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6: Anything else you'd like to comment on? Feel free to do so, as any feedback is valuable. And criticism is welcomed.


How come there isn't a screenshot section for the X-COM games? I'm sure people could get a little creative and post some interesting/funny/bizzare screenshots. :D


Shouldn't there be an Alliance/Genesis section to the forums or at least the main page? I know they were cancelled, but at least to provide some info/screenshots.


That's all, I like the site design. ;)

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Cheers. I've still yet to get the alliance and Genesis sections back up (time restraints and all - we did have some on the old X-COM site).


I was just thinking the other day about screenshots for X-COM. I started a game on Superhuman and vowed not to reload if a member of my squad died. 1 scout ship and a Terror Mission later and I'd lost pretty much everything, but the best part was that the scout ship had a full compliment of SEVEN Sectoids crammed inside. Oh how I laughed (until they shot me).


There's definitely going to be a humorous screenshots section for the X-COM games :D

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Hehe, a month ago when I played on Superhuman without reloading, I went on my first mission (with only 4 guys, not to lose to many). I moved the first guy one square... Out of nowhere a stun bomb was shot... and all of them were unconscious. I had to buy a new Skyranger. Of course if you can make it until the Psi-amps, you can win. :D


The reason why I ask about Alliance/Genesis is because I was searching the net in hopes of finding some material on them. I found some screenshots, but I didn't know if everybody already knows about them. Anyway, I found some screenshots for Alliance, but later saw them on other sites too. I also found a pic of the Geoscape in Genesis, which I haven't seen elsewhere.

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