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How did you add armour to the drones? I manufacture it like an idiot, and it doesn't show in the drone compose screen? What am I doing wrong? Also, PLEASE EDIT YOUR POST AND USE THE GODAMN THUMBNAILS! Your post takes like 5 hours to load! ;)
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As Preda says, please bear in mind other users will be trying to read this thread and that fullsized screenshots will chew up their internet connection. Use thumbnails or URL tags for sheer politeness.


thumbnails? Those are for people who seriously need to upgrade!! ;P


Yeh, i can see the advantage tho.. i have 2gig of ram and a 2mbit line so i dont have problems like that.


As for loading armour, when you build the defender bots, theres a slot top left for armour, the scouts and fighters dont get to use armour. The fighters are rubbish anyway, defenders are best, they can carry a device and weapon. Or 2 devices if you want to mix and match. Also if you use the crawler/crab legs, the bots can climb up ladders.

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As for loading armour, when you build the defender bots, theres a slot top left for armour, the scouts and fighters dont get to use armour. The fighters are rubbish anyway, defenders are best, they can carry a device and weapon. Or 2 devices if you want to mix and match. Also if you use the crawler/crab legs, the bots can climb up ladders.



I knew it!


*slams head to desk repeatedly*

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Top quality shots. I wish I'd taken some in my game but I was in a hurry to see the end of the game (as I so frequently am). As a result I lost half of my provinces but got there anyway... just about ;)


I could easiy take some shots of the last few missions, but those might be classed as spoilers.

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Please refrain yourself from that.


I have discovered how to enable hi-def lighting, AS WELL AS those blasted viewmodes and LoS: I upgraded my driver, and now I delete options.txt before I start the game... and it works! Here is a sample of what I mean. The first one is a wargot in the old LD mode, and the second is in HD mode. Although they are not from the same map, they show what I mean.






Is there any OTHER way of achieving this?

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One of these things is not like the others,

One of these things just doesn't belong,

Can you tell which thing is not like the others

By the time I finish my song?




Interesting way for a cultist base assault mission to start, no? Shame it wasn't a capture mission with him being the target ;)

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Greetings once again chaps.


I have been away the last few days,I hope you have been having fun with AS.

My first mission of the evening was a Cult base raid,and these 2 shots show my Heavy Infantry squad in explosive action,right from the initial deployment! I enjoyed this one,suffice to say it was an absolute bloodbath for the Cult.This squad is still fairly new and under development,but you can see the potential already.My anti mutant squad are putting their feet up in sick bay at the moment after a pretty rough last mission.





Hope you admire my level of devastation for the Cult ;)

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Now tell me Preda,why am I exaggerating,according to who,you?just because I like to have 3 heavy gunners hold the front line for me?dont forget I already said its a HEAVY infantry unit not a standard bug hunting squad.And the unit is still under development.It will later contain an anti armour element and a demolitions expert to blow the f#####s back whence they came!.I didnt want ANY Psionics in this unit either,as they are not physically strong enough to cope with the horrors of warfare ;)

Also note I like to have the 3 heavy gunners adopt a wedge formation,1 takes point,the other 2 take to the flanks.And trust me,they kill...lots.


The Psionics are going to be used for my Enigma Squad instead,a secret society of infiltrators and saboteurs,probably some sinister offshoot from the old KGB or something ;)

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Just a quick shot of 2 guys from my (soon to be) SAS style commando squad giving a poor Grey a lead facial.It can safely be assumed that he felt nothing!His poor body flew to the floor instantly.

Note only the light armour being used,these lads are gonna be like warm shit off a shovel!




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Who is arguing Preda?I was telling you why I have 3 heavy gunners in my heavy infantry squad thats all.If you dont want to chat with me then dont,means nothing to me,if you do then thats fine with me.I would however appreciate you being less sarcastic and arrogant towards me though in the future.

You dont have the time or the mood makes it sound as though im some sort of mardy arse kid that has lost his toys and is lacking in intelligence to even HOLD an argument. ;)


Thats all im going to say on this now myself,as I have a feeling you are going to start pissing me off if this carries on,and thats not what I want as there is a risk of getting thrown out for it,and I REALLY dont want that.


Sorry Moderators.

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