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Things you like to see changed/added in a patch


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I definitely agree with prone.


I would also add:


1. Crouched while walking.

2. Prone movement.

3. Ability to have development continue without having to re-select each time one item is complete. Good when making a "run" of items.

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Well from reading the Dev Diaries etc I've come to conclude a few things..


1) There will be no prone as it is much to complex ( they are using a tile based system, and a prone character requires 2 tiles instead of 1 etc ) so it would be a pretty major overhaul to add that feature.


2) In regards to covered fire - The way cover is calculated depends on the "cover" value of tiles between you and the target, several trajectories are calculated from the current square the the target square and these are analysed based on the cover value of the tiles the trajectory passes through, these cover calculations are then averaged. So if you are hiding behind a car, but your head is sticking out, you can still be hit. From what I could garner from the dev diaries this was a hotly contested problem with the devs and they feel they came up with a solution that promotes gameplay, if at the sacrifice of realism ( you can hit aliens when they are covered as well )


My only complaint is the order of magnitude difficult jump experienced after completing the second dreamland archives mission in russia. I can't even defend my own bases anymore as I either get mind controlled or rail gunned to death before I can do anything.


I think I may have found the problem though, in the UFOOptions.txt file there is a difficulty number, 2=hard, 1=normal, 0 = easy. I had changed my new game to easy to get a feel for it, but when I looked at the file it had been changed somehow to 2!! I'm not sure if the game does this after a certain point or not, and I'm not at home to play and see if it actually makes a difference. All I know is I went from fun and challenging missions to impossible and frustrating.


I'll give it a try when I get home and report back on it :rolleyes:.

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Well from reading the Dev Diaries etc I've come to conclude a few things..


1) There will be no prone as it is much to complex ( they are using a tile based system, and a prone character requires 2 tiles instead of 1 etc ) so it would be a pretty major overhaul to add that feature.


2) In regards to covered fire - The way cover is calculated depends on the "cover" value of tiles between you and the target, several trajectories are calculated from the current square the the target square and these are analysed based on the cover value of the tiles the trajectory passes through, these cover calculations are then averaged.  So if you are hiding behind a car, but your head is sticking out, you can still be hit.  From what I could garner from the dev diaries this was a hotly contested problem with the devs and they feel they came up with a solution that promotes gameplay, if at the sacrifice of realism ( you can hit aliens when they are covered as well )


My only complaint is the order of magnitude difficult jump experienced after completing the second dreamland archives mission in russia.  I can't even defend my own bases anymore as I either get mind controlled or rail gunned to death before I can do anything. 


I think I may have found the problem though, in the UFOOptions.txt file there is a difficulty number, 2=hard, 1=normal, 0 = easy.  I had changed my new game to easy to get a feel for it, but when I looked at the file it had been changed somehow to 2!!  I'm not sure if the game does this after a certain point or not, and I'm not at home to play and see if it actually makes a difference.  All I know is I went from fun and challenging missions to impossible and frustrating.


I'll give it a try when I get home and report back on it :rolleyes:.

well what u say is true.. if your head sticks out you can be hitted yes


but your head is like only 15 % of your body ! and they never seem to miss that 15 % !!

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well what u say is true.. if your head sticks out you can be hitted yes


but your head is like only 15 % of your body ! and they never seem to miss that 15 % !!

From what I've seen from people who've mind controlled those damn grey's thay are heroic in all stats, which might explain why they never miss :rolleyes:.

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Wrong on the difficultysetting there m8,





I just made three different profiles and that's the respective numbers that are set in the UFOOptions.txt file in the Profiles dir are:




KEY "difficulty" INT 0

KEY "game_length" INT 0



KEY "difficulty" INT 1

KEY "game_length" INT 1



KEY "difficulty" INT 2

KEY "game_length" INT 2


Z. :rolleyes:

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well what u say is true.. if your head sticks out you can be hitted yes


but your head is like only 15 % of your body ! and they never seem to miss that 15 % !!

From what I've seen from people who've mind controlled those damn grey's thay are heroic in all stats, which might explain why they never miss :rolleyes:.

well, they should change that also in the next patch then :blink:

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THis may sound silly but how bout a change to the sun armour so I can see the faces of my troops?


Or a simple switch to draw or not draw helmets/whatever on the troop portraits. I'ts easier to identify with your guys if you can see their face.

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I've said these things before but I'd liked to have seen this in the game.


-About face so that you can get soldiers facing in different directions.


-Buildable base defenses and contructions, It's a little too simplistic.


-Ability to rearrange the way things fit into backpacks like move twist it around so that you can fit that extra RPG round in.


-No unlimited items , part of the fun of x-com was maintaining your items and cash.


-We should have the ability to manufacture Earth weapons already out there instead of waiting for stockpiles to be found.


-Ability to split research/manufacture resources so that two or three can go at the same time, again too simplistic and slow with just one thing going.


-Fix the Bad pathing of units if I want to move them in a group ofm ore then 3 and they hit a door half of them want to walk around the whole base to get to the other side of the door instead of waiting behind the men like they have been.


-Ability to tell fighters what intercept modes they should go into like defensive offensive etc etc.


-Ability to tell squads to stay in certain formations. Like two by two.


-Quick grouping parts of the squad like most RTS' have like shift 1 would be 3 or 4 of your squad and shift two would make up the other parts of your squad this is just an example you can make any mix you want but by pressing the 1 or 2 or 3's they would automatically switch to those squad people you grouped.


-Alien Bases and UFo's wern't done very well and needed a better atmosphere of fear and excitment they just look pyschadelic.


-A map building or mod building application to be added to the game, it would be nice to see some campaigns or maps built by people go into the game.


-More different types of missions and objectives, it gets tedious after awhile.


-A better and larger research tree, not hindered by guys like not being able to research alien power cells.


-Fix the way the game ramps up in hardness, hard game setting or not it shouldn't ramp up that hard after such a short while.


-Better defenses for alien PSI, it is insane how much PSi gets through and it should be toned down to alot lower levels,you should at least get a chance to squeeze off a round or two before they take control.

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- Bigger Ufos

The storming of an Ufo is a Mission to hell :rolleyes:


- smaller countrys or increased power for Anti-Biomass Bases.

I'm not able to clean some areas because its not possible to locate a new base there and the Bases do not have the range to push the mass away.



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Wrong on the difficultysetting there m8,





I just made three different profiles and that's the respective numbers that are set in the UFOOptions.txt file in the Profiles dir are:




KEY "difficulty" INT 0

KEY "game_length" INT 0



KEY "difficulty" INT 1

KEY "game_length" INT 1



KEY "difficulty" INT 2

KEY "game_length" INT 2




guess thats only in the english version....in the German one the difficulty settings are like the description. :rolleyes:

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I would like (some repeated from above):


1. Walking whilst crouched.

2. Ability to hold some SMGs with one hand (grenade in the other).

3. Better pathfinding (it's worse than Baldur's Gate and that was 6 years ago!).

4. A limit to ALL grenades and laser packs (infinite was a bad move).

5. Start from your helicoptor in missions (like in the other games).

6. A "night vision" green-screen mode for night missions using combat helmets (like in the night time dogfights).

7. Aliens need a melee attack for when they run out of ammo - they act stupid at the moment.

8. Troops should have a melee "knife" attack or similar (just make it like a medi-kit that does damage instead of healing. It's not hard).

9. Bases should have innocent staff in them who you have to protect and not kill with explosives.

10. More dogfight options. Have "aggressive", "defensive" and "retreat".

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My dear friends of this board, and excellent posters on this thread. While this thread originally stated what would or could be changed in a patch many of you are writing down wishes for 'what would you like to see in the next game'. It might be the developers, when reading this thread, just shake their heads at the impossible requests when a patch is concerned so keeping it to a patchlevel could be smart (?)

Just my 5 cents :rolleyes:



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No, all of my requests are for this game. They're not very difficult either:


Limiting grenades and having a "munitions development" - EASY

Adding melee attack - EASY (just make a knife an "anti-medkit")

Alien melee attack (can't believe they don't have one now!) - EASY

Moving whilst crouched (needs new animations) - MEDIUM

Better pathfinding as it's currently moronic and very 80s - MEDIUM

Civillians in bases (needs a new model and basic AI) - MEDIUM

Dogfight options (probably not worth the bother) - HARD

Night-vision mode (would depend on hardware) - HARD

Start from helicoptor (needs helicoptor model) - MEDIUM


If the devs don't do this then it will be done by modders within a month.

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