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X-Com Alliance insider info!


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As promised ages ago (these things always seem to take longer to nail than you'd expect!) I am now very happy to release my finished interview with Bob Kathman, an artist who worked on Alliance and Enforcer and was one of the key guys for how it would have looked. The interview contains lots of great info and some new glimpses at the much missed Alliance. Check it out here!
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Kudos to you Cyke!


Man, I love these interviews. Believe me, even if the games are canned your stuff sure gives us a lot of insight into what could've been and what kind of similar X-Com stuff we could come up with. Heck, the Genesis interview you did some time back helped me out TONNES along with the links provided within.


So great job indeed! :)

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Well, its not entirely altruistic on my part. 60% of the reason i do them is because i want to know, and the 40% remaining is because i want this info to be in the public domain. Alliance in particular is somewhat dear to me - you try running a fansite for over a year and making big plans then getting your hopes cancelled with the game :)
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This isn't news, this bump is throwing a flag up to see how many people really wanted Alliance.


I heard there was development of a first person shooter X-COM inspired game, I think they were using the Half-Life Engine. Can't find it anymore, three system rebuilds later. :/


I know nothing about putting together a mod project to make a new game out of an existing engine. What I hope is that some X-COM fan will take the memory of Alliance and create an FPS using Valve's Source engine.


I'm gonna suggest this in a mod forum in here somewhere also.

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You are correct, Slaughter. X-COM: Last Hope is the only project I know of which is a first-person shooter and runs on the Half-Life engine. Don't know if this is what Mazdek was thinking of, but it probably is. :)


- Zombie

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Its pretty much on hiatus right now, until they can get some more experienced people. IIRC, they're starting a new project which is inspired by X-com, but not quite tue to the story line. This is to pick up momentum and hopefully pick up some better people to help finish Last Hope later on down the track.
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If anyone is interested, the new game which the Last Hope crew started is called the Borealis project. They have a nice start on the general direction the game will take. Only time will tell if they get enough individuals to advance beyond the developmental stage. :)


- Zombie

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I wish someone ever could finish one of those projects... X-Com Last Hope is just one of many projects who could not reach completion because of lack of people, I haven't seen one of the projects I looked forward to be finished :) Hope Xenocide has better luck.


edit: I hate when you people use Alliance threads, make me sad as I was looking forward to Alliance more than any other X-Com game ever.

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I wish someone ever could finish one of those projects... X-Com Last Hope is just one of many projects who could not reach completion because of lack of people, I haven't seen one of the projects I looked forward to be finished :)

That is a common complaint these days. The main problem with the development of fan-based games is that the contributors add stuff in their spare time. It therefore takes much longer to complete. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable.


Commercial games have employees that work on the project continuously. They have a schedule to adhere to so the game gets done much faster. UFO: Extraterrestrials is such a project, and the expected release is September of this year. UFO: Aftershock is the much-anticipated game in the Aftermath series. Its official release is slated to come out October 7, 2005. At least we have some things to look forward to. :)


- Zombie

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