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Let's Play X-Com: Terror from the Deep


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Statistically, auto shots are better, but they only really work if there are decent auto-fire weapons like the lasers or plasmas. TFTD's best weapons are all single-shot weapons. In a way it's a good thing, it helps sets TFTD apart from just being a plain old re-skin.


Incidentally, remember how you made it a practice to have a 'rear commander' in your UFO LP where you got a soldier to stay back in the Skyranger and use the mind probe on aliens? Once you get the M.C. Reader, it's not a bad idea to get back into that habit. It meshes well with hand-to-hand combat as you can make use of the alien stat data to make a good guess on whether it's safe to walk up to an alien while it's facing you. For example, aliens with Sonic Cannons cannot shoot back if their TUs are under 50%.



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Incidentally, remember how you made it a practice to have a 'rear commander' in your UFO LP where you got a soldier to stay back in the Skyranger and use the mind probe on aliens? Once you get the M.C. Reader, it's not a bad idea to get back into that habit. It meshes well with hand-to-hand combat as you can make use of the alien stat data to make a good guess on whether it's safe to walk up to an alien while it's facing you. For example, aliens with Sonic Cannons cannot shoot back if their TUs are under 50%.


Also the M.C. Reader can tell you exactly what rank of alien you are up against. wink.png


Why pour a ton of resources (and men! tongue.png) into hand-stunning an alien you don't even need for research purposes? Focus on stunning only what you need and kill the rest. Corpses have a good price on the black market, but live ones just clog up your alien containment. If you know you will be up against a bigger ship, you might want to take a few M.C. Readers along. You aren't going to be using them every turn, so you can leap-frog the men with them up to the front lines to help out or to just hold an area so it's clear. Nothing worse than trying to abort a mission only to find nosy aliens poking around your ship. teehee.gif


- Zombie

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Don't forget about the grenade relay Neptune! wink.png You had a perfect opportunity to utilize it when Kaazak was closer to the Lobsterman and your other soldier couldn't throw the Magna Pack because it was too heavy. Prime, throw to Kaazak, have him toss it and then boogie out of there. The blast probably would have killed the Lobsterman and would have saved another soldier's life. Here's the deal with Lobstermen: don't play games with them and wait them out, because they are very intelligent and will take every inch you give them to kill your guys. And because they are so tough, you almost need to concentrate on one of them fully (doesn't always work of course) until it's dead or stunned.


I wouldn't worry about not having enough Sonic Pulsers for raiding the ship. Because of the low ceilings, your throwing distance is limited anyway. Use those Magna Packs instead. They are cheaper and you don't need to chew up your Zrbite stockpile to produce them. smile.png


- Zombie

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I think the title of this Topic be should renamed.

Retype it as such :


"Let's pretend we know what we're doing and make a Let's Play youtube effort out of how shitty we are"


"It forces you to think"


Is this Sunflash? If it is, I'm going to drive 15 miles and choke you.

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Steady on there NoX. I'm not sure what (or who, by the sound of it) has set you off this time, but there's no need to take a random swipe like that. Most Let's Plays on Youtube do consist of the LPer blundering through and gradually getting better at the playing the game they're showcasing. It's all part of the fun.


Just want to keep things civil, please.



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I think the title of this Topic be should renamed.

"Let's pretend we know what we're doing and make a Let's Play youtube effort out of how shitty we are"


Yeesh, tough crowd...


It appears you are not familiar with the point of my channel. I'm obviously not here to show how amazing I am at playing any of these, nor do I ever claim (or pretend) to know what I'm doing. It's a channel about me revisiting some of my favorite games from over a decade ago. If you're looking for a tutorial on how to play any of these you would be sorely disappointed, there's plenty of those to find on YouTube anyways. I was a huge fan of UFO defense when it came out but I never really played a lot of TftD, having just finished a UFO LP I figured it was finally time I visited and put some real effort into Terror.

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Zombies can't be zombified though, lol biggrin.png


Well Neptune, you somehow got through that quest without too many casualties. Practice makes perfect. I probably would have grenaded the crap out of that last Lobsterman in the ship, but to each his own. ;)


Just an FYI: if there are holes in the ship made from explosions (either from DPL, Pulsers or crash landing) the aliens don't know they exist and will still try and exit through the door. Of course, they can still see out through those holes, but at least they will not exit through them. yes.gif


- Zombie

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I really should just be keeping my comments to the videos or just here. Then again I have always felt that its best to keep comments on Youtube bite sized.


Just a comment, if a Lobsterman is knocked unconscious by gun fire, it's a good idea to hit it while it's down with a GC-HE round to kill it outright. This way you keep the alien containment clear, like Zombie mentioned earlier, but you will also deal a decent morale hit on the rest of the Lobstermen that are still wandering around.


This effect is very noticeable on Superhuman where there are often ridonkulous amounts of aliens on the map. If done well and you got a high ranked Lobsterman early on, you can sometimes end up disarming a good portion of the Lobstermen with mild unreported panic attacks, or even hear them go berserk inside the alien sub.


Only problem is that killing an unconscious Lobsterman with a GC-HE shell destroys the sonic weapon and ammo (but not sonic pulsers!). Of course you can always move the body or retrieve the weapon beforehand!


Alternateively, the Evil-Dictator™ method is to pull out a medikit and revive it, then shoot it again in the face. Repeat as necessary. grin.gif


I do highly recommend either method for dealing with Chryssalids in UFO and the Tentaculats in TFTD. Most highly recommended.



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I remember one mission where I had downed a sub in Japanese waters. It was a cruiser if I remember correctly. The tile set was pyramids/temples under water. Anyway, the enemy force was Lobstermen. Now the thing is I had shot the sub down, however when I got into the mission I found the ship was completely intact as though it had...landed...no that's not right as if it had docked. There were six of them. Long story short, I had a aquanaut open the door to the Triton and the next thing I know I had a lobsterman soldier on the second turn launching DPT's at the closed door and killing 6 of my eight 'nauts. I won, my last 'naut in the same turn used a thermic lance and dropped a sonic pulsar on his KO'd ass! The end...
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Lobsterman aren't that scary. My worst fear in TFTD are Tentaculat and Biodrone.


I don't want to think about Tentaculats right now, trying to pretend they don't exist for now




Just an FYI: if there are holes in the ship made from explosions (either from DPL, Pulsers or crash landing) the aliens don't know they exist and will still try and exit through the door. Of course, they can still see out through those holes, but at least they will not exit through them. yes.gif

Ahh... Nice to know



Alternateively, the Evil-Dictator™ method is to pull out a medikit and revive it, then shoot it again in the face. Repeat as necessary. grin.gif


Or, collect them all and toss them into a pile for a single blast... Is that a war crime?

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The tentaculat is very similar to Taylor Swift, perchance like a sirens call. After spending a night out being intoxicated with Swift hoping to score with her, you'll wake to find yourself naked, regaining consciousnesses at the foot of a bed built with chewed bones, sinew and transparent skin. Tied gagged and drugged your only hope is to untie your binds with a shard of glass (a picture of Swift and a maladjusted hippopotamus). Break it you will and freedom is only in the here and now.
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- The full terror site is on this episode so it's a pretty long one (45mins)

Space Voyager has an... interesting mission




By the way, wish TFTD was released every day on your channel smile.png


I've thought about posting a bit more per week, my Colonization LP I'm doing at the moment is a bit of a test to see how well posting every day goes over. It seems to work well as long as the episodes are short (15-20 mins) but I really don't like chopping up X-Com missions any more than I need to. 25-30 minutes everyday is a bit of a commitment and it seems like it would be difficult keeping viewers current with that.

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