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Expansion Pack


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Although there are a few topics floating around about what you want to see in a patch. I thought I would see what people would want out of an expansion pack. In terms of a story or change in gameplay?


I wouldn't mind a few things like vehicles (like the submersibles from TFTD) and to be able to go into a few buildings. It would be cool to have a totally new Tech tree as well. :rolleyes:


The coolest thing I'd like to see would be to carry straight on from where the last one finished - so you have all your team and current research and you just go on from there? :blink:


Any ideas from the rest of you?

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Expansion packs are starting to become a money spinner for publishers. I get the impression that content is deliberately cut out so that it can be sold as an expansion. Before you know it they've had 50 pounds off you for a game that should have been 30.


I don't think they could do enough with an expansion. If a future UFO game is made I want this:


The freedom of Terror from the Deep, with complex cities like in Apocalypse, with the graphics of Aftermath.


And why the hell can't we have tanks and call in air-strikes? Or develop robots? Why can't we (as in "Aliens") start the mission in an APC and drive around?


Aftermath is a good game - it proves that there is a market for this type of game (I've now bought UFO, TFTD, Apocalypse, Interceptor and Aftermath). Will someone now invest in making a first-class game of it with masses of management and combat?

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Yeah, robots / weapon platforms would be great. Immune to psi-takeover. :devil:


Oh, and I also hate how you can't go into any building, but I think such is impossible to realize in an addon. Problems like the "where's that last alien"-syndrome could be worked around, with stuff like motion detectors.

Anyway, I bet we won't see that one in an addon, even if Altar make one.



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totally change of weaponry (dreaming of rifle;gauss;laser;plasma)

generally make it like ufo&tftd add fundings add more ufo`s that need to be researched etc etc etc argh :withstupid:

ufo:am is really awesome but i miss ufo&tftd (imagine both titles with the aftermath engine .. perhaps we get the tools to do but i dont think the engine code will be that open for change to turnbased,more ufos,lesser confusing armors&weapons,fundings by countries or organisations and ->BASE BUILDINGS<-)

nevertheless Altar did a great job on am .. so go buy the game so we can hope for a sequel (perhaps we can convince Altar to be an exp pack or a standalone version like ufo or tftd if we ask nicely ;)

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In a expansion i want the raphic quality of Silent Storm! :)


And vehicles have been done in Fallout Tactics, even if not perfect, they did work fine, so i supose a competent and wonderful team as the guys that had done Original War (I don't recall...OW had a Skirmish mode???) could also pull this of! :)


Bigger tech (science/engie) trees, and FLOORS! For chryst sake, give me Floors! Should i tell SILENT STORM again? :)


Maybe we should work on a Silent Stom mod with UFO in mind? :):)


Common, guys, make floors and you have the best guy ever in the UFO genre (since is not the franchise...right!).


And thanks for reading me. :):)


Btw, did i mention that FLOORS would be damn cool? :)

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I would like the story to go on from Aftermath in expansion.

Let's say that friendly grays were so impressed by humans quality to destroy things ( :withstupid: ) that they started to hire humans to counter baddies throughout the galaxy. Aand because there were so little humans left and earth needs to be rebuilt, then humans need somekind of "job" to keep them alive.


I would really like to see humans CONQUERING a planet already infested with biomass - starting from one stronghold biorepulsion base.


That would be idea for expansion... but other things.

I'd like to see some robots that I can send in when I know that behind the corner sits an alien with super-heroic skill in PSI. Just to wax that bastard.

And that robot would be upgradeable with different weapon loadouts etc.


Hey, we can build that kind of distant-controlled robots even now, eh? So it wouldn't be so utopian or anything. ;)

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How about a race to colonise Mars? The humans have to ship "pre-fab" bases there from Earth at the start but later on can use Mars resources.


I started a game of the original UFO last night and I have to say I miss all the funding side of the game. I liked having to keep governments happy. I like selling of alien tech for massive profit. Now I just train soldiers. :withstupid:

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Nice one, I agree with you that it could be a good expansion or sequel for that matter. Defending earth has it's charms, but attacking an unknown world with more or less unknown lifeforms,weather and whatever sounds quite appealing :withstupid:

Also, this would be much more difficult since we'de have to get a bridgehead and then fight our way to get good foothold for further expansion. This could also be done for a solarsystem too, and then even more variety. Galaxy-sized expansion would be oh so nice, but I'm afraid it is hardly doable without a high budget over several years ;)



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Thats not a bad idea zowarth, basiclly doing what the aliens r doing to us.

Would be pretty difficult as well as u would only have what u took with u to start with so weapons/ammo limited + the aliens would be useing all weird stuff that u have no clue about so have to research all that. Defo sounds pretty good

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I'd like to see limited view range for appropraite creatures, and an option to change facing.


This gives more opportunities to sneak up on bad guys, and more opps to be snuck up on if you aren't covering properly. This was one of the coolest things about XCOM.


- Rave

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"crapgame" has been banned from all sites and forums across my network for flagrantly abusing forum rules and privileges, signing up with an unacceptable member name, altering his e-mail account after sign-up to something very pro-terrorism and anti-american, thusly providing a false method of contact, spamming, shooting the game down without much in the way of reason...


You can click on his member title and view the full list of posts made by this user to see more of why action was neccessary.


Should crapgame wish to switch IP or even attempt to re-enter the forums to do the same, his ISP will be contacted and notified of his actions.


I think I'm running out of stuff to say, and some of the above isn't in the forum rules (yet), so anyone who wishes to comment on my decision can feel free to send me a personal message (without fear of similar action naturally ;)).


Topic will remain open (getting tired of copy&pasting this text now :D) as not everyone's a complete fruitcake in here )

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Let's see... I like the idea of taking the fight to aliens. Let's imagine that earth wasn't the only planet they tried the biomass project on (it would be stupid anyway), so there is another planet where allied human/grey forces fly to and try to clear the biomass through orbital bombardment. Their ship is shot down and crash lands. Now is where player comes in...using limited resources you have to call for help and hold off your position, in time you'd get reinforcements via small undetectable ships or just try to salvage and rescue crews of other ships. That's it for the story, now for game additions:


1) More mission types and working missions like biomass clearing (imagine squad of heavy armored soldiers burning everything down with heavy flamers) or sabotage ones (we could use some silenced weapons).


2) More normal (not bio) technology from human-grey cooperation.


3) Mechanical units (like robots or scouting/sabotagin devices) sound nice, also some extra implants maybe (easy to implement as additional training but you could only install limited number of those), and those would be needed anyway because of very limited human resources.


4) Automated sentry guns, mines and proximity grenades. Also making inc ammunition burn out the terrain and making flames burn longer in overall.


5) Calling in 1-2 airstrikes in open terrain mission (probably limited by aviable ships or ammo)


6) Power armors (heavy ones are just too weak in term of protection)


7) Close combat weapons (I find it silly to see greys firing rocket launchers and damaging interiors of their own ships)


More to come... :withstupid:

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how about an expansion or patch where the rocket launchers shoot farther than squirt guns? Rl's ought to have a range as good as a sniper weapon. no?
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to make this short :withstupid:

(in non alphabetical order)


-blaster bomb like rocket system


-more details on research with pics to each item


-turn based tactical system, could be like apo .. decide to play rt oder tb

(hopefully the engine is flexible enough)


-sorta tanks like originals had


-fundings from organisations or countries


-more sorts of aliens


-lower ammount of conventional weapons -> increase effektivesness of xcom weapons vs aliens as example


-base building


my personal thoughts ;)

not a complete list just the major points .. ufo:a is a very good game but perhaps i am too much "poisoned" from ufo and tftd that i`m amazed on the one side from it and disappointet on the other (comparing to ufo/tftd)

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for patch:


that the glossary and research tree are more useabale, like subcatogories for the alien weapons, normal weapons, handguns, rifles and such, right now its an mess to go through everything, reserach of alien transgens in one and found techs in other...


closeable door, u can open them why not close?


more things to blow up, if its there why cant one blow it up?


dead or hurt aliens inside\outside downed ufo's, i have not seen any alien medkit sofar


part-mission victory\defeat, when having mission of downed ufo one would not need to go inside the ufo and can ask for bombardment to destroy it after one have killed all outside forces ofcours, helpful when attacking ships in later stage of the game and the greys uses their rocket launcher inside, heck i have come up in downed ufo bases that are as large as usual planter ufo inside and having like 3 greys shooting rockets at u in the place u spawn in, how to survive that(havnt got any bio armor)

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Hi, I'm new here, and I am looking foward to Aftermath's U.S. release! That being said, I have noticed some problems (from reading the offical boards, and these ones too!) So, here is my .02 cents, less taxes and inflation meaning my opinion isn't worth the letters its printed on :withstupid:


-blaster bomb like rocket system


I don't know if thats a good idea, based on what I've read, 5 aliens who start next to you and can guide rockets onto your moving guys would imbalance the game.



-sorta tanks like originals had


I like that idea, but it seems like the designers didn't want to have multi-squared human units. So how about insead of a 4 square tank, we have a 1 squared robot or something? It could be like apoc's androids. Or it could be similar to the robot in JA2 (where you permanantly equip it with a single weapon for the rest of the game.) Or it could be an enhanceable scout ball for all I know... ;)


-fundings from organisations or countries


This I don't really like, as it has been done to death in xcom 1-4. Besides, in AM there is no real government left. (besides the CoE- right?)

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