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UFO: Alien Invasion Hits 2.1.1

baby arm

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Free X-Com-alike UFO: Alien Invasion has reached v2.1.1. This update includes a number of bug fixes, some balance changes, a new save/load system, improved UFOpedia descriptions, and more. Read the change log here and download the latest version here.

Note: There was a savegame-related bug in this new version and a hotfix is already available in the download area. The most recent full game download should include this hotfix.


Thanks to Free Gamer for the tip.

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2.1.1 Changelog:



* Added missing scrolling for Buy/Sell menu.

* Enhanced buytypes for items and aircraft and fixed multiple buytypes problem.

* Removed not used UGVs which sometimes could produce crash.

* Fixed music definitions for missions.

* Several bugfixes and enhancements to make usage of Reaction-fire more stable/usable.

* Fixed multiplayer gametype definitions.

* Fixed integrated IRC client behaviour, including sending messages to the channel.

* Various fixes related to aircraft selling.

* Moving inventory between containers now removes moved inventory as well.

* Grenade trajectory now turns to red on obstacles.

* Various mapfixes.



* Balancing: Multi Reactionfire now costs 14TUs instead of 7. This is a temporary thing, read the "gameplay" section of Proposals for more.

* Implemented sv_roundtimelimit cvar to set the maximum time a team has to finish their round in multiplayer.

* Completely rewritten saving and loading system.

* Finished implementation of Flashbang - now Flashbangs will disable enemy reactionfire as well.

* Reintroduced employees renaming again.

* Hire menu and Team Select menu now shows Health bar as well.

* Heavily improved chat subsystem for multiplayer as well as Multiplayer Team Selection menu.

* Improved describing weapons and ammo in UFOpedia and other menus, including displaying firemodes.

* Added multiplayer server password protection.



* More new weapon sounds thanks to Alex Parker

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I still don't like the interface, I have the feeling it can be vastly improved easily, yet I find it confusing and uncomfortable.


But I'm very surprised with the progress! Keep it up guys, I love what you've done :D

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Anybody play this yet? I just won my first tactical mission! :(




I had one friendly fire accident but that wasn't my fault. See, you can't set grenades to go off in X turns like X-COM so I had to roll it and hope for the best. (: Primarily I used grenades to see what would happen. You have two options: a throw and a roll. Can't seem to chuck them over fences so that is a drawback. But rolling grenades down steps is a very handy way of catching enemies underneath you.


Not sure if there is supposed to be destructible terrain, but I had no luck with everything from grenades to the mighty rocket launcher. This forces you to find a way to the other end of the map by going through buildings. At least, this is true on the farm mission I just got done with. Bonus: There is a cow that moves in the stable. Neat! (:


- Zombie

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Yes I played it. It's definitely shaping up. I was quite annoyed at completely non-destructable terrain as well. You can shoot rockets into wooden structures and get nothing in return. (: Perhaps there are plans foradding it in later? Although destructable terrain seems like a concept that needs to be implemented at the start...
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we have implemented destruction for some tiles - but it's up to the mapmakers to use this feature - not everything will be destroyable (remember, we are using the quake2 engine)
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