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The Demise of Microsoft

Crazy Gringo

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Is Bill Gates leaving the sinking ship called Microsoft or is it something completely different?

The story is here.

Bill here wants to be more of an filantropist with spending more time doing charity work with the Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation according to the story.

Well, Bill! You create this monster called Windows and unleash it upon the world.

Now some almost 20ish years later you don't want to clean up your mess called XP and Vista after you have made something like 50 billion dollars for yourself by spreading your monster all over the world.

If Microsoft and Windows are going down the drain after this I am switching to a Mac instead....Even if you had a helping hand in there too.

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Macs aren't any better no matter how nice they look.


The saying supposedly goes that you can't crash a Mac. I had finve minutes doing some fairly routine design stuff on one and it crashed. It's all a load of balls.

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According to the announcement, he is still going to be the chariman and he will continue to advise the company on a strategic level. Microsoft is already so big that it is impossible for one man to make day to day decisions on all aspects of the business, so I doubt this decision is going to have a major impact on the company. I think he is trying to spend a little more time away from the office so he can enjoy the fruits of his labours. Even evil megalomaniacs bent on world domination like to have time off :thinking:


A more telling indication that Microsoft is in trouble would be if Bill Gates and the other people at the top start quietly selling their shares in the company and start sqirrelling the money away in various bank accounts in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

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In view of global warming, he would be better off ignoring the Caymans and going for Switzerland and Liechenstein instead. He should have enough money left over to buy Andorra as well :thinking:


Uriaheep, why not send your hate mail to the corporate executives who decided to cancel X-Com?

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Because no one's sure which one's they are... :thinking:

Hasbro. Send all your mail to them!


It's common that people who did evil things, but aren't truly evil, spend the later part of their life doing charity to help ease their conscience. Father "Blue Screen Of Death" has a very bad conscience... :eh:

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