks like it works in windows XP for those who need it


click here

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Incidentally, did anyone finish Interceptor? I finished X-Wing, TIE-Fighter and all that lot so I thought I was good at space sims. Then I played Interceptor and lost most missions and each took about an hour!

I finished the Interceptor and I absolutely LOVED it! I know, many X-Com fans said that this is a stupid game and so on, but I liked it.


I couldn't finish it too when I had only keyboard and mouse, but when I bought myself a nice joystick, I was able to play it through properly.

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I bought the original retail box of Interceptor - with the "PC Dash" card.


OK - if it's doable I'll try it again. Will it run with XP do you know? It's a game from the Voodoo2 generation but it uses D3D not Glide (thankfully), so with luck it'll be ok.


I'd better install it then and hunt for the patch.

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