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To Re-Load or Not to Re-Load


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I'm just curious about re-loading habits. For example, I promised myself that THIS time, I wouldn't reload. But then, only into the second month of the game, my guys were facing multiple medium size ships, and I was getting brain-boogied, and my bases were getting attacked, and I had two terror missions: this on the easiest setting. So I'm starting over, again. Playing a clean game is hard to do. Do you reload?
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I reload from time to time, I hate losing landing craft. :tank: I can end a mission where only a couple of my men make it out alive and still feel good about it. Reloads are to just before the shootdown though sometimes I save as soon as the mission begins, especially if it takes alot of time to equip the squad.


Sometimes I am tempted to save every couple of turns for one reason: I am playing and having a great mission, few if any team casualties, some nice kills, fat juicy ship full of elerium and bam, my game crashes to desktop. AARGH! :P

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Save often! Just don't reload as much. My generally unstable computer likes to crash at any opportunity, under any provocation- so I have to save often as a matter of prudence. Even when off, I'm convinced the ruddy thing practices in it's sleep. Hmmm...paranoid you say, eh?


Tactically, I don't mind losing a few soldiers (or even most of them), provided I successfully complete a mission. If I fail- I reload.

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I tend to save often... i would prefer to only save when i'm done for the day but it sucks to loose a few hours of work to no fault of your own.. like,your kid pounding on the keyboard.. or pressing the power button.


not to mention the game is not 100% stable. like never start a combat or save when intercetor mission is minimized.. crashes on me every time i load or return to geoscape. :tank:


I dont mind loosing a whole ship to bad tactics... makes the game interesting :P


-Blade FireLight

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I used to reload like mad. But now I usually don't, with the only exception being a BB into the skyranger. When that happens, I say f**k it. There's no way that could have happened. Just plain dumb.
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I'm a re-loading maniac! I just can't stand to lose ANY of my men, they're all great, and the thought of having to train a rookie all the way up to take the deceased soldier's place is... AARGH!

Nevertheless, I sometimes let wussies die, I mean the ones that get MC-controlled/panicked/berseked all the time (isn't it just annoying to have a guy mind-controlled INSIDE the landing craft who drops a grenade, killin' the 90% of your troops! Why the hell did you join X-COM if you're afraid of the aliens??). I remember the name of one: Jean Degallier... Does someone have a soldier named after him? Is he a wussie?

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Ha! My main wussie trooper tends to be Stefan Farber for some reason (a few of you might remember some comments on my signature about him a while ago). What's that all about?


I name my top ranker after me and he NEVER dies (with a little help from some omnipotent being who is able to travel back in time and cause events to replay in a way more conducive to survival.)

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i feel like a dip shit now..............i never save a game before a mission. casualties are casualties and i don't care if i just lost my delta SAS elite commando raider general, he took a round and died. oh well. anything above captain is rare for me, and according to my regulations he must be the first man off the craft since he is the godly figure of the unit. i'm not going to keep him in back and let the rookies die first, they are a captain or whatever for a reason. but i thought this was how often you reload your weapons...........i reload my weapons when they are running low, single digits and just dump the mostly empty mag or throw it at a civilian or alien just for shits and giggles.
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lol @lonestar i don't kill off alien bases they are to much of a profit to let die. instead i send in 4 very good soldiers with the best equipment and variation of weapons and armor and raid them for their eleruim. sometimes it works and i clean the whole base out and just pick up everything before i leave. motion scanners are a must though. otherwise your troops will never make it out alive
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It's surprising, but they don't. I always assumed they exploded violently like the ion beam accelerators in TFTD, and from the damage you see when raiding a crashed UFO, you'd think it would have exploded too. But they don't.


I guess they're in a non-volatile state.


Personally, I prefer to attack the supply ships that come along rather than the base itself. You don't have to deal with the terror units and you can get your hands on three elerium pods rather than one (despite some alien bases having two power units, only one is technically powered).



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My good man, John Clarke, never worry about upper levels of UFOs again!


Simply get two guys with flying suits on the top floor of the supply ship, then BB the wall in front of the command center. Load up another BB into the command wall, and drop your two fliers down. They can clear the area easily.

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For a low-tech alternative, use any weapon with explosive, incendiary or stun tipped ammunition.


For the alien in the command centre, have a soldier with a heavy/auto cannon or a launcher/mini launcher head to the storage/medical deck and stand underneath the command room. Fire up at the ceiling a few times and voila, the alien's dealt with. The explosion goes upwards so you're perfectly safe. You can do it with a blaster launcher too -- and that will be enough to knock a hole in the ceiling.


Also remember that the aliens don't really know how to shoot down one-tile wide grav-lifts, so you can effectively block off the upper decks by having a soldier stand at the base of both grav-lifts. You however can shoot up the lifts if you see any aliens above you.


Or, if you want to use the less sporting method, just go to the storage/medical deck, stand underneath the command room and throw grenades directly up at the ceiling or at least the next few tiles above you. It won't bounce back to the floor, but will go right through the ceiling. Works every time, but it does feel a bit like cheating.



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I used to save the game before every move/turn and then reloaded it if anyone died. I managed to complete UFO without losing any men/women.


Sometimes a pain in the ass, takes up a lot of time; but, hey, i didn't like to lose anyone :angel: . It takes so long for peoples' stats to rise, it pis*ed me off when they died



Now that I have completed it, I just let them die and get on with it..... :tank:

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