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Interview with Tri Synergy


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Will there be fog of war/line of sight, etc?

That was one of the best bits of atmosphere of the first Xcom series of games, was that aliens would come out of the shadows, in and out of your view, spooking the hell out of you at times.. you never really knew what was around the corner..


From what I've seen in the video, looks like you can see the whole screen at all times, which kind of kills the atmosphere..please let me us know this will be an option..

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There is "line of sight", but "fog of war" is not planned. They may decide to change that due to demand though. Personally I don't think it matters if there's "fog of war" as long as there's "line of sight", but many seems to think "fog of war" is important.


And welcome to the boards!

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Ask them what their promotional plans are for the game. Do they plan to advertise at all, or just hope word of mouth is enough? Have they put any deals together yet with the major software chains? There was talk at E3 that Walmart was interested in selling U:A. Has anything changed with that arrangement?


And a comment for those who don't care - why did you even post?

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Tisk tisk this is mostly a euro board and most of us.......... care, but i wont let this little comment throw me out into a spin of how important a game being succesfull worldwide is for the future of the franchise and possible expansions/addition/sequels. Instead ill ask a "real" question,


"Are there plans for releasing other ermmm consumer goods, let me elaborate, will there be strategy guides that can be bought seperatly, also any plans on poster/T-shirts/caps (the KILL cap was a good idea)/plastic toys to fill our rooms? Perhpas in a collecters edition (spawns the question: will there be a collercters edition?) ??"



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Well boo hoo hoo!


I don't think TriSynergy will have any new details about the game - they are only distributors, but here are a few more questions:


When are they going to get in contact with gaming websites and fill them in on the game? Specifically Adrenaline Vault, but the other major sites as well. When is the release date? That would be a good thing to tell the gaming sites. When will a demo be available? Are you making plans/deals for selected websites to host the demo? What other games/software has TriSynergy distributed? Why are you distributing U:A rather than some other game?


California uber alles!

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To all UFO fans - Please guys VOTE on - https://www.tothegame.com/game.asp?ID=1563 TO BE 10 MOST WANTED - We have 6.39 , The 10th Tomb Raider 6.44 ... Give there a few 10s and it is set !!! ;):blink::) And about the US distributor ... I am from CZECH but I am interested because I do not like Czech localized versions of games - sounds silly ... Maybe I am a bit old and conservative [ Used to play in English in a GAMING DARG AGES - C64,AMIGA and everything was in English > Now it looks strange to me to fight with - vetrelci , zbrane , strelba , vyzkum instead of ALIENS , WEAPONS , FIRE etc.] Who knows - I am so DAMN CRAZY about AFTERMATH that maybe i will buy both versions :eh: :devil:

AGAIN GIVE A FEW VOTES to be again 10 most wanted .

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