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The Quick and the Dead and the Stupid.


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Japan it is!



An interception over North America results in a crash site on the east coast, near Quebec. With croissant-eaters at risk, X-Com leaps into action.


Grossbeer and sir-roosio, the only ones with actual combat experience, lead the way off the 'ranger. "Come on, kiddies, careful you don't bump yourself on the way down in the ramp." sir-roosio calls.


"I can take care of myself." Khazak mutters, stuck at the back. "I've been in some right scrapes."


FireWarrior snorts, rolling his eyes. "You? What scrapes have you been in?"


"I bought a colander once."




"So, I thought it was like a grater, you know, for grating food. Had a Hell of a time taking it back, let me tell you. The manager got annoyed and everything."


Grossbeer begins to sing 'Why Are We Waiting, We Are Suffocating' softly until the rookies take the hint.


The UFO is close, only a field away.



sir-roosio, moving to cover behind the wall near the 'ranger, spots something hideous up on a rooftop.


"What is that? Doesn't even look armed. Easy meat!"


But there is another one, in the ground floor of the same farmhouse. And another, scuttling around the corner of the UFO.


Sunflasher spots the horrible insectile thing at the back door of the farmhouse and lets it have a grenade, gratis.


The explosion scars the creature's exoskeleton, and it clicks back into the farmhouse. Plasma fire comes from something near the farmhouse.


Pet3, advancing, spots two of the creatures.


A hail of laser fire from Civilian and Matri Gamma, with additional hot burning tickles from Pet3, drops them both to the floor, burst open and steaming like overcooked lobsters. sir-roosio deploys a smoke grenade to cloak the X-Commies from any more fire, so the Snakeman kindly changes targets and shoots Pet3, failing to wound him. A Chryssie gets in on the action, scuttling closer.


Pet3 gives it a burst. It refuses to die, hit twice. He tries again. It refuses to die. He tries again. It refuses to die. Grossbeer lets off a single aimed shot and it bursts like a crab in a vice. "That's the difference between a sergeant and a rookie."


"Nothing to do with you having a heavy plasma then." Pet3 asks.


Knanning, with nothing better to do, lets the farmhouse have some incendiary rounds.


Not only might it kill some aliens, it will certainly burn the place to the ground, and what is the point of being a soldier for a super secret organisation if you cannot set stuff on fire now and again.


Zombie IV, knelt behind the flimsy protection of a fence, calmly picks off an approaching Snakeman, and using a stick of chalk brought along for just this purpose, slowly scores a line on the wood.


Khazak chucks a smoke grenade, concealing Pet3 from snaky eyes, and next turn, approaches the billowing smoke cloud. He spots Snakey in the middle of the cloud, and fires off a burst.


The alien absorbs two of the three with ease, and is just baring its fangs when the third hits and cooks him to a turn. Three shots, three hits, notch up a kill.


An alien grenade comes flying out of nowhere as they are wont to do, and goes off near the 'ranger. It looks like half a dozen soldiers were hit, but wait!


Zombie IV is covered in fence, but is unhurt. j'ordos Drei has no eardrums but is fine. Skonaroo has come away with only a mild scorching. Civilian, closest to the blast, has survived with only a small wound, but bizarrely, Matri Gamma, on the opposite side of Civ to the grenade, is bleeding badly and asking to be held. Half his health gone, and three fatal wounds. The rookies scramble into action, fumbling medikits into place against every bare patch of skin they can find.


Grossbeer storms forward, takes the corner and comes eye to facial pit with the grenade-thrower.


"EHPDAS!" He roars, and the Snakeman, hit by one of three plasma blasts, remains unperturbed.


So Zombie IV skims an aimed laser into it, and draws another line on a fragment of retrieved timber, hand shaking only very faintly.


Sunflasher spots the Chryssie in the farmhouse, and blasts it, as Knanning's autocannon roars another burst, spattering flame everywhere like a dragon with the hiccoughs.


The Chryssie turns its back, unimpressed.


Skonaroo, watched by Pet3 and sir-roosio, fords into the smoke after Khazak, autocannon levelled.


He spots a Chryssie on the other side of the smoke cloud, and opens fire. Khazak feels this is an opportune time to pass out due to smoke inhalation and lies there, gasping weakly. Skonaroo kills the Chryssie, only to be shot and killed by a Snakeman, with hay bales apparently providing little protection versus plasma.


I think that qualifies him, now, as the unluckiest trooper. He's been killed in the first battle every single time he's been incarnated.


As one Chryssie finally explodes, boiled by Knanning's farmhouse inferno, another turns up.


Knanning's face begins to perform something that is technically known as a smile, but is known in medical literature as a rictus.


FireWarrior hurls a frag, hoping to pick off Skonaroo's killer, and as it explodes, lighting up the smoke with a brief flash, a Snakeman shoots FireWarrior, killing him outright. Khazak burbles in semi-delirious panic on the ground.


Pet3 speculatively lobs a proxy into the smoke, somewhere near the Snakeman's position, but far enough away not to kill Khazak. The tension stretches out like a sturdy elastic band, refusing to snap until the blast, and Pet3 punches his fist into the air. "Yeeesss!"


The blast of the dropped alien grenade going off reverses the celebratory mood. Pet3 claps a hand over his mouth. "Nooooo!" he says, behind his hand, producing a sound akin to a demented cow.


There is no trace left of Khazak.


Grossbeer directs Civilian, j'ordos Drei and Zombie IV as they round the other end of the UFO.


A Chryssie pops out of the house, and Grossbeer pops it with a pair of plasma shots.


Another Chyrssie approaches.


Pet3, traumatised by the murder-by-proxy of Khazak, cannot even bear to kill an insectile alien killing machine, and sir-roosio takes care of it, blasting the disgusting creature to bits.

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Grossbeer's team cover the UFO's door, and Zombie IV kills a Snakeman as it slithers out, oblivious.


He scrapes a line on his bit of wood with the chalk.


Next turn, he sprints across to the other side of the door, hiding in the little niche as j'ordos Drei picks off another Snakeman, who has come out to use the strangely comfortable human toilets nearby.


Inside, a Snakeman Soldier panics. Ex-cellent.


Grossbeer plunges inside, and there is a dispirited Snakeman waiting for him.


Sluggardly, it moves, and Grossbeer blasts it to smoking charcoal.


Game Over, Aliens.


Score 473 for the good guys, and bullshit zero for the bad.

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I love the smell of napalm in the morning! It smells like... barnstorming.


Cooked chryssalid eggs, anyone? Of course they're delicious. I'm sure they're on the menu at those secretive diplomatic meetings we're not supposed to know about.


And go Zombie! No need to breathe helps accuracy. Not that I'm suggesting extending the experiment to more troopers, of course.

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Another right crispy instalment with a heavy helping of dark ones.


Care for a baguette? Heeeere crissy, crissy, crissy... https://www.strategycore.co.uk/assets/images/games/x-com/ufo/races/chryssalid.gif *yipe!* ;)




Good thing some of those restrooms survived the cleansing fire...

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DAMN, the number of chryssalids was terrifying... And I learned a new word. Had to look up "rictus" and I think it fits seeing a(nother) chryssalid just fine.


Even if this battle would be fought by all-vets, HP and TU superhumans, this would be a success. But with near all rookies this is exceptional!

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I'm loving this thread FA, caught up on the whole adventure to date last night! It's really making me want to do the same as I've never played an ironman game but it'll be a month or so before I'm ready for that ;) I'd submit an application but I hear the average life expectancy isn't so good right now so I'll come back when you're field-testing power armour haha
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I thought I made my position clear?! My insurance doesn't cover unarmoured combat, professional arm-wrestling or participating in martial arts for money. At least throw me in one of those nice blue suits or it'll be a lawsuit for you ;)


Edit : Crazedc, I love how you just signed your life away to a secret military organisation tasked with defending the world from aliens and your tagline is 'rookies are expendable' lol

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My insurance doesn't cover unarmoured combat, professional arm-wrestling or participating in martial arts for money.

Our lawyers are good, and the aliens are armoured. So the insurance money will fund several new recruits. Afterwards. ;)


(Hmm. Am I legally alive now that I joined X-COM, I wonder? *consults contract* ... hmm, someone's retroactively redacted hundredtwenty out of hundredtwentyfour clauses.)


*whistles and juggles phosphorus shells*

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Great, I find this thread just in time for Chryssalids in their thousands to show up ;)


Oh the plus side reminded me of how much I love this game and I booted up a Superhuman campaign....and got invaded in Late Jan....THAT'S NOT FAIR!! And what's the deal with 27 aliens...ITEM LIMIT PEOPLE!!!


On the plus side, Psi Capable Sectoid captured, 7 rookies and a tank down. Result!! (Even if 3 of the deaths were self inflicted thanks to rather ambitiously priming grenades early ;) )

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