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Original War


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Has anyone played original war, on a few things this game has similarities with UFO, although it looks like a normal rts, it has the pause element to give new orders, which is already unusual for this type of game, your soldiers improof their skills, also the soldier drawn for UFO, in the art section have similarities with John, the main character of OW, so I guess Altar had a bit of experience.
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Yes, I've played it recently. It's got many cool "new" elements, like the fact that everyone available helps on a new building if they can, mechanics repair damaged vehicles by themselves if they are idle and so on. Very interesting and smart solution in the game!
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And every soldier is an individual instead of the massive all look a like units in C&C.


I have been playing today, when your technology increases you get cooler vehicles, now I had a buggy with a gatling-gun on it and if you are fast you can repair enemy vehicles and use them for yourself when enemy troops left the vehicle because of the damage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I've played it, not recently though.... I bought it a while ago.

I like the little details in the game like the tracks in the grass left by the soldiers and vehicles. It's the small details that I like in games.... it makes the game world more interesting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yap, i had pick that game out of some cheap game rack.


Pretty cool on the people handling method. It is more like real human, as human applied monkey see monkey do learning method, thus human can do all thing given time.


Talking about monkeys, it kind of fun to have monkey chasing after you when you tried to tame them. :rolleyes:

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It's basicaly an RTS that has elements of an RPG in.


So the character you play is actualy right there on the battlefield and if he dies then it's game over. The characters also get experience whenever they do something so they can gain levels in various fields like soldier, engineer, mechanic and scientist.

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I've so far only played the demo and that's enough to make me luve it.

Not much I can complain about except that they could have chosen another grapichs inteface. The one there is is soft and OK to look at although it leaves many possabilities in the shadows. :rolleyes:


Although that I'd like to say that it's one of the most X-COM like games I've played since apocalypse and therefore I cannot say any bad things about it. Russia rules! :blink:

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