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Whats the funniest thing you have seen in the game?


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I started a random encounter and couldnt trust my eyes. :shock:

There is an enemy soldier standing on the roof of a sniper tower(is stand the correct word for it?). :lol:

How did he manage to climb up the roof?

Its a pity you cand attach screenshots in this forum cause I dont have no webspace to put it on.

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You can always email it to (my address is available here on the site) .. I'll put it online :)


i think the funniest stuff i have seen is the bodies dangling out of hoels in walls.. or an enemy soldier who landed belly down on a tree I blew away so he was impaled on the remains of the trunk!

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It's happened a few times, but it's always funny... Having a room occupied by one or more enemies, I've thrown in a grenade through one window, waited for the blast and seen an enemy body fly out of another window. ;)


A sort of "ouch" moment was also when I shot an enemy in a watch tower, from which he tipped over backwards, fell down, crotch-first, on a barbed-wire fence. Ouch.

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The enemy standing on top of the roof of the sniper tower can be seen here:




And the funniest thing I've seen yet was when a civilian got frightened by a sniper shot, ran in panic past the window from which my sniper had fired his shot, grazed it causing it to close, and my sniper got pushed outside by the window bars, fell 1 floor down to the ground and landed in front of 5 enemies who had quite a surprised look on their faces :)



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I can't resist, everytime one of them is up there, I shoot the tower out from under him.....




Enemy squad coming up the street, in line with a mounted MG, Allied one.


Mike lets loose a full auto blast at them, but I forgot that my scout was hidden and standing in front of the window....that the gun was pointed out of.


Scout (Toki) ends up half a screen away, unconcious....


Enemy (this caught me off guard) bursts Toki, killing him....

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Mine was where my scout (Toki) sneaks up to a guard tower. He tosses a HE grenade under the tower causing it to collapse. After the dust and snow clears, the guard that was in the tower is now head first in the snow. All I could see was a pair of legs sticking up in the snowbank.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The funniest thing I've seen so far was when I snuck my Allies grenadier up on a patrol of 5 creeping soldiers. He tossed a PWM perfectly in the center of them, vaporizing two of the bodies and sending the other three flying off in three different directions! :)/


The funny part was on of the guys flew backwards about 15 (in-game)meters doing almost a full summersault before hitting a nearby light pole crotch-first :shock: and sliding down it...ending up face-down with his lower half sticking up in the air with only the light post holding him up!


Besides a good laugh, this spawned two things. Wanting the ability to record short movie clips to share (rapid screenshots is getting tiresome) and a newfound appreciate of the engine's ragdoll physics! :lol: Needless to say, I repeated the process multiple times to appreciate it to the fullest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes! S2's ragdolls rule.


So far the only really amusing screenshot I have is of a rogue allied soldier in Newhouse's mansion, slumped over the machine gun in the foyer, looking like he had a bit too much to drink on duty :)


Well, I also have a screenshot of two dead soldiers laying flat on their backs, but the right foot of one passes directly through the crotch of the other :o


I get most of my laughs when a body falls too close to a door that I'm opening, and the body starts having spastic undead fits trying to get its head out from under the door.

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Ha, well, I'm not sure if it's the funniest, but this is deffinetly the coolest thing that's ever happened:


My grenadier (Rowdy) runs downstairs into the basement of one of the buildings in a german town, right smack dab into the business ends of three MP 40's and the three Germans who are holding them, positioned against the walls of the room. I get the interrupt, and lob a couple of grenades into their midst. Well, after the second one hits, they're hurting pretty bad, but not bad enough, so Rowdy makes a run for the stairs, but I can tell he's not gonna' make it. Their turn starts, and I can see them zeroing in.........that's when something completely unexpected happens. The ceiling, apparently weakened by the grenade blasts caved in right in the middle of the room, and my Scout (Snake Eyes) who happend to be standing right there drops down into the room, lands with catlike grace, and comes up shooting. One silenced pistol round for each head, and suddenly the room is clear..........it was ridiculously cool, kinda' made me glad I named him Snake Eyes. 8)

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Benton, that is awesome.


Most of the funny things that happen to me are only funny in retrospect, when my troops are dumb...


For example, Ramos was on the 2nd floor balcony and tried to throw a grenade at a machinegunner almost directly below him (to save my soldier's bacon, no less), and ended up dropping the grenade ON the balcony... causing it to explode, wounding him... AND the balcony... causing him to drop through to the ground, knocking him out.


I can just imagine the rest of the squad sitting around his hospital bed trying to contain their laughter.

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On the sea devil encounter, my main char was standing on the doorway of the mansion on the first floor, on a sniper PK, when nessie spoted the last of the 4 enemies inside the room on the second floor where the sea devil is, since he was out of APs i decided to go for an indirect sniper shot using my main char.


The shot opened a hole on the angle between the floor and the wall, decapitated the officer, opened a tiny lil hole on the angle between the oposite wall and the celling and sent the officer flying straight thru the hole. He went thru the hole without even touching the mansion wall just to land with his back on top of the large wall just outside the mansion and end up outside, laying on his face with the legs above his head :)


That was the longest and most amazing flight i've ever seen on S2, and i love the PTRS ever since :lol:

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I'd say the funniest one is when I found a random encounter where was a geniune UFO :o (Not kidding, seriously there was a one.) with a group of renegade soldier PKs. I laughed quite hard when the encounter had loaded, and there was this UFO, all blinking and humming. :lol: (BTW, has anyone else found it?)
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On the map where you first fight kleins in the Ural's, there is a huge 3 story building with a large front part portruding from the rest of the building. I had my sniper off about 100 yards from the left side of the entrance shooting engineers as they came out with pistols in hand. About my 4th shot, the bullet passed through the engineer's leg, hit the wall 10 feet behind him, passed through the wall into an area i couldnt see, hit some barrels on the other side of the entrance, and blew half the building to pieces. I was a little suprised. The engineer lived.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I like to see the enemy soldiers that are stuck in the wall, or when the bomb exploses they fly up and stays on the wall nearby or just when they say stupid things(it is not funny but still).


I like to see them fly 'beautifuly' when they are being shot by machine guns. :twisted:


Lots of good things.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I was surprised by this one!


In the Major Newhouse mission (Allies), I threw a grenade with Taras in the room in front of the front door (hoping to crack a hole to the floor, in order to get in to the basement "the fast and easy way"), the grenade exploded and blew up the gas tanks in the basement, taking 3/4 of the room floor! More surprisingly Taras survived the explosion!


I was like "Dude, this game is awesome!" (or something like that).

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I had this Axis mission where I had to capture an Allied scientist. At some point I managed to blow a hole in the 1st floor, revealing the cellar below. There, I saw some renegade soldiers, and oh, some fuel barrels... :twisted:

So of course I shot at one of the barrels with my main char's MP-40II through the hole in the floor. They all went boom, but... a hole so huge was created in the floor that I couldn't carry the scientist up anymore! All stairs were out of reach because of the explosion...

I finally settled the thing by climbing down and hitting LEAVE while my main char was carrying the scientist.

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Gotta be the hollywood special effects extraganza capture of Oberst Koch from the panzerklein factory.

Koch took a full auto MG42 burst in the chest sending him flying and the resultant bullets hitting a stack of flammable barrels ~20 feet behind him. The barrels explode blowing a large hole in the floor where the limp bullet-ridden body of our villain fell.

I can think of several hollywood one-liner my soldier said after pulling the trigger

"Hasta la vista baby" or

"Need a light?" or


"Yippee-kieyai motha*&^#%$#!" or

"I am sorry, did I interrupt your train of thought?" or

"I wish .... I wish .. you had .. more time."

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jap the physics are really amazing :)


i got a whole lot of funny situations but most of them or similar are allready mentioned in this thread..


i like if my soldiers are acting at the same time for spectular effects (would have loved a possibility to preassign all actions to all soldiers and hit go)

3 guys of my crew (gari,reggie,olli) threw grens at the same time at a group of three enemies..

the first exploded in back of them causing one dead which flew right towards my men. other 2 wounded..

second exploded in front throwing that poor bastard back - not harming the others..(but me - gari dont likes grens)

third exploded right in the center while the flying guy still sniffed some fresh air.. causing him to explode not even leaving a drop of blood..

the other 2 were thrown back..


that was pretty nice cause there was pretty much time between the explosions.. so watching that flight and firework was kinda cool :twisted:

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In the attack on the allied warehouse, I had a German soldier get caught half-way through one of the large metal gates, legs sticking out one side and head and arms the other. I opened and closed the gate several times just for laughs.
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