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New S^3 Mod "All Uniforms" in development (feedback is welcome)


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This is may be a useless contribution, but as you try to be close to a historical context, here are the real uniforms Schutzmannschutz abteilungen static indigenous soldiers and NCO should wear. (guards firemen...warder, office and transmission, drivers...).

Active units (combat units) were issued with green polizei uniform in 1943.

The commanding officer and Nco were german mixture of SD, Polizei and Waffen SS and wore polizeigrun or felgrau uniforms.

Before and after this date they wear soviet uniform without insignias, civilian uniform with armband In Dienst Der Wermacht. (good in game to recognize them among other civilian and avoid patrol or control, or more easy to deceive with false Pass...an idea !!)

They did not wore all black Algemeine-ss uniform nore ss arm eagle (german were so strict that only full germanique people or full ss who swear allegeance to the Führer or to Himmler could have such items) This is just if you want Mister Blunter to teach something to player.

To resume : The SS were wearing Felgrau uniforms since december 1939 even ss Postschutz, only Gau local ss Algemeine militia and germanique people (Danish, Flemish, Dutch, Irish, Breton...) in SS motherland militia wore plain black uniforms.


If all this knowledge have no purpose for you, write it to me I will stop, I do not want to be annoyance in your thread.


sources : book #4 Foreign legion of the Third Reich by david Littlejohn,ISBN N° 0-912138-36-X

and multiple other reading, NARA documents and lot of original pictures,

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Hello Blunter, I've been reading this thread and I am relieved to see the Silent Storm series isn't dead after all! This Partisans mod you appear to be working on looks fantastic. Is it something I would be able to try out now, or is it still unreleased?


Thank you for keeping the game alive!

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About your radio research, here is the radiocall alphabet.

Okay about "look for free", I red your edit.

What would be nice would be to have 2 speed for moving action,

the slow: silentwalk cost at 8AP, Silent crawling at 8AP, silent crouching (Duckwalk) at 8AP ...or more.

the normal: walk at 4AP, run at 2AP, bend downrun (but the capture motion does not exist!) at 3AP, the fastcrawl at 4AP

This is an idea like this for futher game playing development, not for you to change your game as a new pannel with a switch should be made. I think I will put every idea we try to develop but never done on my own thread.


About the Partisan's lair with partizan subsonic ammo, it is still of interest or not. I work on it, but not too much dialog, only for clues, as in a game I do not like read too much dialog.

Resume : (after a radio calling to authority) The GUGb the will provide via airdrop in a small crate some silenced weapons with few ammunitions and give you by code how look like a person you should contact for him to lead you to a remote factory with NKVD supervisors to obtain subsonics ammo to begin to do your own stock. As a GUGb agent you know you will have to check loyaulty of this NKVD member, whitout them knowing who you are (dual mission)

the partizan are lead by 2 NKVD members Kommissar but not from GUGB supervisor of a "at front" subsonic ammo fabric by self made craftmen (with 2 scientists 1chemist and 1 pharmacist, working together in the rudimentary Labo (blokhaus=wood shelter with underground) to make nitroglycerine, cordite..and remedy.


notice to me Blunter for the rest of encounter if you would use it. And I got other missions (with items to find.. radio batery...)

I got questions :

Do you schedulde for the main Hero to propose a choice of classes, Gamer like to have the choice, at least between 2 so you can play again different ways.

The same with Ekatarina and Scar, do you propose to play with others characters ( just to feel free to change, and if they are dying?), gamer like to change, not true ?. (the hero may contact different persons in different place, and pick them up when it is required, and as he is from NKVD he should not rely on only few people to succeed in his missions, he may have to do his choice at the campment base too,).


You both prepare a really good Mod it seems to me, so make it enjoyable with multiples choices, no linear as in H&s (in which if you do not take the rigth person with you, you cannot finish the game=at the beginning I did not give a damn to Sanders and...The end. and if you do not take a scout you just cannot succeed in the first mission crossborder, or the second "save the soldat Sander").

In my opinion it is not a good way to do for a good "long life" playable game = gamers love freedom. If you do not have "liberty", even just a little bit, and if you have to play always with the same team this is boring and you forget it like H&Swhich have really good inovations.

in Silent and sentinels, Random encounters help for that, this is what KoMIK understood, thank to him.


Already You add the real good "Behaviour" to play (as wrote Werheruvim : if you not following the mind or line or GUGB "game is over"), and this is real plus in playablity to add, but please not give dead end issue plot if you do not explain it first...

it is difficult to increase the power of hero and of his team and if you always have to reload far away, it is boring and you play twice, not more=H&S.


And please no Romance affair this is a turn base figthing game, not "LOVE BOAT STORM" or "Sim's Bedroom Figthing", not even "Hello KITTY againt the empire of Evil".


You did excelent work in Blunter's mod with Bootlegger and zombification chemistry, seems to me you are following the same tracks!

Thank you to both of you, the beginning is amazing.!

Edited by brandeburg
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Thank you. I appreciate your kind words.

The mod is not ready to be released yet. I'll need to finish testing, debugging... Besides, there are only 2 encounters, nothing else is completed yet.





Thank you.

You have some interesting ideas... and ... some pretty wild ones... wink.png


I don't know how to create/implement new AP requirement perks and changes without accessing and adding or modifying the hard-coded functions and ids...

If you know how to do it - tell me. I'll add it.

The same goes for the 'enemy healing'. I am not aware of a way to determine what they are holding in their hands at any given moment (it's not H&S)....

I am not even sure if adding an 'enemy doctor' running around will improve the game by much. If we want to increase the difficulty or present the player with a challenge - we can just add more enemies, ad infinitum if needed, period.


Thank you for the radio alphabet. It might come in handy. smile.png

What I was asking for was a conversation example (In German)...


unsuccessful attempt:

- Unit (such-and-such) requesting assistance. Over.

- (Radio noise)

(transmission terminated)


successful attempt (wrong recipient):

- Unit (such-and-such) requesting assistance. Over.

- (short radio noise) Lubni North Tower responding. State your coordinates. Over.

- (pause...self induced radio noise)...

(transmission terminated)


successful attempt (correct recipient):

- Unit (such-and-such) requesting assistance. Over.

- (short radio noise) Unit leader (such-and-such) responding. State your coordinates. Over.

- West of your position, moving east. Experiencing mechanical problems. Over.

- Proceed to your designated area. We'll take a look. Over. Out.

(transmission terminated)


I can see how a snap shot can be confused with 'blind firing' or 'spray and pray' for automatic weapons ( that's what "tir au jugé" basically implies) There are a lot of references to snap shooting in hunting where the hunters shoot the birds with minimum preparation. I believe they have a similar term for that in Russian as well - "выстрел навскидку".

It has nothing to do with blind firing or firing around corners in enemies' general direction. It's just a quick shot at the enemy without using the weapon's iron sights.


Classes and encounters (random primarily) is what I'd really appreciate help with. Not just the classes that make sense militarily, but the ones I need for special characters as well. I've seen the panels you posted. I'll examine them more closely when I have more time...


In terms of Scenario zone/RE ideas - here is what I'm looking for:


- describe the encounter, make a sketch of that zone. Mark where everything and everyone is, major loot locations + their proposed contents, landmarks, terrain specifics, etc. It can be just a primitive drawing, a rough draft of your vision of the encounter, basically. Like this one I made for the "A1 Peacekeeper" scenario zone:




GP2 and GP3 are in 'pocket' and will show up only if we start shooting.


- what are we doing there?

- if our presence there is self-explanatory then what are our goals (if any at all)?

- how does it start?

- allies, enemies, neutrals behavior, goals (plot related, please), equipment (plot stage limited)

- what tactical challenges are we presented with (if any)

- possible splits with logical consequences: if we do this then.../ if we do that then...

- if you are unsure whether something is possible, or if I'm willing to implement it - ask.


To illustrate ("Peacekeeper" rough draft):


1) we arrive at Brovari, park the bike behind a building (a 'club' or taverns perhaps)

2) we witness a heated argument between some young Nazi sympathizer punk and Dr' Sed'yih's brother.

3) At this point we get a choice of either:


- challenging that punk to a fist fight, (would require Str. > 8 or 9). A German patrol shows up. Beating him into a pulp will get us a +1 with Wehrmacht (repW) and +1 with the civies (repC), maybe -3 with UPA?. The Germans marvel at our skill and invite us to an officers' club boxing event or something (I mean they were heavily into sports then, even played Kiev Dynamo in 1942, IIRC). At the club we could get an opportunity to steal some intel(???), sabotage something and/or win some money....

- talking sense into him/threatening him to leave the brother alone. Req. Int. > 8 or 9 (75% chance of success)

- fast/smooth talking him into leaving. Req. Dex. >9 or 10 (75% chance of success)


4) if we fail the doctor will have a 50-50% of making the punk back off.

5) if she fails - her brother gets shot... (dead or wounded??? don't know yet). A German patrol shows up and takes the punk into custody (he laughs it off saying he's going to be out the moment they bring him to the polizei station). His father is some local businessman in bed with the Germans (we'll deal with him later)

6) Here we get a choice of:

- attacking the punk along with his buddies and the Germans. repW (Wehrmacht) -5, repC -1 (+5 to repW and +2 to repC if we destroy/hide the bodies and kill a German runner who will try to leave the map within several turns)

- do nothing

7) if the doctor survives and her brother is alive and healed we are invited to her house and she gives us the lab worktable (reward).


Later, when we hook up with the partisans we might see her there too...


I don't know what will happen with Kat and Scar yet. I don't have a detailed master plan for them or for the actual plot. There is a general direction I'd like to steer it in... but I don't have any specifics yet.


Well, I can assure you there'll be no long lasting romances of any kind. Although, some of my family members might take an issue with Hello Kitty not being able to fight the empire of Evil. They did draw a mustache on those dolls at one time, don't know why,... signifying its machismo and readiness, I suppose... hmm... I wonder if that felonious gender change was consensual at all... Gotta ask them. wink.png



I am guessing cordite is going to be used in subsonic ammunition production.


Here I'm listing some of the new RPG item descriptions and the simplified chemical reactions necessary to produce them:


Cordite N is a triple based smokeless military propellant. It is well known for its slow burning and brisance that cause a subsonic deflagration wave. It is produced by combining nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, petroleum jelly and nitroguanidine.

Use: artillery shells and small gun subsonic ammunition.


Nitroglycerin (3 bottles) + nitrocellulose (3 bottles) + petroleum jelly (1 container) + nitroguanidine (1 flask) = 8 cordite N (sticks)


We already have a description for nitroglycerin


Cellulose is a polysacharide organic compound found in plant cells. It is usually obtained from cotton that contains 90% cellulose. It can also be extracted from cotton-containing clothes and uniforms. Cellulose is mainly used in nitrocellulose manufacturing.


Any regular uniform = Cellulose (1 jar)


If there are no other uses for cellulose we could skip it and do this:


any regular uniform + nitric acid (1 bottle) = Nitrocellulose (1 bottle)


Nitrocellulose or guncotton is a highly flammable compound used as a military propellant. It is one of the main components in cordite N manufacturing. Nitrocellulose is produced by exposing cellulose (90% in cotton) to nitric acid.

It can also be found in pre-war films.


How to make: Cellulose (1 jar) + nitric acid (1 bottle) = Nitrocellulose (2 bottles)


Petroleum jelly or Vaseline is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons. It is frequently used in medicine and cosmetics as a skin protectant. It is also used in the production of a triple based smokeless powder cordite N.


How to make: find in the game world


Nitroguanidine is a colorless crystalline solid. It is primarily used as a military propellant, as well as a fertilizer and an insecticide in civilian use. Its ability to reduce flash and flame without sacrificing chamber pressure earned it its place in triple based smokeless powder production. Manufacturing of cordite N utilizes nitroguanidine.


How to make: Fertilizer (1 bag) + Ammonium Nitrate (1 flask) = Nitroguanidine (1 flask)


Fertilizer, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, uniforms and nitroglycerin are already in the game...


~ Blunter ~

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Sorry about my weird ideas, here is another one for your inquiry

Cit' Did you develop that encounter any further? (How do we learn about this secret place?

Why would they want our help?

What is the threat and how would it affect us if we helped?


This is just the story, map and Items ID will come only if you are interesting with further development (this is from my 10 years old duty GUGB mod concept). Hope could be interesting for you. You can change things if so.

What is important is that the player know he is playing a character as evil as SD einzatstruppen. And he had to play his role in this manner, Hello Kitty is Back (sorry it is a joke as usualy).



The Main Hero (= сержант ГБ — Sergeant of State Security?) after a radio call ? His mission before being emprisonned. He had to help to gathering information about The Union for Armed Struggle (Związek Walki Zbrojnej or ZWZ) which are evolving in Polesia, some of them in the vinicity of Tchernihiv (ukrainian= Чернігів ou Tchernigov ( russe :Чернигов) ; in polish Czernihów) which is at 140km north west from Kiev. Their lair is supported to be between Mizhrichynskyi and Zalissia forests.

Main hero should in the village of Brovary ukrania meet someone ( this person is a GRU dormant agent but the heros ignore that) but he know to recognise this person via a coded message the OSNAZ send him with a cyphering they prepare during his training in NKVD, and only him could understand far from the base:

the coded message physically describe the contact ; for this purpose, they listed the first names of relatives and parents the hero knew, to indicate the physical feature he should recognize : Zadar (his uncle) for his moustache, Lavrenti for his height 1,72cm, Simona for her brown eyes, ….and Tatania his grandmother for the contact will spit his tobacco after having cut with teeth the cardboard of the cigarette he will roll, with Maxopka N°2 tobacco.


The contact is high ranking agent from the Main Intelligence Directorate (Russian: Гла́вное разве́дывательное управле́ние, tr. Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye; abbreviated GRU (Russian: ГРУ), the foreign military intelligence agency of the Soviet Army General Staff of the Soviet Union. Even the heros does not know who he is.

This agent is born in Poland Volhynian in 1902. He joined OZNAZ at his creation in 1918 (OSNAZ is a special abbreviation for the radio and radiotechnical intelligence units).

In 1921, after the end of the Polish-Soviet war, the treaty known as the Peace of Riga divided the Volhynian Governorate between Poland and the Soviet Union. Poland took the larger part and established a Volhynian Voivodeship

In 1922 he was send as a dormant agent in poland to spy the polish army after he joigned it.

He was discharge from active duty in 1932 as lieutnant.

In1933, he met Ilia Grigorievitch Starinov when they join GRU in the military transportation unit. They followed together the courses of Mikhail Svetchnikov at the Military Academy Mikhaïl Frounze.

In 1935 back in Volhynian he continued spying actions as civilian as retired army active officer now garments' contractor for polish army.

In January 1939 this agent was reactivated in polish army with the rank of captain.


In September 1939 NKVD OSNAZ Battalions subordinate to the GUPV (Frontier Guards) moved into the newly occupied territores of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Bessarabia along with Red Army units and Communist Party officials. OSNAZ Battalions carried out functions like – carrying out NKVD directives to ensure the smooth transition to Soviet power. Orders which led to widesweeping purges, arrests, imprisonment and execution. They were subordinated to the General Staff of the Red Army till 1942 and then were shifted under the supervision of NKVD. OSNAZ was an NKVD Special Forces unit, but more like killers of the NKVD, or more politically correct the Political Special secret Forces.

_In 1940 The contact agent was helping the NKVD to identify for interrogatory, the main useful officers, during the KATHYN slauthering, when Starinov command him to escape with 2 intelligence service polish officers, to keep eyes on them and help them whatever the cost to reach the new born ZWZ.

They arrived together in the wood of Zalissia, and the GRU agent help them to organize a ZWZ partisans group, furnishing (from his civilian army tissues supplier firm's stock), coton for making nitrocellulose, and nitric acid his firm used for treatment of wool.

From this he get from partisan the pseudonym of “LONGJOHN”.

He lives in Kiev and Brovary as a simple pedlar in alcohol, tin and rags.(Bottles to do glass mines)

_Level 20 ? changing appearance no-one can notice, He is the ONE the heros can thrust.

The two ensnared former intelligence service polish officers are furnishing the soviet grenade detonators from a secret source but surely in soviet army.

As the hero put his hand on a medical convoy he got a lot of field dressing bandages of coton and pack of coton too, a good way to be introduced to the subsonics (or other ammo) hidden factory =exchange + money the partizans need to buy food, dress...

The dormant agent weave his net conscientiously, to know exactly where, who are the polish and Ukrainian secret service agents, the paid agents and the helpful volunteers to one day get the entire connection tree, to allow may be at the end of the war the complete destruction of the nets polish or Ukrainian and capture the Polesia' commandant Alexander Habiniak ("Kmicic").

Longjohn's motto is “I do not want to cut the wing of the Hen to forbid it from flying or behead the chicken to stop its running, no, I want to fry them both, the hen with its belly full of eggs.”

He knows he had to catch names of post office and railways workers too from the zwz net named “Blanchisserie” (SMOLENKS RIG DVINSK KARKOV).


To succeed in his mission he helps killing or gun down himself soviet army soldiers or NKVD regular troops. But he never show up his abilities, and would wait a bit to show his talents to the hero, but would never reveal his task, only on order may be from Stalin Himself.


The ZWZ officers help a red partisans group with some Trotskyist members supervised by 2 NKVD Kommisar, may be the one who furnish the detonators? ("Longjohn" agent as the authorization to help partizans to create weapons and ammunition, but not a simple NKVD people kommissar, rules are rules, order are order. And as they are making subsonics 'ammo and he cannot investigate himself,( it is too dangerous and his mission is top importance), he relay on the hero.

The people kommisar are Lea Kempner, and Vassily Stepanov. Level ???


A Pharmacist Benjamin Marx and a chemist Noah Yoram have joined the partisans' group to help to make explosive and medical remedies.


Write me about it, if you like it or not, just to know if I should work hard or let it sink!? I had to translate my old work from french...pinch.gif


here sketch ZONE C3R1 on your map.

Partizan reach this linked zone following the brook into the dense forest to avoid to let signifiant tracks. just a scout guard the forest ? Too much guard=possibility for german to locate the hidden lair ???

The entrance is a hole with ladder going to storey -2, excavating earth/mine type. The complex is too difficult to assault : 1corridor with 2 ligth machine gun guards.

BUT there is a hiding exit in the lattrine link to another game area map, the only way to come back stealth and clean the entire lair if it is required, depending of the clues and in game choices ?

In the lair, the NKVD female and male Kommisar, the scientists and some male and female partyzans=civilians, poor figthers may be 9 or twelve, no Smg, old Mosin (homemade suppressor or soviet stock's Bramit?) with subsonic ammo, Nagant 1895 silenced revolvers (ID345), Luger 7.65 (ID2), C96, may be some shotguns (to create) as russian & Polish & Ukranian hunters got.

May be some Polish army weapons RkM Wz28 (ID57), KBK Wz29(ID25), KB Wz 98A(ID24).

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This is a fairly pleasant surprise to see everything back to normal. I'm really happy!


I was looking for boxed versions of Silent Storm on eBay and suddenly remembered this forum, came back here immediately to check on the mod and everyone was here again \o/


Good stuff and welcome back!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mister Blunter; Here some radio code :


Term . Explanation

Abfragen To Enquire

Ackerschnacker Colloquial term for field telephone

Bedienungsanweisung Operating instructions

Bereit Standby, ready

Endstelle End point, terminal

Feind hört mit! the enemy listens in!

Gespräch Conversation

Lauschen to Listen, to eavesdrop

Lautstärke Volume

Mithören Listen in, monitor

Niederfreqeunz NF Speech frequency

Rufen To call

Überwachung Monitoring

Überwachungsschrank Monitoring station

Übertrager Transformer

Wechselstrom Telegrafie WT Tone telegraphy.


If the above GUGB mission is of some interest for you mod project, let me know I have 20 more from my own plot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I used this mod about two years ago and really liked I what I saw. I recently got back into Silent Storm and was ecstatic to see that this mod is still alive and is actively being upgraded. While I like just about everything you have done, I do have a few balance suggestions:


1. Charge Money for Healing (like the vanilla version of Sentinels): I'm not sure why this was disabled, but I think it was a big mistake. With the addition of added currency and the bank, you have a ton of money to spend, and very few things to spend it on. Charging for healing was a great way to reward/punish players for good/poor play. Not only does it make the game more challenging, it also gives you a good way to spend all the money that is currently just sitting around in your bank account.


2. Reduce Grenade Range for Most Classes (Keep it the same for enemies): As things stand, grenades are insanely overpowered. A few guys stocked up on grenades can literally just stomp the entire enemy army with a handful of good throws. While I like the idea of added grenade range, its simply too much firepower. Could you reduce the damage amount on grenades? Or perhaps add restrictions to certain classes? Grenadiers, scouts, and soldiers could keep the added range, but the other classes should go back to the default mechanics for grenades. If this is too much, I would suggest that you just do away with the added range and keep the default mechanics (it kinda makes the whole grenadier/scout classes pointless anyways).


3. Improve Melee Damage: Right now, melee is hands down the worst type of attack in the game. It takes so much effort to position units for melee attacks, yet the payoff for doing so is minimal. Could you increase melee damage? Maybe 2x the current values? There is really no point in using melee, as any other weapon is insanely more useful then daggers/clubs/swords.


4. Can't Find Any Random Encounters: I'm not sure what the problem is, but I am currently unable to find any random encounters in the game. I have progressed to the 3rd Sentinel Mission (the one right before that stupid UN Bomb Mission), yet I'm not seeing any random encounters anywhere on the global map. I have "Hidden Random Encounters" enabled, is this somehow messing up the game? I remember seeings tons of unique one's the last I played, but now they are completely non-existent.


5. Replace Submachine Gun Enemies with More Rifles or Heavy Machine Guns: While I love how the AI has been made insanely more aggressive than the vanilla version, it is really easy to just sit back from afar and shoot enemy submachine gun units with ease. If you replaced most of the submachine gun enemies with rifles or heavy machine guns, I think this would go a long way to adding more challenge to your mod. Right now submachine gunners will notice your units and try to unload on your guys from super far away. They rarely ever hit and make a lot of the encounters really trivial to progress through. Either do this, or have them advance on your units until they get within range to actually have a good chance of hitting them.


6. Add a few more restrictions to medic/engineering units: It is kind of cool how the restrictions on enginnering/medic items has been reduced. However, I think the lowering of restrictions has gone too far. The majority of your units can use high level medic/engineering equipment with relatively low skill. This reduces the importance of Medics and Engineers and makes a lot of the equipment entirely pointless to use. Bandages become relatively useless since anybody can skip over them and use the more advanced medic gear right away. The same can be said with almost all of the engineering gear.


7. What is the point of the Training Basement?: Last time I played this mod, the training basement was just barely being developed. After playing it recently, I'm not sure if anything has really been added to this since two years ago. I have found Dr. Compton's notes, yet I see no way to actually try and find him. The notes urge you to use a screwdriver to lower the force fields. However, whenever I try and do this, nothing happens. There is no prompt to use it on the barriers, or anything else inside the training facility. Was this part of the mod simply never finished or am I just missing something completely obvious?


These are just my humble suggestions to make your mod a little more balanced. As things are right now, your mod is hands down the best thing that ever happened to Silent Storm. However, I think if you added in some of my recommended changes, it would go a long way to making your mod even better. I will be checking back on this thread in the upcoming days/weeks and look forward to seeing what you have to say.


By the way, great job guy! I really feel like you should be earning some real money for the work you've put into this game.

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Thanks for the info and the ideas. thumbsup.gif

I am planning to introduce other NKVD agents (sleeper and regular ones). I found most of the historical background you mentioned quite helpful... and the radio communication terms are also appreciated.

I will elaborate and ask questions about that specific encounter and the characters involved a little later.


September's been a pretty busy month for me.



Hey, Fireman. Nice to see you too.





Two points:

1) I agree with almost everything you said and am planning to make appropriate changes.

2) I am not working on that mod anymore. This is a different story, no Sentinels, no Hammer, no vanilla randoms.


Thank you for your comments and compliments. smile.png



~ Blunter ~

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Well, I am glad my old work could find some use.

But if you already may have written your entire plot and encounters ?


I was thinking about special commando mission as robbing the german's ammo supply (special tank's canon destructing ringmines) and go destroy Tiger or other Panzer).

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  • 4 weeks later...

what are you thinking about these Propaganda Poster to denounce NKVD/soviet mass murdering of Polish and ukrainian...would look great in game and help understanding the evil behaviour from every opponent (if the heros translate for players of course).

and the last one to show that some well informed people know about "living dead soviet soldier", if you include some zombies..

Whatever a funny poster.


here the link :






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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I've seen many a fan project sink from far less than a virus. Weird, I know, a virus is a pretty basic form of "life", yet it can end many of them. Lives, not viruses. Anyway, most projects are infected by a very specific viral strain, RL. Not a rolona lirus, more like real life. ;) It happens quite a lot.
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  • 2 years later...
Getting back into this game. Just wanted to ask if anyone knows how to install any of Blunter's Uniform mods without any of the gameplay changes? The uniforms are fantastic but the gameplay rebalance does not work for me. Makes the game too easy.
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