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Merry Christmas


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We'd all like some figgy pudding, we'd all like some figgy pudding, we'd all like some figgy pudding, and . :oh:


Stupid dictionary doesn't recognize figgy as a legal word. By the way, what does figgy mean anyway?

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  • 11 months later...

So... I got some neat stuff:


A SanDisk 4GB USB stick - comes with programs which you can easily install on PCs (you can add more) and a Documents folder as well. Looks pretty slick, too.


Pajamas - I could use new ones anyway.


A battery charger - very useful for all those wireless thingies.


Pack of Ferrero Rocher - mmmm, Rocher.


A new towel - my old towel must be as old as me. ;)


New phone system - well, it's not for me as much as for everyone, but the package comes with two phones. Come to think of it, why are stationary phones technologically worse than cell phones? Or are they more expensive? In either case it doesn't make much sense to me.


In other news I went to the midnight mass and it was funny how people were leaving when it just started. :) Had to ask one of the nuns to let me into the sacristy, otherwise I would have heard nothing from all the talk outside.

No snow outside, though. :)

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Merry Christmas everyone! :)


I'm pretty sick of the snow right now. For the month of December we've already had 40+ inches of the white stuff (101+ cm). More is apparently on it's way. On the flip side, it keeps me busy shoveling everyday. ;)


Didn't really get a whole lot of stuff for Christmas this year. The most notable is an 8-pack of beers from around the world (as an aficionado, it's great to expand one's horizons a bit), a gift card for eBay (heh, some more money to spend on X-COM game versions, right?) and another one for Walmart. So thoughtful gifts were the trend this year and I couldn't be happier in that respect. :)


- Zombie

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It's the third quarter of Boxing day here. Overall things have been rather quiet on the streets - everyone's gone to the mall. That's nice - get a bit of peace and quiet. ;)


Only true presents that I got were boxes of chocolate (work and neighbours) and wine (which will be used for barter/gifts rather than for drinking).


Otherwise I mostly had to treat myself to a number of things - and treat myself I did. Even got a DVD series collection of Gerry Anderson's UFO. It was about half price, and being one of the sources that inspired X-COM, I thought "why not?".



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