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X-force Fight For Destiny


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Hi All,



I've only came across the X-com Fan Made game X-FORCE Fight For Destiny

resently and i have to give credit to the people involved ,

Altough some parts of the game are still in German it is a very good

salute to the X-COM games,I think that anyone who hasn't Downloaded

this game yet should, Its well worth a look,

I also heard that UFO2007 is looking great, :) Keep up the good work lads,

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I'm not sure about it being free. I think they've got another two years to make their minds upa bout that one though - I wouldn't mind paying for it at any rate after thw work they appear to be putting into it!


As for how you can help, they're always after help for translating the Russian site pages into English. If you can run the pages throgh a translator and make sense of it, you might be able to help them with that?


There is a specific thread around somewhere but I seem to have misplaced the link at the minute :)

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The thread is here. Though personally, I think it should be in the Projects section.


As for the game, it wouldn't be free, as far as I know (although the last time I'd visited their site was around may - things might have changed). Still, the work on the game is at the very beginning, yet. They are looking for game artists, modellers, story writers and those, who can develop some principal game algorithms. The programming work haven't yet started. So, now it's mainly just a concept of the forthcoming game.


And, of course, you can spellcheck the translations for the English version.

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Well i wouldnt mind paying for it but would it be a download or CD?

Anyway is it the same people involved that made X-FORCE Fight For Destiny

If not the UFO2007 team should get in touch with them as the done

a very good Job with X-FORCE Fight For Destiny,

Is there any threads out there talking about this game?(X-FORCE Fight For Destiny

) I havn't heard much about it. I'm about 8 weeks into the game and it keeps

geting better, Any thoughts on it?


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As was sometime ago said in this other thread, the game is planned for publishing on CDs (4 for the first part and 2 for each of the two add-ons :))


As for X-FORCE, I've read about it somewhere in theese forums, although don't remember where, maybe in "Fan ideas for new games"

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Just for Info:

The 0.910-Alpha of X-Force: Fight for Destiny had been released to modder's a while ago. It has not yet reached beta stage but was released to give modders time to adapt their gamesets - several of the new things (limited weapon range or changes in the explosion effects for example) require the existing mods to be changed for the 910.


Some mods are already adapted for the 910 (but not yet in the official download, you'll have to ask in the forum for them), but it will probably still take some time to get the 910 to beta status. Players who don't care about that can already test the new features, the 910-Alpha can even be installed parallel to a 903 without problems.

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I don't know - it depends if there are other features added to the alpha or not (the limited range for weapons was added in the 910-Alpha-4-Version).

And there are a few other things that might also be added in a future 910-Alpha-Version, but the programmer hasn't made a final decision about that yet.


If nothing more is added this might go beta within a short time but if several more features are added it might take a few months before the beta status is ready (especially since now it's around summer holiday time in Germany)


A few more infos:

The greatest change in the 910 up to now is the improvement of the scripting language. It is now possible to script a UFO-KI with a good control over the UFOs movement on the geoscape (including the ability to choose a new target or to react when hit by a XForce-Base and more). Also possible are scripts to change the avaibility of UFOs so you aren't limited to a single timeline of avaibility any more. The same goes for aliens and research projects so you can now script a lot of surprizes into a gameset.


And there are a lot of smaller additions which give a lot of possibilities to the modders (like scripted conditional game-ends, creation of different resource materials, better handling of scripts and more)




I almost forgot the most important change for the english community - the gameset editor got it's own language file now, and the first alternate language file (english of course) is partially finished. In the non-german forum on www.XForce-online.de someone posted a better version of the editor's language file, but that is not yet part of the official download (what do you expect from an Alpha ;-)?)


As a result a few english modder already began with a yet unreleased english mod for XForce - and the door is open to others...

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  • 7 months later...

Hello again,


there was a leadership change in XForce several months ago and it took us some time to get back on track.


I'm now one of the two new project leaders and I want to inform you that we just released a new update (910Alpha-5). It's a small one but contains something long waited for: a better ground combat map.


Here's a screenshot of the new map:

Screenshot new ground combat map of X-Force


The translation for the editor and game into english is also continuing...

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Additional Information about the maps:

If you install the Alpha-1 and update to Alpha-5 you'll get two mapfiles - the old village.m3d which was only for testing and the new crashsite.m3d


If you don't change anything you'll have a 50-50 change which map will be used in any ground combat, but we couldn't simply delete the old map because that would have created problems with saved games using that mapfile.


When you start a new game you should simply delete data/maps/village.m3d, but if you want to continue an old saved game then please solve all open ground combat missions and save without any mission before deleting the old (and rather simple) village mapfile.

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  • 4 months later...



we are approaching the final steps in preparing the next version of XForce. It might take another few weeks, but I'll post here again when it's avaible.


That version will include a lot of changes and improvements, some of them specifically made for the english community (one of the larger tasks remaining is the translation of the gameset "Galactic War" which will become the default instead of the previous "default for testing" gameset - that will include the beginning of a real story and all-new Aliens and Equipment).



In your project list you classified the previous 0.910Alpha-Versions as "Beta"-Status, but the next version will be the first true 0.910Beta. Could you change that and correct the date shown (it's still the date for the 0.910Alpha-1, and the last published version is 910Alpha-5 from february 2007).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday the new version (and an improved homepage) went online.


There are many changes and I've written an english news for those who can't read german.

The most important ones for the english community are:


- new screen resolutions

- new english gameset

- editor translated 99% to allow english speaking people to create their own gamesets


For more infos read the english news



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The first few bugfixes are avaible as the Beta2 over the online-updater (config.exe) of XForce.

You can expect the next Betas with bugfixes in a short order (probably every one or two weeks), but it will take a lot more time to get new features out with the V0.915 (that will probably take several months)


@Admin: you posted the news, but forgot to update the project list.

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@Admin: you posted the news, but forgot to update the project list.

Fixed, thanks for the heads up! I admire the diligence of the people working on X-Force, UFO: AI and the other projects. Cheers!

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And the Beta3 is in the updater - faster than expected, but we had to fix a few critical errors.


By the way - we are still looking for help with translations (to english and from english to other languages) and additional programmer (unfortunately most of the remarks in the sourcecode are german, but if we find someone we'll help and start translating).


And it would be nice if the people who tried to start an english gameset several months ago would appear again since now the editor is almost completely translated to english...

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