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"This is X-COM!" - Movie Trailer


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The trailer for the fan-made X-COM movie "This is X-COM" has been released at whoisjohnnebthos.com for you all to marvel at and spread the word about. pocthesaint and his company of RSC-standard (ish :)) actors have done a wonderful job so head over there now and grab it while you can!


If anyone has some webspace and a lot of bandwidth and is feeling generous, you can help by hosting mirrors of this download. If anyone is feeling particularly generous and has LOADS of bandwidth and a fair chunk of disk space, please contact pocthesaint with regards to hosting the full length movie.


Well done guys!

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Yes the etheral is discolored.... What you were looking at was alot of PRE-VIS's...


"THIS IS X-COM" is a behind the scenes look at X-COM The Movie!!!



"This is X-COM" Should be release sometime by the 1st week of march... provided someone can grant us some webspace =]



Pretty Please





Please Kazaa the heck out of the trailer...


Show it, Share it, Love it....

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Kazaa is'nt technically illegal....

I'll share it if my Kazaa works-


I liked the sectoid sketch with "eyes serve no purpose",and it gave me

a strange thought-maybe that's where sectoids keep their grenades?

Maybe that's why their head is so large?

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I had to download a new set of codecs and a new player to see it, but I saw it! Awesome and I'm especially impressed with the armor designer! :bomber:

Hmm, ideas involving my old paintball squad, a handheld camera, and a script come to mind.

So where are you based? I don't have bandwidth to offer, but how else could we help?

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I thought the music was great, although there were very little special effects. It makes me think... I WANNA SEE MORE!!!!!! I really was looking forward to seeing one of the aliens, or maybe the X-COM base, inside a UFO. It was okay, but I wanted to see something other than the guy running in a forest wearing the armour (which looked pretty cool :) )


One more thing, seeing this trailer, it looks like they are going to do it in color, not black and white, that would make me want to see it a lot!

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HE HE HE, love it! Best laugh I've had in a long time... Can't wait for the full movie!


Perhaps sharing it though e-mule will help?


Oh, oh, and since I post so little, I rarely have an opportunity to express my deepest feelings, so I'll "abuse" this post:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard that it was suposed to come out around what, March 23rd? It's March 25th... where is it?!


I want this movie pretty hard, it would be impossible for it to be completely horrible, I just love X-Com that much.


Looks like you guys did a good job by the demo though. I almost nutted myself seeing that guy in the personal armor. :-P. WANT MOVIE.

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