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Base names...


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Firstly, I need some names for my bases. Some that sound nice, like the ones you can see in Star Trek (but not exactly those of course). Right now I have: Defiance, Hope, Phoenix and Dominance. What names do you use?


Secondly, I found some pictures, I don't know if they're from Last Hope, but I don't think so, since I haven't seen them in the gallery at moddb. They are from some X-COM maps for Counter Strike. You can find them here.


And the pictures themselves:





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I usually name my bases in one of two ways. The first is using names associated with the Roswell incident:

  • Roswell
  • Area 51
  • Groom Lake
  • Hangar 8
  • White Sands
  • S - 4
  • Greek Island
  • Blue Book

I am also very partial to "Purity Control", a term used in the X-Files.


The other way I name bases is rather uninspiring: I adopt the naming scheme from the Unofficial Strategy Guide. It rather simple: a base in Africa is named "AfriCom", a base in Europe is named "EuroCom"... basically, you name according to region and then tack "Com" at the end. :cool:


Nice pics BTW! ;)


- Zombie

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Those stable/orchard pictures...so many scary memories...


I use an X-files trend, usually: Roswell, Tunguska, Geneva, Himalaya, Vatican....just for the mental picture of the cathedral dome folding open and an XCOM craft rising out of it.. Otherwise it's named after major cities as an aid to remember which continent is which.

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Mmm, I go a bit deeper. I train and equip special forces and keep them at specific bases, ie. my assault force are called SDU so their base is X-COM SDU. My snatch squad are called AIF so their base is X-COM AIF and so on, of course there is also X-COM HQ which is my first base.
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I name them as binary numbers. Best guess, these aliens have developed computer systems that have jumped far beyond the primitive on/off structure that we do. As the last bastion of human defense, I poudly display our primitivist nature. Also, I ripped it frm the Animatrix.
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I name them as binary numbers. Best guess, these aliens have developed computer systems that have jumped far beyond the primitive on/off structure that we do. As the last bastion of human defense, I poudly display our primitivist nature. Also, I ripped it frm the Animatrix.

Binary numbers? How do you tell your bases apart? All those 1's and 0's start to look the same after a while. :cool:


- Zombie

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It helps if you don't need to include the leading zeroes.











Apart from the global ship launch menu and transferring objects between bases giving mild headaches, I suppose it could work. :cool:


No point in doing the above in base-16 or base-8.



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Binary names? Well overtime you can get use to it...not what I would reccomend to anyone though..


Names are usually drawn up by organizations I make up in my Aurora story for Ufo2000.


Base-1: ZERO

Base-2: RECON

Base-3: IMP


I haven't built more than 3 bases for actual gameplay I am afraid.

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  • 7 years later...

I know, I know, major necro. ;)


I am also very partial to "Purity Control", a term used in the X-Files.


I just happened to watch an X-Files episode today (first episode I've seen in about 10 years or more) and it was the one with "Purity Control" in it. That brought back a lot of good memories. In case any of you haven't seen it, it's Season 1, Episode 24 named The Erlenmeyer Flask. It's got a great one-liner from Scully too: Looks at reddish liquid in flask (with "Purity Control" label at the bottom) and says to Mulder: "I'm warning you, if this is monkey pee, you're on your own" (they are in a lab, where monkeys were being injected with this liquid apparently). :)


- Zombie

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Typically just name them after a nearby city, but in one game I named them after gods or mythology figures of the region they were located in, so I had strike base SHIVA in India, main base ZEUS in Europe,that kind of thing.


I also like to put a base in Antarctica called McMurdo, after John Carpenter's superb movie The Thing.


And in a nod to the game's roots in the UFO TV series I like to put a base in southern England called SHEPPERTON or just SHADO.

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