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Another Mod (Allies Skin +More)


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I love the game but hate the Allies uniforms. So I'm working on changing them as best I can within the bounds of the game. Hopefully we will get the ability to extract and add textures soon. Untill then I'm working with what is in the game.


I'd like feedback but please keep it contructive. If you don't think something looks right then please say why, not just because "I think it sucks."


While some of the new scout uniforms might seem strange, I'll explain what I was thinking. I hear complaints at higher levels that a scout can pretty much walk past enemy troops and remain undetected. My theory is to give them German or civilian clothes and think of the hide ability as the scout being able to pass him or herself off as such. If you are spotted and revealed then I guess you said or did the wrong thing.


The characters from the United States I changed to look more like a mercenary or covert agent I changed their bios to be memebers of the OSS (precursor to the CIA) and feel this better reflects what U.S. interests may have been doing in the European Theatre.


Other changes include always having critical shots. Shots to the head will kill about 90% of the time, the other 10% (grazes) will cause some temporary AP loss. I changed the shots to the body to kill about 70% of the time and to cause bleeding the remaining 30%. I left the leg and arm damage the same. I personally enjoy this more as even in the first Allied mission I caught myself holding my breath when the German officer opened up on my guy with his revolver. Yes, he has shot me in the head and killed me several times. It really changes the game for me in the fact that I'm always thinking about shooting from cover where before I would blaze away in the open and shrug off his pistol shots.


This is still a work in progress and I'll send it in as soon as I finish up a few more of the characters.



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Since you seem to have figured out the Criticals table, could you enlighten me as to some of the fields? I can't for the life of me figure out what the "Range" field refers to. I originally figured it's probably the "roll" you need to make, until I remembered that the game works on success=rolling under. Also, would I be correct in inferring that "QueueIndex" refers to the most likely order that the criticals would be healed (alternatively, their difficulty to heal).
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While only the programmers can tell us for sure Ill tell you what I based my assumptions on. Look at the torso criticals, in particular the three bleeding examples.


The first has:



Value=5 (VP's bled per turn if I'm not mistaken)


The second has:





The third has:





So based on this the index goes up with a higher bleeding rate. The range goes down with an increase in wound severity. Look at any body part's list of criticals and you will notice the range always goes down as the wound level increases. The exceptions being Stun and Death with a range of 999.


Seeing how the index of each part is 0-8 without duplication it would make sense if this was used to identify the most severe wound. The index on the other hand show duplicate listings in every critical list. I don't feel this is a hard number to beat with a roll, I do think its applied to some equation to determine the difficulty or the length of the heal.


When I changed the values for the criticals in the head and chest area I simply used the existing values as a guide. This is all just guess work on my part so I'm probably wrong, but hey you asked :)

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Yeah, I think it was the 999 values in those 4 criticals that threw me off as far as the Range entries. What did you change the Range entries for the Death criticals in your mod (I'm curious since you mentioned a percentage chance for them).
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Orginally I simply changed the other listings to be a death critical. I did do some tests and my percentage is off. I was orginally going with the assumption that the critical was chosen randomly from the list. I changed the first four entries for the leg criticals all to the same type of bleed condition and the last four to AP reduction. After shooting team mates legs and only getting bleeding, Im pretty sure that as your skill level increases you gain access to the higher criticals.


I can't seem to find a pattern. Changing the first four damage types caused one critical type to always occur. After studying how the criticals work Im thinking of changing them back to the default for the torso but leaving the death condition for the head criticals.

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Sure go ahead. I can't seem to get the criticals to work like I would like them too. I can explain how to get the glove textures to show up in game if you need me to.


Another thing I changed was the crouching sniper position for the Allied snipers to the same as the Axis snipers. I can't stand to see a sniper doing sharp shooting from some weird unsupported seated position. that and in some buildings my snipers legs were clipping through the bottom of the window.

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I'm not sure if its a bug or something I did but when I use "Always Critical" selection and use it in game shots dont always inflict criticals. If you enable the console you can see the calculations for hitting a target followed by the damage. You can see the roll for critical probability and the check made against it. Its very obvious that its not always critical.


Just to make sure It wasn't something I modded I checked the orginal game database and made sure the criticals and the difficulty setting where still the same. Then I made a mod with always critical on and tested it out. It still depended on beating the roll rather then having the damage always cause a critical. Maybe Ill post on the offical boards and see if I can get any info on this.

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Erm... maybe you can always make a Russian male uniform with the cap as your (The picture at your site) Russian female uniform. And if you can make it's colour grey (Like the fur cap's colour), it'll really look like Russian conscripts. ...just a thought.
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It should be pretty soon now that I think I've figured out the critical bug. I just ran a mission and tested it out. I took the head criticals and changed 7 of the 8 to death with the last one being a graze that stuns the person for 2-6 round. I changed the toros criticals also. Ill have to go back and look but I think I left 3 of the 9 criticals to death and the remainder to bleeding. Bleeding ranges are from 5-15 points per turn so you can bleed to death in a hurry if you dont get some medical attention. Add in multiple shots to the torso causing multiple bleed injuries and it gets ugly fast. This also tends to speed up game play.


I spruced up the base values so everyone should have a throwing ability of 30. This allows non-grenadier types to actually throw a grenade just not always get it to land in the targeted spot. The boost tends to make the grenadier class throw more accurately if Im not mistaken. In the mission I've watched 2 enemy grenades thrown and both of them caused death. Im not sure if this was just luck. Ill have to test it on my poor team mates to see :twisted:


Let me know where to send the mod. Im currently trying to make the default hero skins look alittle better but I'd be more then willing to post what I have done so far.

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