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But Elite isn't MMO.


Just as much as Star Citizen. You play in a persistent universe with everybody else.


Both promise to have some sort of offline option yet it seems playing that option will limit all kinds of content so... MMOs.

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"I'm in awe of board game design," says Solomon. "I am. They work under stricter rules. We can be lazier in digital game design. It's not quite the same challenge, but they do a brilliant job of combining theme and mechanics and it's just really inspiring. Just as a designer, it's thrilling for me to read how they've set up their systems. It's just fascinating."




Eurogamer's Christian Donlan delves into "The grand strategies of Firaxis" in this article.

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Thankfully, now we know the trick and it has no effect on us any more. Right? https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/suspicious.gif


Most likely wrong.


Steam is only doing what merchants have been doing for millennia. The approaches are becoming more and more thought out as science is unlocking the secrets of our individual or group behaviour (both honed in millions of years of evolution), true, yet in essence Steam has not invented anything new.


Still, the article is a great window into our consuming soul.

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