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UFO:Extraterrestrials Trailer


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It does look rather cartoony, but I like it. The important thing is that it's going to be turn-based, unlike some other X-Comish games I can think of.

X-COM was rather cartoony, so I agree that it is not a bad thing. And in the end, if gameplay is good, who cares about graphics? (I still play Fallout, UFO: Enemy Unknown and Colonization once every couple of years :cool:)

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Well, the good thing with this trailer is that it is centered around ambiance. Also, i've seen in the screenshot that there must be more beautiful images / paintings to illustrate the game. i'm also a bit skeptical about the cartoony look, even if in the case of X-com it was well made, but if we can have a good IA, destroyable background and a nice story, well, that is more important.
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Yeah, the atmosphere were fantastic in X-COM. The first X-COM I ever played was the TFTD demo. It was a mission in old ruins at the bottom of the sea, and the atmosphere was mid blowing! ;)


I wish the trailer had some gameplay in it... :cool:

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So far, the only problem to me looks like it's way, way too bright. Fortunately, that is why God gave us the brightness/contrast controls on our monitors. ;)


Edit: I also love the design of the tanks, and I'm rather pleased with the design of the human armor as well. Depending on the bugs, I'll probably pick this game up. :cool:

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Hmm, maybe if they can cover it up a bit, like UFO did, it wouldn't be so noticeable. Though I don't mind the cartooniness myself, I was speaking about what usually players like (read brown/gray/black and their shades with a completely dark atmosphere). What UFO did, was to make the night darker, so it wasn't that obvious.
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I think the art direction and overall look of the game is fantastic, a bit cartoony with some grit thrown in, just like good ol' X-Com!


Only thing that bugs me is that the portraits for the squad members look a bit goofy, but oh well, what can you do?

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Hmm, seems I missed that one. Noticed a quote from it in the TCancer forums, but thought it was an older interview. Thanks for the heads up Thor!


@Naked_Lunch: Yeah, the portraits could use a little work. Then again, if that is the worst that can be said, this should be an excellent game! :cool:

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