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Jagged Alliance 3D weapons and character


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I have always been a huge fan of the Jagged Alliance games and I have or had all of them (Me and a friend wore down my copy of Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games in lengthy co-op gaming sessions).

I can't remember if UFO Enemy Unknown or Jagged Alliance came out first. But when I played them I was a hopeless addict to tactical turnbased combat.

So Mistland South this is what I got to say to you: ' Hurry up with this game! But do iron out all of the bugs first."

I wonder what kind of graphic and physics engines they are using in it....I do hope they got all of the Silent Storm engine in there and more.

An game engine packed with the tricks of the last 30 years of cheesy action movies where the special effects are better then the actors preformances (I grew up with these movies so bare with me).

I want to see those enemies go flying away from the best and worst Hollywood explosions and go flying when shot (even if the Mythbusters busted that one). Your enemies are riddled with bullet holes and loosing body limbs in the best Fallout style.

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The lead developer said in the interview we posted yesterday that they are using a modified version of the ALPHA engine. Download the demo, and you'll get an idea (though they have added physics in JA3D).
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- meet your old friends (mercenaries from previous games)

Horay! I hope that Mr Steroid is still around (so I can keep pumping him up again and again! ;)).

He is truly a 3D-character ;) (I actually hate him but he is A GAME character ... Fun to command around).


Thanks to Slaughter for the news. I'm in. :D

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