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Let's Play X-Com: Terror from the Deep


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Hey guys, I'm working on a new LP of the old xcom TftD, I just finished up my

series so now it's time to go underwater!


If you'd like to sign up and have your name added to my crew of aquanats just leave me a message in the comments or here in this thread.




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I'll be following this one with enthusiasm as well. Good luck, and don't be afraid to solve everything with high explosives. wink.png


By the way, if you're playing the dos version with dosbox, please run this quick test to check your game version. After you capture a sub and get some Ion Beam Accelerators, try to see if they appear on your research list. If not, you likely have v1.0. I highly suggest grabbing the TFTDv2 update and get the game updated. You can get that from the files section here.


There's oodles of good reasons for this, and it's best to get this over with early while you're not too far into the game.



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Reporting for duty sir! smile.png


Off to watch some of your videos, thanks neptune!


- Zombie


Zombie is on the list!




NKF, I used the XcomUtil which is supposed to fix the research issues, do you think that will do it? I'm pretty sure I'm running ver 1.0.



Oh, and



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NKF, I used the XcomUtil which is supposed to fix the research issues, do you think that will do it? I'm pretty sure I'm running ver 1.0.


As useful as it is, I actually would not recommend using XComutil for playing TFTD. While it helps work around some of the research bugs if you got them wrong, it introduces a rather frustrating bug in the two-parter missions. Considering how important they are, you really don't want your progress to be hindered by this bug.


V1.0 of TFTD has this bug in the multi-part missions where all equipment left on the ground (including items left inside the Triton) get destroyed when you move to the next part of the mission. Not the end of the world, but irritating and costly.V2.0 fixes this.


In an attempt to fix this bug, XComutil creates a new bug where your aquanauts get stripped of most of or even all of their ammo when they arrive in the next part of the mission. This makes it quite a challenge to complete the next part!


Other undesirable side effects XComutil will have is the nerfing of the final mission. It knocks out all the walls so your starting area is just a short walk away from the final objective. There is also this odd placement bug where aquanauts appear hovering outside of some transport ships rather than inside of them. This happens quite a bit with the XComutil enhanced Hammerhead map.


It's not perfect, but a fresh copy of the game with just the v2.0 update will likely yield a stabler game. Just mind the Deep Ones.


Sorry, not meaning to be preachy about it. But I've seen a fair number of TFTD LPs running with Xcomutil, one made as early as this year, that were quite badly affected by this. One got sunk on the last mission due to the vanishing ammo.



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It certainly can't hurt to give it a try. Set up a separate copy of the game for the clean patched installation. Make a save while in the Geoscape to be on the safe side and then copy it over and give it a spin.


It should be fine, as we had a joint game running a few years back where we passed the save file around so that each player could play short segments. We did not have uniform copies of the game.



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K, I'm gonna give it a try. I would think there wouldn't be an issue, it's only a patch. Thanks for letting me know about it, that could have been pretty terrible if my LP got hosed in the last mission because of it.



: We learn the side effects of explosive ammo and reaction fire this time.



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So, you're a Star Wars fan, huh? Any news on the new movies being made?


I'm an Original Trilogy fan. I do my best to avoid any news from the new ones, if I know anything before going into a movie (or TV show) it spoils it for me. So much that I even avoid any previews or trailers.



It's being made.


That's all I need to know, lol





@NKF The ver 2.0 patch seemed to take just fine, thanks!

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*plays TAPS for Zombie and Space Voyager* Maybe Zombie vII will be better. wink.png


By the way, if you have an alien in an upstairs room whom you don't want to confront, there are a couple options. First, toss a grenade through the ceiling from the floor below. Second is to shoot out the floor from below. The alien will drop down so make sure your guy(s) are looking at it's back. Then you can either shoot it, or stun it. yes.gif Shooting through the floor doesn't always work though, you'll have to experiment with weapons and floor types.


- Zombie

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Standing underneath the platform and firing up with the Gas Cannon usually does the trick.


I need to get used to more explosives I think. Screw tactical, just blow everything up. It would feel good after a mission like this :)

I think I would have been fine if I hadn't rushed into that final room, I should have had Padme wait till next turn before running in, I just didn't think there'd be anyone still hiding out in there. I also might need to remove the giant bullseyes that we decided to sew into our uniforms.

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