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UFO: Alien Invasion-New release candidate - 2.0-RC3


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  • 7 months later...

we are currently heading towards a new release - a release of the 2.1 code tree - you can find latest beta versions here: https://mattn.ninex.info (currently uploading a new version). if you encounter bugs (be sure you will) - which is most likely due to a lot of new features - please let us know in our irc channel ( irc.freenode.org #ufo:ai ) or via our bugtracker at https://sourceforge.net/projects/ufoai/ .


I also would like to let you know, that we have greatly improved multiplayer gaming - coop, deathmatch and team deathmatch are implemented and working very nice now. We also have a masterserver set up to let the in-game server browser be alive. If you want to play a multiplayer round, just enter the above given irc channel and let us know. It would be us a pleasure to do some "gametesting" :-D


best regards


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no, currently we don't have a release date for 2.1, because it's still a little unstable - btw did i mention that we are searching betatester :-D.... ?! (did i even repeat me - oh what a shame)


but i would bet that some of you will really love the new multiplayer modes and even some of the new singleplayer features. i don't think that we will need another year to finish 2.1 - but as i said - no date yet - can be next week - next month...


John Carmack: "It's done when it's done" :-D


and feedback is always welcome (and very important to make some devs happy - in the time where everyone seams to only play fps-games :bleh: )

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  • 3 weeks later...

there will be a new release this weekend - there is already a changelog at https://ufoai.sf.net - sunday will be the day of the new release.


there are already some testinstaller online at https://mattn.ninex.info (windows and linux) - if you encounter any problems with them, please let us know.


ps. the download mirrors of the final version will be faster ;-)

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I'm downloading it... (236 Mb)


Here in Finland our leading PC-magazine's reviewer was very impressed by this. He said:


+ stirring

+ surprising

+ rousing

- quite dumb AI

- missions are not related to each other


Thank you guys for your hard work (a real turn based game)! APs tactics rocks!

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The UFO:AI development team is proud to announce the release of <b>UFO:Alien Invasion Version 2.1</b>. This version features many great improvements over 2.0 and tons of new content, such as new aliens, new weapons, new maps, new base facilities, new research options and better multiplayer support. Many of the bugs that plagued version 2.0 have been eliminated.


As the main task in 2.1, the UFOpaedia has been filled and expanded with hundreds of new and detailed texts containing full equipment descriptions, the history of the world since 2007, more information about the start of the invasion, and tons of other background flavour. The research system and UFOpaedia display have been overhauled to take full advantage of the new texts.


UFO:AI 2.1 also gives players the first glimpses of the upcoming campaign storyline which we will be implementing fully over the next few versions.


2.1 Changelog:


* First significant steps towards implementing the storyline.

* Dozens of new, in-depth UFOpedia texts and descriptions.

* New maps

o industrial, estate, bridge, oriental

* New weapons

o Micro Shotgun, Machine Pistol, Heavy Laser Rifle

* New alien race (Shevaar)

* Many new and updated models, sounds and music tracks

* Multiplayer

o Heavily improved multiplayer support

o Master server

* Improved the engine to make it more stable and portable

* Base management

o Implemented alien containment

o Base transfers partially implemented

o Finally implemented the hospital

* Combat

o New popup menu when firing/using a gun.

o Weapons can now have more than 2 firemodes.

* Lots of bugfixes


UFO:AI Homepage

UFO:AI Gallery

UFO:AI Changelog

UFO:AI Downloads

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Hey mattn, one of the gang at TCancer is confused about the multiplayer. He wrote:

Got any idea how Multiplayer UFO:AI works? Assuming it's TCP/IP playable I used the main game menu and went to the lobby, says I need to be registered or something. I go to their website and there's no info about it in the wiki or forums. Their IRC contact channel doesn't exist (supposed to be on Quakenet).

Any words of wisdom?

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