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I need some help on winning Terror Sites, cause i just always seem 2 get slaughtered. So any help will be much appreicated. 1 more thing is there anyway u can turn the sound and music off i moved the sound out of its folder, but the game won't start without it, so is there anyway 2 turn it off?
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A terror site is like fighting a battleship crew without the battleship, the reallly high ranking units and the blaster bombs. The aliens also get a few free turns to spread about the map. Plus the civilians get in the way.

  • Civilians are important, but always put the safety of your soldiers before that of the civilians.
  • HWPs. A tank/cannon or a tank/rocket can really help. First, as a scout, second as armour, and finally as additional firepower.
  • Bring sufficient firepower to deal with the terror units. Until you get lasers and plasma weapons, large rockets and high explosives, while hard to use, are very useful for dispatching cyberdiscs. Note that the HWP rockets are just slightly better than small rockets - so you need quite a lot of them for the cyberdiscs.
  • Chryssalids only take half damage from explosives. But that doesn't stop the more powerful explosives (like the high explosives and large rockets) from crippling them somewhat. Tank/Cannon shells can also really pack a punch againt chryssalids.
  • When deploying at a hot landing zone, make use of smoke grenades. If not, at least lob a high explosive or fire a large rocket at the base of the ramp (do not do this in mountain maps), and they'll kick up a light smoke screen in addition to blasting any nearby opposition into fine alien shaped bits. Smoke grenades can be thrown over HWPs - you just have to get the angle right.
  • Also, before deploying, you might want to wait a turn if things look too quiet. If you have a scanner, scan the area. If you notice any suspicious blobs near the ramp, a high explosive or rocket fired at the ground next to the ramp should deal with it. Only problem is that it could be a civilian. But that's a chance you might have to take.
  • Flares. Unless you force the aliens to wait by leap-frogging your interceptors, a few flares will always come in handy on a dark terror site.



Regarding sounds:


What version of the game are you running? The dos version or the windows version? If it's one of the dos versions, you can enter the config and set the sound and music settings to 'no sound' and there you go. You can also reduce the volume of the music with the + and - keys on your numeric keypad.


For 1.4CE, you can only switch the sound effects and synthesiser music off by going to your windows volume control settings. You could also find a midi file that just plays silence and overwrite all the gm*.mid files with it. That would get rid of the music for good.



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Ah, well, in that case, that's easy. Just mute the midi/synth in Windows volume control and load up a CD or an MP3 (or whatever wave format) and let it play in the background. I do it all the time. Can't stand that battlescape music after listening to it for several hours straight! ;)



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Thanks once again for that NKF. You wouldn't happen to be related to a Sectoid :alien2: by any chance as you seem to have a huge vast amount of knowledge stored in your head. ;)


And, NKF is one of X-COM's most valued resources. He has all this knowledge simply by playing the game so much. :)

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Ah, well, in that case, that's easy. Just mute the midi/synth in Windows volume control and load up a CD or an MP3 (or whatever wave format)  and let it play in the background. I do it all the time. Can't stand that battlescape music after listening to it for several hours straight! ;)



Oh yeah, the music wasn't the one of the strongest UFO features. Especially with that old Soundblaster, ughh. Even in TFTD it was a bit better.

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Just mute the midi/synth in Windows volume control and load up a CD or an MP3 (or whatever wave format) and let it play in the background.

Nice one NKF ;) that works, but is there anyway of turning off the sound that happens when you are clicking through menus cause i like my music loud and whilst playing i click on a menu and my heart will suddenly skip a beat. Please don't tell me its those sample.cat files otherwise i can't stop it.

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