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Down the X-COM memory lane...


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As we know better than anyone, X-COM fans all over the globe suffer. It's been 11 years, and we still lack a proper sequel. GamersInfo.net takes a trip down memory lane, and you are all invited to join.


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In case you get an itch to play again after reading this, you can download both UFO: Enemy Unknown and X-COM: Terror From The Deep from FilePlanet.com. Enjoy!


Spotted at EvilAvatar.com

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Indeed a nice article offering a retrospective of the series.


I would perhaps argue with the author's views about X-Com Apocalypse. The art style may be questionable but I think they had a respectable TB system in place and colourful as the alien aberrations may have been there's no denying the tension of confronting, say, the Multiworm (and its Hyperworm offspring) or the infamous Brainsuckers.


By all accounts it had an overly ambitious feature set (what with the inclusion of the RT option, etc.) that caused the game to be stubbed at a given point in order to prevent cancellation.


I don't think we should shy away from calling it the last title that fully qualified as being deserving of the X-Com lineage.




If nothing more this article obviates the recurrent desire among the fanbase to see the brand brought back to its rightful standing among the most venerable of PC brands of all times.


X-Com in the 21st century - I say we shall have it!!

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Another fond memory popped up in my head; Have a look at the last pic in the news with the squad ready to enter the ufo and I'll retell you the story:


My dear recruit Hans is on the left of the door, and his buddy Rick is on the right. They've both used up most of their turn but and only Hans has a singleshot left for the enemy's turn. And so I hit the turn button

- Alien walks out, says hi to hans

- Hans fires ... rick goes down.

- Alien laughs, kills Hans with a wink and then returns inside before anyone else get the idea of what's going on.

GOOD SHOT HANS! gotta love those recruits..


..and that's how I learned the value of positioning my units correctly, to NEVER place two units facing eachother like that. ;)

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Another fond memory popped up in my head; Have a look at the last pic in the news with the squad ready to enter the ufo and I'll retell you the story:


My dear recruit Hans is on the left of the door, and his buddy Rick is on the right. They've both used up most of their turn but and only Hans has a singleshot left for the enemy's turn. And so I hit the turn button

- Alien walks out, says hi to hans

- Hans fires ... rick goes down.

- Alien laughs, kills Hans with a wink and then returns inside before anyone else get the idea of what's going on.

GOOD SHOT HANS! gotta love those recruits..


..and that's how I learned the value of positioning my units correctly, to NEVER place two units facing eachother like that. :)


How many times did I do that playing this game ;)


Never managed to get a working version of it on XP no matter how hard I tried. It always crashed the second it went to a mission map ;)

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Never managed to get a working version of it on XP no matter how hard I tried. It always crashed the second it went to a mission map ;)


I was in the process of making a re-make of the original game, trying to keep it as close to the original look and feel as possible, including some of the bugs... opps I mean "features" that were in the game. Unfortunatly I haven't had much time to work on it.




On another note, I remember a game of TFTD where one of my squad spotted a lobsterman facing away from my main squad. They had just exited the sub at the time and only one soldier (inside the sub) still had enough time units to fire and he had the TFTD equivilent of the blaster launcher. I decided, in my ultimate wisdom, to try and hit the lobsterman from the front and so I painstakingly set up the waypoints around the lobsterman and into his front.

I fired and watched in horror as the bomb flew around the deired path, missed the lobsterman completly and flew straight back at my sub with 7 of my men standing around it. Next turn I had 2 soldiers left and one very amused lobsterman. :)

After that incident I always aimed the blaster bombs either directly at walls or into the floor. ;)

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The fact that it flew back at your sub should have told you something about your path ;)


The last waypoint was on the same tile as the lobsterman and while looking at the lobsterman the rest of my squad was off the screen.

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Can't remeber exactly what direction the lobsterman was facing it was fairly late at night. Afterwards I started laughing... until I realised I'd just lost my best bunch of soldiers and hadn't saved in quite a while. ;)
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Isn't lobby armour weakest underneath? And lets be honest you're never going to make that shot with the restrictions that are set on waypoint placement!!! I had the whole 'blaster bomb missing everything except walls' problem but it was with UFO... I went tohitting from above after that. My first waypoint is directly away from my guy, then straight up, then above the target and lastly straight down... Blaster bombs were always most fun in alien bases, the ones without gardens and that muck anyway... You could literally send a blind bomb to criss cross every corridor and eventually it would hit something! Just use a snail shell pattern and coil either in or out on itself!
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  • 7 years later...

Speaking of memory lane... a long time ago I remembered seeing an advertisement for X-COM UFO Defense (not UFO: Enemy Unknown) in a gaming magazine. My attempts at finding a magazine with it in there have been unsuccessful. However, after an exhaustive search of the internet I found it! You can see the image on the Original Adverts site page. Enjoy! thumbsup.gif


Credit goes to Matt Keller over at Retro Gaming Australia. :)


- Zombie

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  • 5 years later...

Hi folks. Recently I was on the Original Adverts page and noticed the images in the Enemy Unknown section were a little messed up. None of the images were centered in the tables, they were all different sizes and the Apocalypse section was after Interceptor too. Well, one thing led to another and next thing I knew I completely overhauled the page. At some point in the near future I'll need to revisit it again because about half the adverts I added - all of them were not from XCommand. So yeah, go check it out. hi.gif


- Zombie

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Neat and tidy, Zombie. :)


Looking through them, I have to say, some of those adverts are pretty hardcore:


- for instance, the one where X-COM Apocalypse one-ups creamed corn, among other things


- and, of course, the X-COM Interceptor one that advises you to "stop thinking with your joystick"




Marketing gold. :D

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