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PC Zone, May 07, X-Com news item.


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May edition of PC Zone that I just bought 30 minutes ago has a small news item about possible future X-COM game by Irrational games. Direct quote of the news item is below.... (hope that's ok?)




Strategic alien-bashing linked to Irrational - does X really mark the spot?


We were told last year in a relatively loose-lipped fashion that Ken Levine's Irrational were working on the reinvention of an older game with 'a crappy interface' - and now a law firm linked to Irrational have labeled X-Com as among their wares. It's not confirmed, publishers 2K are keeping schtum, but it's happening as sure as the Pope shits in the woods.

But will the traditional turn-based combat remain? Well, if it's in the spirit of a pausable Freedom Force, then potentially yes. But if it's being created with the mentality of SWAT 4, then perhaps no. Who can say? We'll get digging...

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Anyone tried Freedom Force? I've heard encouraging noises from a friend that liked Silent Storm, but it's refusing to run on emulated windows at present... so I haven't had a look at it yet.
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I agree with you BB. Not only that, but Blizzard was at first "copying" it for Diablo, as well as the TB system. That's not to say that it was perfect, but it was good enough.
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Same here. It was simple, elegant and functioned very well for what you wanted it to do. Apocalypse went off on a bit of a tangent a little (weapon placement in the middle of the screen), but still did a great job.



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I beleve the "a crappy interface" comment is a quote from whoever told PC Zone about the game being worked on as it was in quotes in the news item. Don't think it's PC Zone saying X-Com had a crappy interface.


I agree with you tho'. UFO and X-Com had a pretty good and workable interface.

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And the reason that BioShock is much-hyped is because they were previously behind System Shock II.

And the fact that they chose a name that so obviously resembles "System Shock", if the games are not related, that was just lame.


edit: and System Shock doesn't compare to Deus Ex :D

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Bah! Liez! I have both games, and I can tell you now SS2 is the greater!


... Not that that means I've played Deus Ex, mind, but one day... One day...


And I highely recommend you get hold of SS2, Daniel, as it'll demonstrate to you in great detail why we want Irrational working on the next X-Com. These guys understand the atmosphere.

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Heathen! One cannot compare SS2 and DE. They are mutually exclusive! Seriously though, they're both good games. Both must-try games at the very least.


Well, the fact I could beat the tar out of the enemies in both games with pistols doesn't cloud my judgement! No sir!


Bioshock on the other hand drew my attention only because it conjured images System Shock II, but after a close inspection of the display/pre-order box at my local game stores led me to believe it's just a plain vanilla run of the mill shooter. But that's just the impression I got.



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As I understand it, instead of cybernetic implants you upgrade yourself bionically. That's right - You're a mutant. :D


Don't really know much more about it, but I think you're stuck in a german underwater base or something.

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  • 2 months later...

Nothing new I'm afraid. Whatever it is they are making, we'll probably find out soon after Bioshock is out. If all those rumors were correct, with the first one I recall being May last year on Evil Avatar (?), then it should already be quite far along.

I have to say I really doubt they would be going for TB combat, though. Ken said he finds RTwP to be the best of TB and RT.


As far as Bioshock goes, most things I've seen look positive with a few debatable choices, but I haven't really been keeping up with the news for a long time.


EDIT: OK, I just read that the Bioshock demo will be out on August 2nd on the official Xbox360 magazine. If anyone has an Xbox360 and gets to play the demo, please post your impressions in the Off Topic forum. My PC is too weak to run it.

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I have to say I really doubt they would be going for TB combat, though. Ken said he finds RTwP to be the best of TB and RT.


i really hope that isn't true.... i can't stand real time with pause. i just find that real time with pause breaks the flow of the game too much to be enjoyable.

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Thanks for the replies.

I hope they won't ruin the game by making it an FPS. That would really turn me off. :)

Well we're used to waiting so what's another few months, heh?

Bah, it's only been like 10 years since the last proper X-COM game. You guys are so impatient... :)

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I thought Dreamland Chronicles was UFO: Aftermath? Or at least, the magazines said so at the time and I wasn't quite following.


Anyway, it occurred to me yesterday that I have no idea how Psi would work in a first person view.

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One of the reasons I like the X-Com series so much is because it's turn based. Personaly I hate the idea to mould X-Com into an FPS. Brr... :)

But nontheless I'm very interested in the look and feel of the game, but I certainly wouldn't upgrade my PC for it.

*crosses his fingers for turnbased asskicking of aliens*

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