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Hammer & Sickle English Demo!


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I'm pleased that they've fixed the range factor. It's now possible to shoot at someone across a room with an SMG and still have a reasonable chance of hitting. Hand to hand seems more potent and viable as well. The first combat mission I found had an innovative premise as well.
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I like it. I also don't mind the dialogue and backstory, Moshe is especially a pretty interesting character (If you try re-entering the town after leaving it, he'll tell you how he keeps the names of 8000 executed jews in his head. He also kicks ass with his uzi, which I am glad made it into the game. Hope to find the AK47 in the real game.


The firefights are awesome and the new soundtrack fits it pretty well. Only thing I don't like is the way the prisoners rebel and get their stupid asses killed in the Prison Break mission as well as the way reinforcements come running and ambush my men.

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He also kicks ass with his uzi, which I am glad made it into the game.


Which is somewhat odd, given that it wasn't produced until 1951.


I like the character of Sanders as well, and I also like the sexism that keeps coming up with regards to her from the other characters, it's period appropraite. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a sexist, but in 1949, women's equality wasn't going to be firmly settled for another few decades.

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Which is somewhat odd, given that it wasn't produced until 1951.

I'm sure Novik can give you a good explanation of why they are in the game. I doubt he'd oversee details about weapons, as it's something he finds quite interesting as far as I know.

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Wikipedia says it was designed in 1948 and set into mass production in '51. Where Moshe has picked up a Uzi prototype is anyone's guess. But hey, if the world of SS has laser cannons and wanzers, what harm does a weapon from four years in the future do?
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Wikipedia says it was designed in 1948 and set into mass production in '51. Where Moshe has picked up a Uzi prototype is anyone's guess. But hey, if the world of SS has laser cannons and wanzers, what harm does a weapon from four years in the future do?


Are you trying to tell me that World War II wasn't fought with mechs and laser cannons? Nonsense.

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Are you trying to tell me that World War II wasn't fought with mechs and laser cannons? Nonsense.


More historical revisionism! :)


I just finished the demo (prison break mission) and I have to say that it rocked ass! I realize that there is quite likely a stealth approach to that mission, possible involving KOing the british officer and stealing his uniform, but I got frustrated with the wandering patrol opening fire as soon as they saw Sanders. What? What's suspicious about a woman walking down the street in civilian clothes with a submachinegun strapped to her back? Took me a while to figure that one out....


Well, I hid Sanders under the window of the officers house and placed Igor and Moshe in disguise at the prison gates, Igor carrying his SMG in plain view but wearing a US soldier uniform and Moshe having his Uzi in his pocket. I then waited for the patrol to walk by, made like RoboCop and took down the entire patrol and door guard in one turn and despatching the tower guards in the next two turns.


I then sent Moshe through the side door with Igor about to follow him, but was surprised by a five man patrol coming onto the stage. No problem, Sanders was on location, hiding behind the poster column, SMG at the ready, and Igor was sent to assist her. The patrol was soon taken to pieces, Autofire being severely effective in this game! Meanwhile, Fidel led the uprising in the prison, making short work of the upstairs guards and stealing their guns.


However, just as the last patrolman was downed, a new patrol appeared at the end of the street. Igor and Sanders engaged them in a heated firefight with Sanders making good use of a rifle she stole of the fresh corpse of a patrolman. The odds were against them though, so I sent Moshe (Whom I have now named Moshe Payne for his insane killing spree through the lower level of the prison) through the back door of the prison, catching the patrol in the back and dismantling them for good.


Then it was just a case of waltzing into the bossmans office and blowing his brains out.



Note: Fidel has a lock pick that you can use on the safe for some extra goodies.


Impressions over previous SS games: Weapon accuracy and damage are now much more realistic. I like being able to take down opponents at anything but point-blank range with SMG bursts and I also like that people now actually DIE when being shot in the face with a high-powered rifle.


Overall, I have great expectations for this game.

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Yes, UZI, APS, AK, MAT-49 and some ather stuff in *OUR* world avaiable in begin/middle of 50. Of course, presence of Sanders is not realistic. This is a only a game. With "a'la James Bond" story.

What's suspicious about a woman walking down the street in civilian clothes with a submachinegun strapped to her back?

You see SMG on her? British soldiers see it too :)

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I handeled the prison break somewhat differently. I tried to get through by flashing the fake ID, which resulted in my being surrounded and captured. I chose to go quietly. Once I was in the cells, I recruited Fidel, and waited for the top floor patrol guard to have his back facing the cell, then made my move.


Fidel picked the lock, and knocked out the guard by the cell with a single punch, then Igor grabbed his SMG, and gunned down the other guard walking down the hall.


It turned out that Fidel is a very, very talented lockpicker. When he open up the lock to his cell, he managed to open up the lock to every cell in the prison. Moshe and Sanders waited for the guards on the ground floor to engage the escaping prisoners, then grabbed guns from the fallen and took out the rest of them.


Igor and Fidel made their way downstairs, where we got bogged down in the main entrance hall. There were about twelve guards out there, and traded fire down the hall, with some of hte prisoners who had grabbed guns shooting from the window on the second level until they were all killed.


The battle was a bit of a stalemate, until Sanders managed to slip out the side door, gun down the guards their, and take down the people in the entrance hall from behind. SMGs are really powerful in this game.


Of course, presence of Sanders is not realistic. This is a only a game. With "a'la James Bond" story.



What I like about Sanders is how the male character's treat her, given the era.


Oh, anybody know how to turn off body fade?

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Anybody tried KOing the commanding officer in the little house and stealing his uniform?

I did and put the other Us soldiers uniform on moshe, and both entered freely into the prison, went to the 2°floor and prepared their attack. I remark a phone on the table you can hit (red surrounding). I did many times and all the patrolmen came to see what happens, I put Moshe behind the other guard, then attack: Moshe killed his, and grenades blow the whole squad of morons!

After some more deads, all cells opened, 1° & 2° floors ? But Fidel was still in his own?


Applause and thanks to NOVIK It is a great game, goriest and more expeditious, which lets no place to mistake: 1 busrt and you eat the dandelion's roots.

Great :)

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