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Wats the best loadout?


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Just wondering what loadout everyone prefers for there squad?


I mainly use the advance aliens lasers, a plasma shotgun and a grenade launcher.


I guess that it depends what mission you doing but what do the rest of you generally use?



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Always do different loadouts for different missions, as I stated in an earlier post this game makes you use lots of different weapons for different tasks and that is a good thing :-)

I've just started seeing Reticulans in the Blue Sky Armor, and those can be expedited quite easily with the Steygr Assault Rifle (does hard damage and almost equal dmg and range to the alien laser rifle), for close quarters i sometimes use the flamethrower for insane damage (3900 dmg base value), one soldier with these can take down an alien of above said type with one blast/spray. :rolleyes:



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I've used these and had no trouble (move to the next line when it becomes available):


4 uzis, 3 shotguns

4 rifles, 3 mp5s

4 rifles, 2 snipers, 1 rpg

4 laser rifles, 2 snipers, 1 gren. launcher (this is as far as I am :rolleyes: )


Everyone has 4 ammo per weapon and enough grenades to put them on 100% capacity.


A 7 man team has 3 med-kits (in belt pouches).

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I have an other gun question. I have just gotten my first "folding weapon" (railgun) is there any way of keeping the gunner in "combat mode" so he does not fold it back after fireing? I mean it does not have a great range and takes forever to fold out and after the enemy dies he folds it back up and can use half of the next encounter deploying it once more.


BTW am I the only one that feels that combat inside the ufo's are to cramp ?

It is very hard to win in a medium UFO with 12 aliens running at you.

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