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Weapon and equipment wishes for rb6.0


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Yes, I was wondering if they ended up with the old 5.5 Rebalance, because I didn't really see any difference, besides the A2Gun Parabellum ammo having a lot more range.


None of the other things mentioned during the weekend had been fixed yet, in the 5.5 I downloaded yesterday.


It's good that it got figured out.


Yes, I wanted one quick draw, fast fire, accurate to a kilometer pistol. So a 60 meter pistol in UFO:AM sounded like something truly unique to add to the handgun category. You have to admit that the BFG4500 and the Needler are unique for handguns, mostly because of their awesome power. Well, a Sniper Handgun or a Gyro Stabilized Handgun would be unique for its massive range, fast fire, and unbelievable accuracy. You could call it the Gyro Handgun or the Hubble Handgun or the Lurker Handgun, based on the description and the theories I gave up above to Kermel. It would be a sniper pistol, something unheard of and unique. The Gyro Handgun would make up for the impossible to animate Star Trek Phaser. The Sniper Handgun would be like receiving a fatal bullet from your mailbox. Reach out and touch someone, as the old AT & T ad used to say.

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I ran into the human enemies again last night. Am I the only one to get them? Is it a Windows XP thing?


I kind of got stuck with human enemies during a space of time, and then I figured out that I could quit, restart, and they were gone, except they weren't gone in the Next Area during one mission. There was no way I could get rid of them. I would have Transgenants in the first part of a two part mission, but the second part insisted on always giving me Human Enemies. Strange!


At least they don't crash the game like they used to do. I killed through them in the Next Area, and then the game went back to normal for most of the evening.


Aralez, please tell me that you purposefully took advantage of the Human Enemies bug like Fulby did so that we get Human Enemies about ten percent of the time with Rebalance 5.5, so that I know that my computer hasn't contracted a real bug. I never got Human Enemies playing version 1.3 all the way through unmodded, so something is different with the 5.5 Rebalance in the mix.


Should the Human Enemies be anything to worry about, crash-wise, as long as ALPine isn't in the mix? I might be worrying about nothing. Nobody else seems to have the problem or care, though I still think having human enemies in a 'capture a transgenant mission' to be an oxymoron, not going together right.

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I imagine that we'll have to start a New Game with the updated download, the NEW 5.5, and then we'll have to start a New Game when you include BlackAlmaz's weapons, which is okay. I like seeing all the new weapons and starting a New Game is a small price to pay.


Just be sure to include my 60 meter handgun into the mix, so that when we start a New Game for the last time, it's all there. ;)

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Same problem here. With 1.0 no problem. With 1.3 and rebalance 5.3 and 5.5 and starting a new game every time. Its fun to see more enemies, but i prefer to kill aliens more than green-slime-human. Anyway, no crash here.


And for 6.0, i dont want more weapons, insted, more actions please!!

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Sigh :) Once again: The "friendly" transgenants thing is a KNOWN bug of the 1.3patch. Not a RBMOD-thing. :)



And for DELEORE (sp?) and the other guy sending me 3 or 4 emails about the enemies with no name:


Those green Enemies which appear to NOT have a name in tactical misions are NEW enemies, which i made on purpose (duh!) ;)

They only appear in earlier missions and only in small numbers, they have a green heavy armour and actually shoot back :) They were a kind of tribute to the old alien TFTD enemy called "Deepone". They are actually mentioned in the file called important.txt! duh, again ;)


I have a nice screenshot of them , i'll upload it later.



CU and have fun!


Btw, no comment on the saw ? Strange.... ;)

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Sigh Once again: The "friendly" transgenants thing is a KNOWN bug of the 1.3patch. Not a RBMOD-thing.




Okay, then sigh, as suggested up above a couple days back, please get with Fulby, the maker of the ALPine mod, because I truly do believe that he knows how to fix the "friendly transgenants" thing.


Your Rebalance mod is plagued by the KNOWN bug a little more than what's desirable, and if Fulby has an easy fix to give you, then his input would be most appreciated.


Hint, hint, hint. :devil:




Actually, Aralez has done a pretty good job of listening to us. We have indeed thrown a lot his direction this last week.


But, I wish Aralez would get with Fulby and figure out if there is an easy fix for the human enemies thing that he can implement in the Rebalance mods. If the fix is impossible to implement in the Rebalance mod, that's one thing, but if it's just a matter of reaching out and changing a variable in a vfs file, then Aralez should find out how to do it and do it.


Getting rid of human enemies is tops on my list of features to be included in a UFO:AM rebalance and/or in a mod.vfs file.

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Mmm, I didn't mean that you had to do the "ghost" (lacking a better name) right now, Aralez. ;) I suppose that you'll later open a special chapter for new aliens (though you'd probably be better off taking some holidays instead ;)). I just mentioned it now because it has to do with weapon balance.


Lurker : I run Windows XP and have patch 1.3, and I've never found the crash you mention. About the sniperhandgun, I don't want to hurt feelings but it's certainly a weapon that I wouldn't like to be included. It's a matter of flavor : handguns are light, fast and shortrange, sniperguns are heavy, slow and longrange. If anyone could manufacture a handgun that good, why stop there ? Why not make a heavier two-handed version with even better range and damage ? Long guns are already underrated in this game by having low short-range damage (a matter of balance) and unrealistic low maximum range (for better gameplay), so I don't really see the point in humilliating them ever further.


On the other hand you can tweak the weapons yourself, it's not difficult. Are you familiar with DOS commands (such as dir, cd, etc.) ? If that's the case download the Official Modding Tools from this very site (under the Tools section) and read the documentation. I'll help you if you get stuck.

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Well, if Aralez if adding more weapons from BlackAlmaz, I would like a Sniper Pistol in the mix. People don't have to use it if they don't want to, but we can't use it or give it to our person Heroic for handguns if it doesn't exist in the first place.


It would be unique in the handgun list, a hangun or pistol with 60 meter range.


But, what happens will happen. We are indeed running out of new and interesting ideas to try where weapons are concerned, or at least I think we are. Too bad that there isn't the necessary animation for a Star Trek Phaser. Laser handguns should theoretically not have a range limit, if we are going after reality, if I understand anything about lasers. So, my 60 meter handgun in the game wouldn't be too big of a stretch of imagination in my humble opinion.


But, you are right, if you create a Gyro Pistol with 60 meters range, then the temptation is indeed to create a Gyro Rifle with 90 meters, and a Gyro Heavy with 120 meters. Except, thanks to Aralez, we already have sniper rifles and heavy weapons with impressive range, under the limitations of the game.


Que sera, sera? Whatever will be, will be.


Thanks for the tip regarding the documentation. Does it really teach you how to change the statistics of existing weapons? I guess I will have to go look. ;)


Thank you.

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Just to show you quickly. In the Official Modding Tools there is a file called UFOvfs.exe, you need to put it in your gaming folder (c:/program files/CENEGA/ufo aftermath or whatever) and type :


ufovfs.exe x 55_mod.vfs tactical\configs


(or whatever the current mod is called ;))


then a folder called tactical\configs\game will be created with some txt files in there. Open the one called listofmagazine.txt clicking in it. Most information is there, change it as you wish (you may want to read the documentation in the Offical Modding Tools first).


Now, to enable the changes just <edited> type


ufovfs.exe a -w 55_mod.vfs tactical\configs\game

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Thank you.


I'm going to have to give it a try.


So which handgun do you think I should give an 80 meter range to? ;)


The laser handgun seems the most logical. <evil grin>


There is a laser handgun or laser pistol, isn't there? I usually don't use handguns because they never have enough range. ;)

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Changing the range of the Desert Eagle to 30/60 :


- open listofmagazine.txt with the Notepad (just clicking on it)


- search for the string eagle (Edit - Search, or ctrl+B)


- you'll see the following :


   WEIGHT 0.15
   EJECT 1
   DAMAGE 150
   RANGE 22.0
   AREA 0.0
   DTYPE "U"
   PATH_3D "tactical/models/weapons/h_mgp-eagle_3d.txt"
   ICON "tactical/models/interface/items/magazines/h_mgp-eagle.txt"
   SHAPE "s11"
   EFFECT_FRONT_AIM "tactical/particles/gun groups/human/handgun_group.pgrp"
   EFFECT_FRONT_BURST "tactical/particles/gun groups/human/handgun_group.pgrp"
   EFFECT_IMPACT "tactical/particles/hit_effect groups/human_small guns_hit.pgrp"


Just change





RANGE 22.0


to the values you want. Save and export back to the vfs file

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Not the Alien Laser Pistol.


Nor the Advanced Alien Laser Pistol.




I'm talking about the human manufactured Laser Pistol or the human manufactured Enhanced Laser Pistol, the ones that use the Hybrid Power Cell. I have never seen a Reticulan use one of the human manufactured laser guns, rifles or pistols. I'm sure that Qualveg and Slooz didn't know how to use them.


Don't feel sorry about not knowing of the existence of the human laser pistols, because I wasn't even sure that there were human manufactered laser pistols. Very few of us ever look at, let alone use, the handguns because none of them have sufficient range by the time you receive them. Though we all end up with at least one person that is heroic for handguns by the end of the game.


That's why I think that Aralez should give us one handgun with huge range in his rebalance. He was taking wishes or requests after all.


I made an interesting discovery. The human manufactured Enhanced Laser Pistol has the longest range of all the handguns. Its aimed range is 35 meters! I had been brainwashed into thinking that the maximum range of the handgun might have been hardcoded to 30 meters, because of the Psi Projector, the only handgun I ever used until recently. Now I use the new Needler and the new BFG4500. I guess I also knew that the Advanced Alien Laser Pistol had a range of 30 meters, though I only used that one once.


Having a pistol with a 60 meter range would get it used.


So, to answer my own question as to which I would modify. I guess if I don't choose to give the human manufactured Enhanced Laser Pistol a 60 meter range, I would step in and give Aralez's Needler a 60 meter range, that's assuming that Aralez doesn't put in a specialty pistol of his own with a 60 meter range.


Anyway, thanks to the Needler and the BFG4500, Aralez has actually given me a reason to go into the Handgun tab and actually select something. They are brute force weapons, now all we need is a sniper and stealth handgun to round out the bunch, and give that Handgun tab some use beyond just a destination to go to pick up a Psi Projector.


Isn't it interesting how each of us have different playing habits?





Don't feel sorry Kermel! This whole thread is about wish fulfilment! You are helping me to fulfill a wish, if Aralez decides not to create a handgun with huge range.

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Thanks to all that Aralez has done, I basically have two unfulfilled wishes where rebalance and modding are concerned - a long range pistol and a mod that turns off the Human Enemies bug. That's not so bad! I'm extremely close to getting everything I ever wanted where the original UFO:AM is concerned.


So, once again, I salute the Aralez, and once again, I thank the Kermel!

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lurker..give me your email...acount and i'll just send it to you...i dont know if it will crach with other mods...but it works fine with out anhy mods on mine...i will give you a Advance humen laser pistol...that will use anything you whant...i'll just use that model
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When it comes to weapons for UFO:AM, Aralez is very talented at fulfilling people's dreams. You just have to look to Rebalance 5.5 for the proof of that claim.


So you see, the advantage of having Aralez make a Sniper Handgun (as opposed to me just changing a parameter) is that with Aralez you run a severe risk of an enhanced weapon, a new weapon's icon, and a new special effect to go along with the weapon. Maybe it's just me, but from my point of view, the BFG9000, the Hover, the A2Gun, and the Nuker have demonstrated special effects and ideas that I didn't think were possible with UFO:AM.


This thread was about dreams and wishes. Aralez asked us to list our wishes. We did so.


Could you imagine if, when we asked for a Star Trek Phaser, Aralez would have been able to implement it? How cool would that have been? It doesn't hurt to wish, because sometimes Aralez actually finds a way to pull it off. I used the saw and the knife last night when playing with the game. I was led to believe long ago that those types of weapons were not possible in UFO:AM. Aralez shattered that belief. Who was it that wished for a knife and a saw? It wasn't one of my wishes, but it was a good wish.


Therefore, we present our wishes and then give Aralez time to dream up a solution. He's been able to create most of our suggestions, and I have been very pleased indeed with what he has accomplished. Aralez gave us a knife and a saw with very limited range, so I just assumed that he could create some unique handgun with 'unlimited' range, judging by what I have see so far.


Also, if Aralez makes a new weapon, you still have the older original one to play with as well.


So, we keep wishing upon that star, Aralez. Who knows what else Aralez might come up with, after he has had enough time to think about it?


And from the way BlackAlmaz has been talking, I also was sincerely curious to see what BlackAlmaz had created in terms of art, functionality, and uniqueness.


Am I the only one that's curious? For me, the best part about Xcom and UFO:AM was seeing what each new futuristic weapon did and how it performs.


Setting waypoints with the BlastaBomb in Xcom was the most fun I think I ever had with a weapon. Now that weapon had range, class, and pinpoint accuracy - usually. Can you imagine how cool that would have been, if Aralez could have pulled that one out of his hat and given it to UFO:AM?


So, I'm not going to apologize for wishing, and you shouldn't either. Thanks to everyone's wishes and Aralez's imagination and sacrifice, UFO:AM has just gotten a new lease on life. UFO:AM is back on my schedule in a major way, now. That's a good thing, isn't it?

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Actually, my 'good' email address, the one that allows me to download 30 meg, just happens to belong to my wife. I gave that email address to Aralez, and with 11 meg downloads every day, the process has gotten me into hot water with the wife.


I was actually going to ask Aralez to stop sending me each new update, because it has started to lead to fights with the wife. Not good. It served its purpose at the time, but not recommended that I continue the practice.


So, sorry BlackAlmaz, I'm not going to be able to send you my email address, because technically, it isn't mine. I want to go on living in the real world.


I'll have to wait to see what Aralez includes of yours in order to try it out. My other email address is reserved for business, and I can't give that one out.


EDIT: I just left Aralez a personal message letting him know to stop using my wife's email. Now I get to go 'here' and download the latest fixed 5.5 version just like I'm sure the rest of you did today.


Thanks for everything, one and all! I thank you sincerely and salute you. It has been a fun week thanks to you.

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Thx ;) But without the input from this thread it wouldn't have developed into something special. Lurker, got your mail, i won't use the address anymore.


Two small updates: The "new" human enemies will be removed, i will use that armor for the new mutons in your crew. (oops, i didn't want to slip that out) ;) And i will make a Lurkergun: a handgun with great range, BUT i will make it have some disadvantages as well to balance it. Any ideas?

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