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Attribute Swap Fix


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I made a small program to fix the agility/dexterity switching problem which happened in the patch.

download it from here.

simply run it, select the savegame you wish to fix and it will switch the dexterity and agility for all your soldiers.


I have only tested this on the english version and only on saves from the strategy part, I strongly suggest backing up your save game before using this.


Edit: I added a GUI for this utility, it should be much easier to use now.



Edited by Rinchwind
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Just tested the tool, and it works like a charm! :phew: I was a bit scared that level up would mess the stats up again, but that was unfounded I am happy to report.


Would it be a lot f trouble to make a GUI where you choose the savegame to be updated, instead of having to use command line? And how about the tool reading the path to the UFO: Aftershock directory by itself, so you don't have to put it in that folder? The registry key is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ALTAR\UFO Aftershock


I know this is probably too much trouble for a temporary fix, but since I have no clue I just thought I'd ask. Thanks anyway! :D

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Excellent! BTW, Does this actually switch the attributes, or how they are interpretted. In other words, if I'm starting a new game after the patch, is this neccessary?

It simply switches the attributes in the save game file, it doesn't affect anything else.

if you start a new game you don't need anything since the Agi/Dex swap was caused by a bug that was fixed in the patch.


As for adding a GUI, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, however since I've got a big programing assignment I should have been working on instead of playing this game all day long it would take a day or two untill I'll have time to do that.

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May the Gods bless you! :)



One quick question though. I am running it from my game directory and the DOS window opens and closes in the blink of an eye. It doesn't remain open for me to specify a file.


Is that suppose to happen?


Edit: Appears the first one I downloaded has no ReadMe with the proper instruction. I got the second one from the Files section, thank you both. :cool:

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errr, I have 2 questions about DOS navigation, please answer them:


1.How do you go back one directory (like you do with the 'up' button in Explorer)

2.When in My Computer, how do you change the drive you're working on? Is it done with the cd command, or is it something else?

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errr, I have 2 questions about DOS navigation, please answer them:


1.How do you go back one directory (like you do with the 'up' button in Explorer)

2.When in My Computer, how do you change the drive you're working on? Is it done with the cd command, or is it something else?


Bring out the old DOSrats.... :)


1: type cd.. to move one 'level' up.

2: You write : and press enter as in D: or C:


I hope it helped

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Bring out the old DOSrats.... :)


1: type cd.. to move one 'level' up.


not working... tell me what I type for the following: I'm in C:\Documents and Settings\User


How do I get to having simply D:\ ?


EDIT: Thanks, Slaughter, it worked.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
It simply switches the attributes in the save game file, it doesn't affect anything else.

if you start a new game you don't need anything since the Agi/Dex swap was caused by a bug that was fixed in the patch.


As for adding a GUI, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, however since I've got a big programing assignment I should have been working on instead of playing this game all day long it would take a day or two untill I'll have time to do that.

Just a qucik question now that patch 1.2 is out and comes with it's own bugfix for this problem


Will the two conflict and reverse it back to v1.1 stats?

Thanks Slaughter, that's fixed it. Back to the ol' Super Heroic +2 speed.

Does this mean We don't need this Patch. IF we jump from Retail version to 1.2 Patch?

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