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What is the thing that annoys you most about this


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For me, the thing that annoys me most is Entropy Launchers! Unless you have a shield, all it takes is one hit and you lose your expensive armour and possibly die as a result! Whats more they usually wait until you are well away from cover to fire the thing, and then when they can cloak you cannot see them until stood right up in front of them!


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I hate the fact that they can usually take almost 1/3rd of your shield power per hit.


You can save your equipment by removing all of it and then running about until the smoke stops emanating off your unit. This leaves you terribly vulnerable though for a few seconds. Full sets of disrupter armour, because each section of armour has lots of durability, seems to be able to survive one entropy rocket. But after this, don't even think of trying to use the armour to survive explosions or get hit by another entropy rocket though ... the badly reduced durability of your armour seems to make it less effective, and some bits might get destroyed outright once the durability hits 0 (the entropy eats away at your item durability a lot faster).


What I hate most is, while the aliens are smart enough to fight in packs (at least, they seem to gather in packs in the alien dimension), they're pretty stupid when it comes to grenade usage. It's as if they have no sense of self preservation. Why on earth would an anthropod throw a vortex mine at me when I'm standing right next to it, and a number of its buddies? Madness I tell you. Thank goodness for disrupter armour... Though I must admit that they're smart enough to deploy their smoke grenades after I've thrown my stun grenades.



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As to why they are suicidal with grenades it may be the micronoids telling them what to do. On the other point they do seem to cluster in the Alien dimension, it's good when you find a great crowd of them as it means you're near an objective.
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Is that the one with the big pink mushrooms? Oh, hang on, that's the megapod chamber.


Yeah, the megapod chamber. I remember there was a great big room with some spawn pads. Had my agents running about, and not finding any resistance. Then I blindly teleported into that chamber, and boy was it a big shock, I found where all the aliens went. I don't know how many aliens were in there, but there were a lot. Most importantly, there were a lot of anthropods/skeletoids with vortex mines and boomeroids. I don't remember who threw the first explosive, but my soldier teleported out just in time (just after the shields went kaput). The chain-reaction of screams and explosions just went on and on. Before it was over, the whole building literally caved in. Because of the mad amount of activity going on at the time, the whole game started getting a bit choppy, so I got to watch this thing happening in slo-mo.


If it was an anthropod that first threw that grenade -- then they really ought to be ashamed of themselves. :power:


At least the aliens in UFO/TFTD are usually smart enough not to fire their blaster/disrupter pulse launchers or throw grenades at you when you're standing right next to them. Though they're still dumb enough to fire stun-bombs at point-blank range.



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Speaking of crowds, how about the crowd(s) on the final mission: the dimension gate generator. The amount of hovering skeletoids is unreal, and just for a laugh they bring plenty of those Megaspawn nasties to join the party, all controlled by about 3 Psimorphs who always manage some kind of psionic attack on your men!!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe that mission deserves bug spray -- and lots of it. I mean the anti-alien gas grenades and rockets.


Those Skeletoid won't know what hit them with a few heavy launcher AG missiles... the pink cloud embarassment is just too much for them. :power:



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Yeah, the pink clouds are incredibly silly. But the results really do speak for themselves. It's also rather interesting that the AG rockets can be used to disable the laser grid generators.



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probably the impact damage. afaik all weapons with blast effects (explosive, or gas) do a certain ammount of impact damage on the target they hit, before the blast damage is done... which is why if you hit an anthropod with a HE missile it tends to die before the missile explodes.... or at least i seem to recall this...
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Ah, yes, I recall that from CoS raids; I didn't know there were two seperate damages for the Heavy Rockets.


Rocket: FWOOMP

Morris: Arrrrrggg!!! (down to twelve health)

Me: Whew, at least he's still alive!

Rocket: BOOOM!!!

Morris: Arrrrrggg!!! (somehow screaming this when his lungs are fifteen metres from his voicebox)

Me: ...that's it, you're gonna die.


It's solely because of those phu><0r3d rockets that I raid CoS no more.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Whilst others seem to be troubled most by aspects of Battlescape activity, my own pet gripe is the absence of any sorting facilities on the game's various assets.


Newly acquired vehicles, for example, mesh into the existing list seemingly at random, as do new recruits. This makes it difficult to select the vessels I want when responding to UFO attacks and/or the soldiers I need to equip when defending a base. Why, oh why, didn't the developers implement some kind of sorting mechanism!?


I can see that this thread has lain dormant for a while but I needed to get that off my chest. :power:

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Just to go back to what was going on at the start of this topic, about the entropy, whenever my guys are hit, i pause the game (i LOVE real time :inlove: lol) and drop all the armour, then the guys dont burn up (not sure why :laugh: ) i start them running in a circle to see when smoke stops coming from them, then i put on all the virtually undamaged armour :power: . It may be a little like cheating, but, what the heck! Who doesnt hate entropy?????
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  • 1 month later...

How about saving a standard loadout for my guys? All my troopers get two stun grenades, two AP grenades, two smoke, one incendiary, one medikit and one disruptor/disruptor cannon.


This would not only be good for equipping recruits but also save time when the BASTARD ENTROPY GUN hits my poor guys yet again... I don't mind being hit so much as having to drag/drop EVERY SINGLE CUNTING PIECE OF EQUIPMENT off and then back on again every time I get hit... it only adds insult to injury that the missile HOMES IN on you!


Your guy runs around the corner, thinks he's safe and then :laugh: ooh the missile came round the corner too, right up the bum :dontgetit:


I swear, I'm getting the editor and editing the damn thing out of the game altogether, the shields don't help because the aliens just spam the damn thing like a demoman in TFC :power:

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And they also have LOTS.


The generators may be organic but it's not certain because of the Micronoid's

Dimension Technology and all that.That battle doesn't have to be Hit&Run.It's

more like a continous firefight to me (maybe because you can't kill them all).

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Yeah, click on the base the people and vehicles are stationed at, then drag the agents into the vehicle... simple! They stay asssigned as long as they don't come back from a mission injured.


Of course, they always do, meaning when I need to do an investigation, they just take whatever's sitting in the garage :power:

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I think Kitat meant the ordering of soldiers rather than assigning soldiers to vehicles.


I find the easiest method is to use XED, then have it sort the entire list. You can then do a bit of a tune up by pushing the selected unit/vehicle to the top of the list. Unfortunately, XED tends to be a bit of a fussy program to get running, particularly on recent PCs.



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