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  • 2 weeks later...

So, basically a modern version of MoO2.


I wouldn't count "no starlines" as a positive aspect, I still think nowadays that it's the single thing MoO2 lacks. Games likes Ascendancy, and even the poor excuse of a sequel MoO3 had them and I think they add a great value to galactic strategy; strengthing choke points, etc. MoO3 gave you the option to use starlines, but not using them meant extremely large travel times; still it was an interesting approach.


Still, best of luck.




We aren't huge developer studio but...:



It's old school turn-based space strategy with 3D galaxy map, turn-based space combats, designing spaceships, 20 races and many MORE!

If you want to know MORE or support us, you can visit us here


Marcin - IdeaLCenter

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So, basically a modern version of MoO2.

In big part yes, but we have so many our own ideas that MORE should have own identity.


I wouldn't count "no starlines" as a positive aspect,

Starlines introduced some order in galaxy map, and from other side they were limiting in some way fleet movements. We have an idea to maintain order and to give fleets complete freedom :)


And even without starlines.. I think our game have many interesting things to offer :)


Still, best of luck.

Thank You :)

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I am not claiming the lack of starlines are a negative thing, not at all, just saying that no starlines is not necessarily a good thing, just different.


I would like to see more about what makes your game unique, what we can see from the trailer (which is great, btw :) ) is pretty much standard 4X, and the UI is a bit too similar to Master of Orion for my taste (It's simple, I like that, but I'd like to feel your own identity in the game), I'll be looking forward to updates from your game, do keep us posted! :)

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Azrael Strife already wrote everything I'd have to say, that saved me a lot of typing. ;) Just a note on starlines; I've been completely spoiled by SotS, which has lines, no lines, teleportation, lines building... Very, VERY hard to balance in a single game. Somehow they did it.
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Hmm.. I can give you MORE details on our project, but I don't want to spoil this thread to much ;) There is plenty of unique elements like, creating own ships hulls from basic elements and 3D galaxy with different sizes/types of stars. But... we have a big quantity of smaller things like: unstable wormholes, dyson spheres, taming monsters etc. If you are interested I invite you to our forum: www.morethegame.com/forum
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From the first glance it looks mighty fine, though the 50.000 seems bit low to me for such game or you have pretty solid system made already. What interests me the most is the ships designs, because I like space strategies were ships looks awesome. Star Wars SotS2, Mass Effect and Homeworld have very good looking design but for example Endless Space isn't my taste, same would go to Ascendancy. Same goes for aliens from your movie I see that aliens in your games are based on ascendancy which don't particularly catch my fancy. Here again SotS, Moo, SW, ME, Star Trek have very good designs. I know that is a matter of preference so this is not my judgement of a game itself.


I would like to see more of your said ship designs - judging from your description it is something like in SotS ?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Blackspace is a defensive action / strategy game that takes place in the not too distant future, when asteroid mining has become common. Piloting a mining craft around a unique series of asteroids, you will be establishing mining operations while defending yourself from incoming enemies who loot and destroy.




Kick it here. :)

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Attack The Darkness




Highlights Include:

• The fun and challenge of a table-top game

• Setup and breakdown of a card game

• Learn to play by playing! no 200 page rulebooks

• Over 30000! possible combinations in a deep yet simple combat system

• The strategy and choice you've come to love in your RPGs

• Card text combos creating rich narrative and humor



Attack the Darkness is a table-top role-playing game, a deck-building game, and a card-drafting game all rolled into one. Your character is your deck; your cards are everything that character is and everything they can do.


(...) the game is already design complete. The cards you see pictured are real and professionally printed in small batches. Attack the Darkness has been in development since the summer of 2011 and has been extensively play-tested and balanced. Your hard earned money won't just be going to an IDEA for a great game -- it will be going to an ACTUAL great game you will soon own.


(...) this is about making a game, not making money.



Endorsed by:





Kick it here!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well SHIT, it seems as though Nexus 2 Kickstarter campaign is on a road to e-hell. I can only blame the developers for an extremely ill-prepared campaign, no real updates at all. Have they learned nothing from Planetary Annihilation campaign?! Aaahhhhhhhh.
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A couple of Kick-worthy endeavours:


Sir, You Are Being Hunted



Sir, You Are Being Hunted gathers up elements of our favourite things: exploration, non-linearity, AI interaction, survival, robots, sinister butlers, and hot drinks, and blends them into a rich pixelly pulp.







(...) developing a new, epic version of the first-person fantasy adventure smash hit.
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Sword of the Stars: The Pit




Not much time left, so hurry up if this is the game for you.


Kerberos is venturing into self publishing and crowdsourcing. Might be that the failure at SotS2 launch has something to do with publishers not trusting them any more, too, but it needs to be said that SotS2 is finished and is being polished. The dedication is more than most expected.


Whatever the reason, crowdsourcing is the way for now and it seems as though Kerberos is hanging a lot on the success of The Pit and probably other incoming smaller probings into the new world, including Northstar.


The game will be made whether it reaches the goal or not.

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