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Great. Thanks for the advise on the customisation prog.


Those damn Greys don't have a Cats chance now!!


The only cheat (hmmmm. I think more like 'balancing the game difficulty') is the one to show where the enemies are. That way you know when to throw a grenade!!


I'm happy now. the game has re-earned its enjoyment factor!


But please, oh please Cenega, take into consideration players views if a 2nd part is made. The game COULD be great.........<sigh>



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I known how modify save. It is protected by CRC (algorithm MD5). CRC may be count by HexWorkshop 4.10 (tools->generate checksum ->MD5 ->Generate)

CRC is between offset 28-43. CRC must be count from offset 44 to end of file (select text and generate). Counted CRC must be rewrite on old (offset 28-43).

Of course crc must be count after modify attributes in save. Attributes are very simply to find. Example: if you want increase intelligence in save find text intelligence (HexWorkshop Edit->find->Find What[Type:Text String]:[Value:Intelligence]) and increase value. It is possible modify other attributes (example weapon,armor in base).

But the game is very boring.

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Why cheat ??


Any fool can complete a game with cheats, and it's a hollow victory.

If you can't complete the game without cheating, then try an easier level, and if you can't complete easy level, then keep trying until you do.



The closest I come to cheating is save the game at the start of a fight, and if I realy screw up replay the fight.

(not that that's happened yet)

If I lose one or two of my team, that's just the spoils of war and I carry on.

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before any change try calculate CRC on oryginal save. Select text from offset 44 (44 and 45 have value 0001) and calculate CRC. Calculated value (right, bottom window) must be equals to value in offsets 28-43. If isn't, maybe is diffrence in regional version. Offset start from 0 if you count from 1 - CRC start from 29 to 44 and select file from 45.


start_file0000803FA00000000000010020000000000000004000000050C30000<START_CRC>ABD7D3AE517A1ABD8C016737DE58CDBD<END_CRC><start_Selected_ file_to_calculate>000100000000000000000000................end of file <end_selected_file_to_calculate>


@Rob88 You right :withstupid:))

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do i understand right?


i have to checksum from 44 to the end.the checksum must be the same

from 28-43.if not,i have to change the checksum of 28-43.

but it doesnt work.


but,even if i dont change anything the sum is always different...

look like i am a noob..


damn,i only want to change the duration of staying in hospitals....

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If you are having trouble with modifying the CRC I've made a small utility that

can fix the CRC in the file, you can download it here.


Don't forget to make a backup of the save file before you modify it, there is no guarantee that it will work on all versions of the game.



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i can't get the cheats to work ;)


i did change the config file, and i guess that the problem is with my keyboard...


i'm dutch so if anyone knows which keys i have to press (on a dutch keyboard that is) i would appreciate :withstupid:


After trying out some settings on Windows i manage to get a ~ in Word bij pressing shift+` button... is this how it has to be configured ???

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Hi, first thanx Cochise for his CRC description for save games.

I made small windows utility for recalculate CRC after made changes in save game.

I think is easy for use, I tested it and work. I see on this forum info about other tool for it but this link not work today.

This my tool is not for edit save game; you need this under any hexeditor, but it's easy (interesting data are saved as text), and after made changes you need run my prog, press start button, point to edited save game and its all. You need backup your orginal savegame before editing (one time i made bad changes, and lose my save) this tool is at https://binman.w.interia.pl/ufo_crc_recalc.exe

If you have any questions write it to binman@interia.pl



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No, I'm tested it only with polish version, haven't other. I'm not sure, but probably it work wit all version (if Cochise description about CRC placement is correct). My prog only calculate MD5 CRC for part of save file starting at offset 44 to end of file, and store calculated 16 bytes MD5 checksum at offset 28 of this file. I use Cochise description for made this tool, and thinking Cochise not use polish version - if it work on his vesion and work on my, probabbly work on other



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I also can't get a right respond - I have manage to gat a config.cfg file now and added the key line.


but when I press the shift + "½" nothing happend - this is the one rigt of "1"


it used to be tho one where I type in codes in games where there is a console f.exam. in FPS games...


I think My keyboard is setup to be danish - gee I'm not sure dough.


any danish ppl - in here who got the cheat to work please Pm me og mail me plzzzz caused i'm get my humanoid but kick whit some serius alien boots.


and how ppl can even beat this game whit out cheats, DAMN I play easy and there are here and there and evry where.


Raven - dk :withstupid:

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LOL! ;) I can't believe the amount of views this topic has (around 4400!). I never thought we had so many cheaters around here! :withstupid:


PS: The console may show up if you press Shift-Alt-~.

nope not here, has just tried this here reaale annoyd me...


I start to think that there is no cheat for this game - so until there is someone who will be so kind to take a screen shot for me - I will not belive in it...........



Raven - DK

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Ello, im a swedish bloke. sure its terrible to cheat but it wont f****n make it for me. i have a question. anybody know wich key to hit with shift to bring up the console? or do i have to make the keybord setup as english (US)?


:withstupid: oh dear god i wanna get some more bases.....

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Hi all,

I made simple semi editor for UFO AM savegames.

It extract part of text data from savegame, you have text edit window for edit this data, and you can store edited data in save file with recalculation CRC checksum.

But if you want use it, you need be very carefull, always backup save before editing, remember, you will edit raw text data without any description and this data will stored in save file, you need know what you editing. When editing you maybe change length of text data, my tool when edited data is short compare with orginal adding extra spaces at end, if edited is longest as orginal cut into orginal length (possible problems, but i see in orginal saves some extra bytes probably not used).

Its only beta version - you can use it only on your own risk, without any warranty.

You can download it from https://binman.w.interia.pl/ufo_am_edit.exe

best regards


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comment to previous my post:

I use this site logo on main form of my tool without permission from owners of this site. If its any problem, write me email on binman@interia.pl and I remove it, but monday (before i not have access to the net).

Sorry for my bad English



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Comment for my save editor !!!

I forgot write, this editor work ONLY on strategic save game !!!!

When you savegame from earth map screen you can edit it, when you save game from tactical combat system saves two file: with your name contain tactical combat, and name generataed by system with strategic situation. You cant edit saves with tactical combat, I not tested it on strategic saves from combat mission.

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any one know how to change keyboard to english - cause I wanna cheat too


I can't beat this game whit out cheats it's sad but true. so anyone knows anything about it - plz write..


here is a sampel of my config.cfg




STRUCT "root"

KEY "systeminfo" BOOL TRUE

KEY "nosound" BOOL FALSE

KEY "stencil" BOOL TRUE

KEY "use_safe_refresh" BOOL FALSE

KEY "force_texs_mutable" BOOL FALSE

KEY "video_mode" INT -1

KEY "va_main_buff_size" INT 0

KEY "force_old_va_mode" BOOL FALSE

KEY "fragm_progs" BOOL TRUE

KEY "vert_progs" BOOL TRUE

KEY "colors32b" BOOL TRUE


KEY "soundVolume" FLOAT 1

KEY "speechVolume" FLOAT 1

KEY "musicVolume" FLOAT 1

KEY "cheats" BOOL TRUE



as you all can see there should not be a problem whit it - the only problem I have is that darn console thing - I can't activated it.


Raven - DK

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@ All Guys out there havin' trouble with the Keyboard-layout


There ARE Cheat!

The Cheats written above work! All of 'em!


I have had difficulties too activatin' the console but figured out...

I'm living in Germany and using a German Keyboad - just hittin' "SHIFT" + "Ö" and the console appears!


"Ö" is the Button rightside of "L"! (Cuz most Countries doesn't know that OE is Ö in Germany and other Countries having german languages!)


It doesn't matter if U change the Country-settings from EU to UK/ USA. It's the same with other Games havin' a "console" for cheating to be opened by Combinations of ALT + ^ or SHIFT + ~ or something like that!



Hope I could help U Guys...



A Great German Community

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