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Troop Call-signs


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Alright guys. How many of you (other than me) are using the names from the movie "Aliens" as your call-signs.


Be honest now! How many of you have a Hicks and Hudson?


If you're not using Aliens for inspiration, what are you using? List your names here!

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I classify my guys into various groups:


Sc - Scout.

As - Assault

Sn - Sniper

Md - Medical

Gr - Grenadier


Then I just add the name of that soldiers primary weapon on to it. This allows me to quickly find my guys in the heat of combat, without having to try and remember whether its Steve whos the sniper, or Raveena :rolleyes:


So, a sniper with a Remington 870 would have Sn-870 as his callsign. If he has an Excellent or Heroic rating for marksmanship, I'd put an S on the end (for Superman :blink: )

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I use function and rank. Yes, as a former Marine, rank was such a big deal... so I promote based on how I use them and perceive tham as little people in my world... and then I add their function.


SSgt: If they have nothing after their rank, they are an assault trooper

HM1 (ANY Navy rank is a Corpsman [medic])

Cpl-HW: Heavy Weapons

Cpl-Gr: Grenadier

LCpl-Sn: Sniper

Cpl-Sc: Scout


It's my way, and I like it. :rolleyes:

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I use function and rank.  Yes, as a former Marine, rank was such a big deal... so I promote based on how I use them and perceive tham as little people in my world... and then I add their function.

haha, I was in army too and I give my troopers some ranks. I guess it's in the blood, eh? :rolleyes:


I keep default names (first name is initial) and give them ranks based on usefulness and effectivness in combat. (lt, sgt and so on) most of them are privates tho :P


I mean, in game it is a (para)military organization afterall, right? Not a bunch of gung-ho rambos. So they HAVE to have some ranks :blink:

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I use default names until something significant happens to them in combat and they survive... no point getting attached to them prior to this, would be like naming your pigs on a farm.


So for instance I have Ash, a female who repeatedly saved the squad's collective arse with RPGs and incendiaries (plus she reminded me of the character from Mamoru Oshii's movie Avalon).


Thats Not is a sniper, default name Neil... every time an enemy goes down from far away I go "that's not Neil" (Young Ones reference).


Eurythmed pulled off some critical medical work while in the field without a helmet, while sporting a sharp Annie Lennox haircut.


Cole had some adventures with the SLAW before being made into slaw by a microslug accelerator.


Thumper tries to fill the void of Cole with the cheer of an M79, yet is spurned by her comrades... [T]:"I'm thumpin'. That's why they call me Thumper." [O]:"Shut up, you tart." [T]:"I can only be who I am *sniff*."


ShortStraw survived for quite a while drawing door-opening duty with the Neostead.


Traction spends more time in hospital than in the field.




The only exception so far is Poon Wen, whose callsign just HAD to be Poon... "Come get some Poon, you stinking greys"

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  • 2 weeks later...

ROFLMAO @ FoetusFajitas!!! Ah that cheered me up nicely =) Thank you! ShortStraw... xDDD


Anyways, I don't name mine yet, I'm going to next game I play though. (And that will be soon, because I'm losing bases all over the shop and the Biomass is coming... :withstupid:) And after an unpleasant debacle in a terror mission in London, I don't use friend's names anymore... *Shudder* Figure I'll try the humorous route =DDD

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  • 2 months later...

I base the names on, basiacally, whatever they did important.


Malcolm is now Scattershot, because he started using a SPAS and is currently carrying a...what's it called...Neostead! So yeah, shotgun theme.


Smokey is called Smokey because he seems to fight in the forest an oddly large amount of times.


One woman is called Slowpoke because she's so bloody slow AND weak...speed is AWFUL if you carry more than some lame armour and a submachine gun.


And that's all for now, because I'm early on.

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Nice Topic

After years of playing XCOM my squad includes the legends of my former XCOM squads.


Hardware (was Mr. Hardware in XCOM)- always has the right tool for the job.

AlienHater (could singlehandedly clear battleships)- got fragged in AM :blink:

BoomStick - Inspired from Army of Darkness Ashe



I love the idea of using the Aliens callsigns. Maybe I'll use the X-men or something the next game I start.

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