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Biomass Node Material research


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Problem is, that this damned Biomass is moving on an area (europe) that is densely covered with my bases. Already lost one of them, and soon I will lose more.

I have managed to get the Biomass sample (by shooting down UFO above Biomass), and research it. But now, to further understand the nature of Biomass and how to battle it, I need "Biomass Node Material". Please oh please, where to get that and what IS that?


I'm desperate, my bases are being consumed and I have no means to stop it


(oh thank you UFO:A for that wondreful experience, for several years I haven't been so hooked up on a game) :rolleyes:


thank you all in advance,


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I'm not able to research anything about biomass, so I guess I lack the sample etc, problem is, I have no clue where to find it, and what to pick up. I've lost one base for unknown (probably biomass) reasons.

And btw, it's not like I'm early-game, I have plasma, sun, sky and bio armour, not to mention tons of bases. (yeah, I've really played lots of hours this weekend :rolleyes:)

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if you're having problems now, you're REALLY going to have a hard time later, when they bring fun stuff like mind-control-psi-thingies and heavier launchers :rolleyes:


anyway, base missions are usually easy, just use sub-machine guns on short range.


I still use pdw/mp7, it's incredible effecient against all alien armours.

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I'm not able to research anything about biomass, so I guess I lack the sample etc, problem is, I have no clue where to find it, and what to pick up. I've lost one base for unknown (probably biomass) reasons.

Biomass is brown goo that expands quickly and can easily spotted on earth's globe (in my game, all of africa has been infested and it's moving towards my inner-european bases).


Sample I got by shooting down an UFO on top of Biomass and doing a mission there. Maybe there's an easier way, but worked for me :rolleyes:

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For me the biomass has spread all over Europe, Africa and half of Asia. I still don't have the damn node because I can't beat blue reticulans in a city landcape. They come from around the corner and wipe me out quickly with their damn launchers and microslug accelerators.
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damn. i've already lost Moscow, Beijing and Sydney!!! and lots of northen hemisphere bases which names i couldnt remember of...


i got the biomas sample from an assault mission on biomas area fighting purple pudding alien and morning-star-mace ones... now i need the node!!


i shot down planter quite a few times and sending my elite clearing them out.. but i dun seems to find any planter node though (izzit that u need to get to them at a certain amount of time after they appear before they deposite their content?). for some reason, my jets seems to be more inferior than they were b4 modification : fuel, armament, manuevability, most of the time getting shot down and downing only one or two guards.


and last night i went to an assault mission on a planter ufo which docked on ground, and by zeus, the difficulty really sky rocket (yes, lots of flying rockets)... i normally bring a four man team... now my heavily armed sun-armor 6 man team gets slaughtered easily. with enough loading i mange to kill like 10+ graey on the outside... god know how many left of em in the inside.


i hope this mission gets me the planter node. else by the time i do, i dont know if il have enough facility to research them thru... #@$@#$@# any advice on acquiring the node is welcome!!

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I managed to solve my problem yesterday (thank you OpTi) and it really is "easy" as that:

you will shoot down a Planter UFO, go in, kill all, return, and voila! you have planter node research.

you don't have to grab anything. Just clear out the UFO (maybe dont use so much explosives inside, just in case- you could blow up something valuable... like those nodes).


Of course, there is a long way of researches and developments until you'll get the Biomass Repulsion bases. But I managed it and not a moment too soon- if I had made that 1 day later, at least 3 of my bases would have been a biogoo.


But that was really tough mission. Those greys are getting nastier every time. Even those goddamn transgendants-zombies and danger fies have microslug accelerators and rocket launchers.

Even basic recon mission can turn nasty now.

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I am in same situation as Paganarh right now but I don't have the biomass repulsion bases researched yet.


Getting the biomass node sample was pain in the butt. I used squad equipped with 2 sniper rifles, 1 rocket spitter, 1 M7something (rifle-looking grenade launcher), 1 advanced plasma shotgun and 2 Mp7's + massive load of grenades.


Outside ufo I just sent my fastest guy (speed super-heroic) to scout and lure the Greys towards my heavy weapon guys.


Inside ufo I just waited and when first enemy showed up nailed it with grenades and hwp. I managed to kill 7 Greys. Then they stopped sending troops to me so I sent 3 soldiers with Mp7's and Adv. plasma shotgun and just run like hell towards the greys and used burst fire to take them out. The remaining greys were all equipped with psi-weapons so it wasn't very hard.


I tried this mission about 15 times before I found this tactic to be effective. The most difficult part is inside the ufo because the Greys rushing towards you are equipped with rocket launchers so its vital to take them out before they can launch even a single rocket.

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Just a quick THANKYOU OpTi! I had lost five bases to the biomass, then I read this thread (yesterday- for some reason I couldn't register). I've now got bio repelling bases, and have had 3 destroy node missions, Europe is firmly back under my control. As for the Greys... OMG, they are just kicking my ASS! Base attacks are occuring at a horrendous rate (In my current game there are three needing defeding (and of those I KNOW I can't defend one of them- the set-up of my men is appalling- I'll just have to hope my troops can deal with it).

I'm afraid I've simply stopped attacking ufo's or alien bases with my main squad, they just get their asses handed to them on a plate. Once I get inside said UFO/Base, they are consistently right beside the 'airlock', armed with multiple rocket. I die (though the gatling guns take some of them with me :devil: !)

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I have roughly 32 bases, lot's of tech etc, but still no biomass-research :/

I shoot down every planter I see, and even took a base mission on top of biomass (bug? since the base was lost right after I captured it), but no luck yet :/

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heavy armour is very good vs rockets it's the mond control thats a pain in the ass, it's ok with you can get the alien using mind control fast enough. You have a few secconds to take him down if you don't you have one of your own squad blasting the crap out of you.


it's funny when they take control of a guy with a striker tho they just switch to burst mode and it's game over, really runny to watch tho :rolleyes:


Sindre, i really can't remember when biomass research starts, with 32 bases i take it you have done area 51, but have you done the stalingrad base mission? and can you see any biomass on the world map?

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okay i just cant find the biomass research i have all alian biomass autopsy's , i atacked and won 12 planter missions and still nothing me getting really tired :s can someone just send me a savegame from when he got the biomass research


send to luk_laureys@hotmail.com plz thx in advance hehe

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I think I may be behind the power curve... nearly all of Europe, Russia, most of Asia, and all of South America are gone to biomass. I've captured many UFO's, but have never gotten biomass material.


I will try again tomorrow, but if it doesn't pan out, I'm going to have to start a new game, because I'm so far behind now.


At one point, I had nearly the entire world under my control. Now, I've got just over half... and it's not looking good.


On the bright side, my elite team is very effective, and rarely even suffers injuries anymore. Gotta love that alien bio armor!

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I have roughly 32 bases, lot's of tech etc, but still no biomass-research :/

I shoot down every planter I see, and even took a base mission on top of biomass (bug? since the base was lost right after I captured it), but no luck yet :/

Same here.


My game is now in mid-March, I have 20 bases and still no biomass node.


I missed a planter though so now I have biomass all over India. I did a ufo mission on the biomass too.


I did a base mission on the biomass too. I took it and it said "Congratulations", then I pressed "Carry on" and it said "You have lost a base" (because it was already in the biomass!)

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To get a sample of the biomass all you have to do is to do a mission on a place that is infected with the biomass. Its the same what kind of mission it is as long as it is on a area infected with the biomass.


The easiest thing for me was actually to engange a ufo over infected land. If your planes got shot down it was just an easy pilot recovery mission. If you managed to down the ufo you ofc have to do a normal kill all grey inside the ufo mission.


You dont hav eto pick anything up. As long as the mission is in a infected area and you complete it you will automaticly get the sample. You know you are in a infected area when your soldiers walk on a brown goofy stuff... :rolleyes:

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I had a problem too- I got the biomass sample and when I shot down a Planter and raided it, I got a Biomass Node research.

Are you SURE that you dont blow something essential up in the UFO when you raid it? It could be a Node or something.

I seized that UFO completely without using explosives.


And when you finally get biomass repulsion bases, then those bases in the middle of biomass become takeable, you just have to build repulsion base right away.


For now I have cornered the biomass to the bottom of the Africa (it covered whole the africa before I got the repulsors

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