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Ufo 2 : Extraterrestials

Guest Mr Mus

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Guest xcom commander(retired)
chaos concept gets GOLD on the 1st UFOET, i hope they have enough money to fund the 2nd.
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I remember that the original UFO:Extraterestrials suffered several delays and the launch date kept moving forward for about 2 years, so my bet is that the game will be released some time around spring 2013 :) .

I think you are right, they've updated (finally) the release date and moved it to September 2011 :)








Idk about you guys but I loved the first game and i hope it wont take another 2 years for them to release the second one , or worse, cancel it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
I don't think they want to compete with ME3. Most of the people that will buy ME never heard about UFO:ET (with you being a bright exception silencersmile.gif) My guess is they'll postpone the release anyway, since the preorders are still off. It'll be okay with me to wait longer if they release it on the end.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Not paranoid, obsessed... It is true, and it is because such a system is so much more fun (read: faster in its execution while having the same level of possible tactical decisions and much more about teamwork). I know, I'm still getting boring. I'll behave.
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  • 4 weeks later...
The release date was changed on Q4 2012. I'm a bit disappointed it is being postponed on the end of this year, but at least it is still in development. Any update is better than none I guess..
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  • 11 months later...

Hey Chaos Concept, why do you leave us alone?

UFO:ET-Gold does not count: it's a Starforce drm game (I'm so sorry for russian people)

Nor last UFO game: XCOM has been assimilated by Steam borg drm (I'm so sorry for pc games).

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I feel your pain, ERISS. Sadly many games are sentenced to Steam as otherwise they would never even be sold anywhere, but on Steam they can thrive. I see this as a really big + for the Steam, though I detest what it is. If possible, I'll always buy a version of the game that does not require Steam.


On Chaos Concept... I have no idea whatsoever what is going on, but I lost the hope for UFO2ET a long time ago, despite the site still being operational. I hope they will show me how wrong I was - and create a whole new battle system at the same time.

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Sadly many games are sentenced to Steam as otherwise they would never even be sold anywhere,

You talk about those casual games, sold for nothing. Other games could be sold on GOG, where are the though (true?) pc players, if the game is not making fun of consumers (the unfinished nor complete Omerta (DLC!) was not well welcomed here...).

UFO:ET is not for casual pc player, so it could be sold DRM-less.

I know many 'pirates', and they all don't bother about strategy or RPG games, they want easy or casual games (they want 'easy', that's why they're pirate they want all for free while they want being paid...).

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