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About BreakMage

  • Birthday 03/09/1985

BreakMage's Achievements


Sergeant (2/5)



  1. Not even with a 1.4gHz processor and XCOMUTIL's loader. :/
  2. I agree with Hobbes. Also, I wish mine ran slow enough that I could actually see those animations.
  3. No, I'm not dead... I've just had NOTHING to post at all with for Sectoid-Knows-How-Long. Anyway, seeing a Cave Tileset would be really cool, and you could use bioluminescent fungus or something to be a light source, because otherwise we all know how dark caves are, and how annoying night missions are.
  4. No, let's hear the Hogan's Heroes! C'mon c'mon, I wanna see how you work it in!
  5. Gah... I took Latin for 3 years and I used to be able to translate that... I know that it's Towards the Stars something something. Ad Astra. Could even give you all the grammar if you like.
  6. Cargo, because things love to hide in the closests of the deck part of the ship. It was annoying, I spent about 50-100 turns looking for a BioDrone hiding in a closet.
  7. gah XCOM river city ransom and Chrono Trigger as;dfhasfhasklfjhaklsdfasjklfhasjklhrjklashdf *head explodes*
  8. Every time I see this thread I think it's designated towards me. I visit the World of Warcraft Forums a lot, and my Forum Account there is Elerium-115.
  9. Actually, if I remember my suffixes correctly, -pod means foot. Like, a snail is a Gastropod because it's a stomach (gastro) and has a large sucker for a foot (pod). A sectopod would probably be named as such because secto- (no idea) but it is a bipedal robot, or has 2 feet. So that explains the -pod part. EDIT: I somehow misspelled 'robot.'
  10. BreakMage


    Maybe once the Zombie reaches an Unconscious state instead of Death the Chrysallid hatches. Not sure how to rationalize this except that once the host body becomes incapacitated, the larva can then grow and take over... Or something.
  11. BreakMage


    The 200% comes from the fact that X-Com units take twice as much damage from Plasma based weapons than say, Terran Projectile weapons like Rifles and Pistols. Your units are supposed to drop like flies, evidently. And in the beginning of the game, they do. To make this equation related... did you know that E=(MC)^2?
  12. Mutons sound like Mutants, which are commonly associated with being more powerful. Cetalid, no idea. Reaper: Something with giant threshing teeth. Threshing and Reaping coming from terminology to gather food [grain]? Chrysallid: Not a clue. Sectopod: Not a clue. Ethereal: So thin they look transparent? Dunno here either.
  13. Translated... And, NKF is one of X-COM's most valued resources. He has all this knowledge simply by playing the game so much.
  14. Link to Gamespot TopTen Monsters - Chrysallid I just had to go find it for you guys.
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