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Everything posted by rezaf

  1. Sadly, my version didn't require a serial# and thus I could not install the update from Matrix/Tri-Synergy. Once on is out, I will update it. If you are willing to go through the effort, you could upload the three xsrc files my mod contains as changed by the update someplace. It should be easy for me to update it to work again. I'm working on a slightly more complex mod allowing to auto-resolve tactical missions now ... we'll see whether I manage to pull it off. _____ rezaf
  2. Sorry for the blatant self-advertising, but since Slaughter explicitly mentioned missing item information on the equipment screens, I also missed this and modded it back in. Has some very minor issues (basically cosmetics) and I stopped working on it for the time being, but it does what it sets out to do. Thread on the official boards here. A preview screenshot: http://img471.imageshack.us/img471/2526/previewkz7.gif _____ rezaf
  3. Nothing beats answering your own questions, I guess. From what I understand, I'm merely encountering another display of the Altar programmers lack of ability, manifesting itself in giving random player territories to the AI whenever it was exterminated from the planet. God I'm glad I waited until this hit the bargain bin. _____ rezaf
  4. I figure I'm now a good portion through UFO:AS. I own most of the globe's regions and I'm in the process of building components for that space ship. However, I'm encountering some EXTREMELY tedious situation: Regions are randomly taken from me and given to the Wargots/Cultists. They are not attacked, neither do I get a msg about them having fallen to enemy propaganda, they are just taken from me in a seemingly random manner. And it's not single regions, anywhere from three to half a dozen of them change ownership randomly, and sometimes I haven't taken them all back when the next batch falls to the enemy. So I'm basically constantly Laputa'ing around the globe to retake regions. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? It seems to affect anti-propaganda bases as much as bases with barracks and empty bases - really appears to be random. But since it's getting REALLY tedious, I'd be happy for a "solution", if there is one. Thanks _____ rezaf
  5. Bleh, what morons are these programmers that at 1.2 such severe bug is still in? Anyway, thanks for the reply. I can't seem to be able to locate any further aliens in the level, but I'll try harder. _____ rezaf
  6. ... but, how the heck do I finish a capture mission? I only installed this yesterday and this is my first capture mission, so please bear with me. I had little problems finding and capturing the alien I was supposed to capture, but from what I understand, now I'm supposed to escort him to the entry zone. The problem is, he appearently cannot climb ladders, so ... how do I get the bugger out of the UFO?!? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks _____ rezaf
  7. I was under the impression the Collapsible Plasma Gun was a human appliance of alien technologie rather than an alien weapon. ______ rezaf
  8. Just a sidenote: I've seen far more people moan about how FAST research is in Aftermath. I mean, surely it has been sponsored by the company which does books like "Java Script in 24 hours", because you can research stuff like Laser Weapons in UFO:AM in a similar amount of time, probably even less. ______ rezaf
  9. Sounds weird. My game ended in early May, when I did the final mission, and I wasted almost a month recovering my troops, which were in bad shape after the "Capture the Retribution" mission, and manufacturing additional equipment (mainly Bioarmors and Warp Healtkits) for them, before that. ______ rezaf
  10. Yes, I'm sure. In fact, I don't remember getting "nice location" missions on biomass at all. As for biomass density, I also had to keep the areas where the biomass first started spreading contained with three or four repulsors, because it would never go away entirely. At least not until the end of the game. ______ rezaf
  11. Personally, I'd like to see - the ability to change stats of everything like trangenants, aliens, weapons etc., preferrably with a way to add new stuff - a map / mission editor - some kind of "trigger/command" scripting language that at least works on geoscape level, though it would be even better if it also worked on missions. - import tools allowing custom graphics and sounds That's all for now, and Altar actually promised some of those. _______ rezaf
  12. Thankfully, I don't even need to answer to this in depth. Your colorful vocabulary gives away the level of your common sense, thanks for saving me the work. ______ rezaf
  13. Basically, the aliens are pretty useless. They don't trigger anything new, plot-wise, and they're not that useful in combat either. Btw, don't worry if they can't seem to be equipped with any armor, they come equipped with their own. ______ rezaf
  14. Don't be an ass yourself and stop being lazy, do a forum search, and find all answers in detail. :hmmm: ______ rezaf
  15. If you had checked out the forums a bit BEFORE starting this thread, you'd have noticed that there are a number of other people with similar problems. Check out the appropriate threads for answers. Basically, it's a) shoot down a planter to get bionode material and B) change your tactics radically to adapt to the steep rise in difficulty Oh, and if you haven't done so already, switch to easy. ______ rezaf
  16. If you have an older GeForce 2 Pro graphics adapter like me, you need to turn off anti-aliasing entirely, or the game won't run at all. I'm disappointed they didn't fix this issue with the 1.1A patch. ______ rezaf
  17. An X-COM total conversion is impossible to do. Let's assume it should stick to real-time combat, taking out the problem of how to change that into turn-based, there still are far too many issues to properly mod UFO:AM into anything even remotely similar to X-COM. Like Altar keep saying, this is a different game. Compared to the decade-old X-COM, AM lacks a couple of tactical elements, such as height levels, the ability to blow away parts of the terrain and/or walls etc. Also, on geoscape level, there's no funding, no base design, ... Summed up, it's impossible. Especially since Altar promised to release modding tools, but those are not to allow you to actually do very much, i.e. rebalance weapons or enemies, maybe even create new ones, much later MAYBE a map editor, that's about all they mentioned. Granted, maybe they'll surprise us all with more than that, but I have my doubts it will be enough to recreate anything like X-COM. ______ rezaf
  18. I had CoE troops capture a total of about ten alien bases located on biomass, but usually, they did fall back to the enemy immediately after capture. I got to keep only a single of them, and when I decided to turn it into a repulsor, it only cleared a small circle around itself and otherwise had not much effect, as odd as it may sound. However, I'm sure CoE troops don't usually allow you to keep those bases, either, yet it works on rare occasions. Maybe it's just a bug. ______ rezaf
  19. Oh, I also think it's a good game. Just not VERY good, let alone excellent. Like I said in the 7x% thread, this is about how I would rate it. ______ rezaf
  20. rezaf

    Squad Setup

    No, you don't NEED to use human weapons, but having at least some eases things down a bit. My setup in most missions was: 4x Advanced Alien Laser Riftle, 2x Steyr Aug, 1x Rocket Spitter. The stronger "riftlemen" I sometimes backpacked a mp7 for close combat efficency, but in most cases, I found it would only slow them down unneccessarily. Even in most base missions, I'd just find a long corridor and place them in a pattern spread out enough to be not too vulnerable to the rocket-launcher-syndrome. Due to the weak AI of the aliens, it would often work out in the desired way - with the aliens mindlessly rushing into the gunfire. Only PSI sometimes gave me a headache, or too many rocket-launching-greys at once, since even if you gun them down really fast, they always seem to get their first rocket off. At least that was my impression. Everybody equipped with the best alien armor available (even in the last mission I had only five bioarmors) and medkits (again, only in the last mission could I field 3 warp medkits), the amount depending on the capacity of the soldier in question. ______ rezaf
  21. Sir yes sir. Though I fear the game might not sell well enough to warrant a sequel - given all the little shortcomings, and even if it does, Altar's take on reviving X-COM seems to differ a lot from what I would prefer, so even if a sequel is made, I wonder if I would like it much more. No point in discussing that at this point in time, though, let alone in this thread ______ rezaf
  22. Err ... which is? ______ rezaf
  23. I didn't encounter a single black guy or girl throughout the whole game. A few indians, some arabs, but no black people. ______ rezaf
  24. At times, my team of seven people consisted of a whole 2 different voice samples. Getting a few more voice actors to talk the five different sentences used (are there even that much?) would have been money well spent, IMO. But with the characterless characters , I don't really care that much. Oh, I'm also glad someone picked up the idea behind X-COM after all these years. I'm just not too happy with the way it turned out. Especially after the long wait, having something that was not merely pretty good, but VERY good or even excellent, allowing it to live up to the original, would have been more statisfying. But if you love the game the way it is, fine, I wish I could, too. But I can't. ________ rezaf
  25. Remember the briefing about how you had to find out means to get aboard those UFOs? "We could just dig a hole into the hull of the UFO's, but let's use their teleporters, so they can prepare a proper ambush for us there. Would be damn unfair of us, to come from a surprising direction to face these greys with superior stats and weaponry, wouldn't it?" ________ rezaf
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