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I Finished S3 :-)))) Strange finish


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What I can say is that this game is very very good. But I think that difficulty and the last mission are strange.

1. I think that every next mission are easier and easier. The last mission is piece of cake. I think that the hardest mission is that with mine traps when we have to disarm them in 4 turns.

2. In the end I choose the secret mission and I was very close to kill 3 MEGAGIGApanzerklines and sudenly game stoped and short moovie showed me that I kill myself..... very strange.

What do you think about this ending?

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KGB: it's good to hear that it gets better past that damn UN Mission. I still haven't gotten past that one, and it makes me sad to think about. Maybe one of these days I'll just power through it and get back to having fun with the game. I've been playing the Sims 2 lately, and my new GBA, too (them are cool!).


S3 has been my love. And it will be again.


Later. Much later.

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Yes, I was surprised by how easy the last few missions were. Stash was hard until I realized I needed to take Panzerkleins, easy after that. The last mission (whichever way I played it - stealth or assault) was much easier.


Doommunky - the UN mine mission is a lot easier if you rob the bank first and have enough money to hire Viper or the high level scout. It's not nearly as annoying if you can see the enemy before he shoots you.

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  • 1 month later...

Need Help in UN mission about the mine/bomb in secong floor/winecellar.....

It looks like to me, that the hole game is in 3-4 turn, but i have killed all the enemies, but still the bomb went off. looks like it on timer, but how can you stopp the timer or find the guy who sets the timer?????

Haved tried lots of difrents type og attack, but nothing so far.

And have you notis that somtimes you can't see the enemies, but they see you. If you walk to then, and when you are right in front of them and then you see then.

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And have you notis that somtimes you can't see the enemies, but they see you. If you walk to then, and when you are right in front of them and then you see then.


They're hiding, just like you can. Only problem is that they're better at hiding than you're on spotting. :blush:

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