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Best x-com game?


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Which game is 'best', like the which alien is 'toughest' topic, is really a subjective matter. So many variables to take into consideration. I find it better to just enjoy the games for what they are and not try to have them one-up each other.


But that's just me.



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:P Well then witch game could yous not even pull yourselfs away from,

I find that sometimes i cant even go down stairs to get somthing to eat when im playing TFTD, (Only sometimes in case yous think im wird)

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There are weirder things...


- Playing UFO/TFTD until 5 am in a weekend, even knowing that you'll have to get up before 7 am to go to work.

- Having a Portable Toilet near yourself so you don't have to go to the bathroom while playing. (well, this was a LOOONG time ago :P )

- Configuring Trillian with X-COM alert sounds (and Star Trek too) for the buddies.

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I've played most of the X-Com games, but I think UFO & TFTD are the best ones out there. I don't mean to be rude, but Apoc/Interceptor/Enforcer weren't all that great (It prolly was b/c I was playing demos and they're not great at all...). But I'm kind of old school here, and I liked the older X-Com games much better. =P



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  • 7 months later...
Not counting for the (overly numerous, especially the research tree ones :) ) bugs, I prefer TFTD over Enemy Unknown, especially for the lovercraftian atmosphere, much varied gameplay (more kinds of mission, especially), and better gameplay. However, TFTD is bugged to hell, even with the patch... research that annoying Deep One Terrorist too early, and you'll need to start a new game.
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The only X-COM games I've played are UFO Defense, Apocalypse, and the demo to Interceptor.


UFO and Apocalypse are just as good as the other in my eyes.


In UFO there's the broader interface of protecting an entire planet and there's also a more in depth research/manufacture system.


In Apocalypse, micromanagement is more toned down. Soldiers are a little more personal as they can be specifically hand-picked instead of pulling a random schmoe from the reserves.


Interceptor didn't possess the proper space sim mechanics for me to tolerate. I couldn't even tell if my ship was getting hit or not! So I guess I hate Interceptor.

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I have played up to Interceptor. I have beat UFO Defence. I am working on beating TFTD. But, I like the first three, as they offer their differences all. I have yet to get further into Interceptor, which will be as soon as I am done with Apoc. Which will be after I beat TFTD.

On a side note, I finally beat Thief II The Metal Age. Good game over all, but poor ending. The last mission was great, though.

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UFO defense was basically a first. You could also easily relate to it. It was after all based in the year 2000 and all the important countries are on it unlike TFTD


TFTD is 10times harder then UFO mainly because of those research "bugs" lobsterman and bio-drones. And for me scarier cause I don't exactly enjoy deep water......it's almost a phobia.


Apoc was on a much more personal level. You could name the interceptors, and previously mentioned you could pick out your men instead of getting some random shmoe. The building fighting was fun at times. But it was really fun to actually take the fight to the aliens instead of going and finding where their HQ was and blowing it up. Wish they made it harder though like if your to busy fighting off alien raids they would rebuild the buildings that you blew up in their dimension

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I like UFO, TFTD and apoc all the same :) ! They are all good and have their ups and downs. EX: clicking the rerserve time units button only lasts for one turn in UFO, but in TFTD it lasts the whole mission. But in TFTD, It is a lot harder to figure out the reasearch (I have only gotten Mag ion armour ONCE and the new ships at that same time) maybe i need help, but ufo is really easy to figure the stuff out. Now Apoc, the alien dimension is cool, and it is a lot easier to get to alien sightings, and as said before a couple times, yes it is more personal to name your crafts so you can recognize them more easily for different situations. The reaserch was easy, the graphics were great compared to the older games and I LOVE :) real time mode! Much quicker and fun :) . And also the organizations are cool, they can add good allies or bad enimies. But Apoc isn't as challenging as the first two, much easier. So Apoc is better than the first two, but not a ton.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I rather prefer the tftd (look at my nick)!!!


Actually if you guys use some cheat util it can turn yr game a little more interesting tough. Of course this is only a a feeling but it can work out.


In the other hand, playing UFO is kinda fun too, but the lack of reasonable equipment like HTH weapons are critical some times during the game.

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How can you get a good statistical analysis of opinions when this is posted in the TFTD forum? :)


Personally, I look at both gameplay and concept when I choose to spend countless hours of free time sitting in one spot, staring at a screen and pushing buttons...


The gameplay in UFO and TFTD are virtually identical. TFTD has a few improvements, true, but not enough to make it feel like a real upgrade. So that leaves concept.


I like the concept of aliens from another solar system acting as an aggressive force against the modern world. Aliens in a near-future world striking from under the oceans...is maybe a little more creative, but it's less interesting to me.


Therefore, my favourite of the series is UFO. But this is an unfair opinion, as I never tried to wrap myself in the TFTD realm. I played the game, but did not engross myself and never bothered to beat it. Maybe I should read the story by Rakki?


Apocalypse...I have to leave my opinion off that one, for now. I think it might be a contender with UFO, but I need to spend a little more time with it first.


I agree with Demi-GodlyOne and the others who mentioned it--challenge is a huge factor for gameplay and maintaining interest. UFO is too easy, and sadly, it does require external utilities to make it challenging. But the reason it is too easy is because I enjoy playing it, and therefore spend more time learning the best way(s) to defeat it, which means making it more challenging, and then spending more time playing, and... the cycle continues.


Oh. There is also Enforcer and Interceptor.


Yes, yes there is.

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I like the concept of aliens from another solar system acting as an aggressive force against the modern world.  Aliens in a near-future world striking from under the oceans...is maybe a little more creative, but it's less interesting to me.

Amen to that. I especially agree with the bold part.

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Humm, first of all, the topic inquires us to discuss wich one is the best game. Choosing any of the X-com game family does not make this offtopic so...


Well, indeed the game is kinda easy due to a lot of factors. Lets not forget that the engine, the story, the weaponry equipment among lot of other items, was created in early 90's!!!! The game is a cult!!! That's why X-com is one of the most played strategy game ever and so far, there is X-com freaks all around the World, like you, me and all this guys in the forun.


This game cannot be compared with others. The story line, the way the aliens came to Earth and striked against human race is unique!!!!


Of course, there is some other games like Enforcer /Interceptor that is kinda different, but he spirit is the same!


Apoc is goos too!! Probably the natural development of the Trama of X-com boardline!


To whom claimed tftd is not interesting as UFO, please try playing it seriously until beat it before taking conclusions. Satisfaction guaranteed! Still, tftd is much harder than UFO due to a lot of reasons!!! Find it ou!!!

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