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xcom ufo Graphics files


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Can we make a graphics section containing all the converted pick files ? I'll host them all on my website, I'm more than willing too - and have unlimited bandwidth.


Might as well bundle them all up for the public , every one is looking for them.


please email me if you have them all on your computer.. preferably bmp's and zipped, And i'll grab them from you.



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Oh, the reason i want the "sprites" is because i really badly want to make a flash cartoon series using the xcom world.


I think it could be awsome , but i would need EVERY last image in the game. Unfortunatly i'm dim and can't rip them myself.

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I spent 3 hrs today using cool edit pro converting xcom sounds to mp3.


I have all of them , 79 unique sounds ( weighing in at aprox 1MB )


I'm willing to share for the complete graphics collection. I'll have them up on my site shortly.


benny@xboxottawa.ca ( i spent 7 years playing xcom... now i've switched to Halo lol)

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well if you want to rip the images yourself, the easiest way would be to use my pckView.net program (located on my webpage). It outputs whole pck files as a single 8-bit bmp (24-bit is supported, but i havent uploaded that yet). Better yet, it is compatible with both games (ufo and tftd)


I would think my mapedit program would also be useful for backgrounds, unless you want to tile them yourself.


Finally i have an online unit generator, tho im currently working on ways of improving image output. The link is in this thread. The only thing it doesnt do (currently) is create frames for running


Hope this helps =)

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yes, unfortunately im usually stuck at home with dial-up.. or at school with admined computers. I can't install anything basically, directx 9 is out of the question.


If you could point to where i could download the files ( ufo defence ) I will most certainly host them for everyone else here. It's the least i can do, and frankly won't affect my bandwidth diddly squat ( i'm used to hosting huge files )


btw the avatar creator is great. And if the images wern't anti-aliased i'd probably sit there for .. no i wouldn't :P


thanks in advance.




BTW if you like halo videos go visit my site.

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you want to host them at home on a dialup?


The problem with posting the graphic sprites is that we dont own them.. Atari does. And I dont think anyone wants to be the target of there leagal department.


Making a cartoon based on the graphics I think would be 'fair use', but not making all the game graphics availible.


-Blade FireLight

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NO ! lol, i would host them on my website ie FTP them from school to an online server :P .


I don't think anyone has to worry about swapping sprites from a game that came out over 8 years ago.


I think a lot of that legal bs has expired . I'm holding the PC Gamer disk # 5.10 "Classic Games Collection " which includes a full install of xcom ufo as well as several others -The Secret of Monkey Island hasn't been a secret for a very , very long time if you get my drift.


I can do some research on the topic if it would change your mind ... but , i'm hoping someone will let me grab the files from them so i can toss them up on my website.


any idea on the file size ?



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Ok thanks , i'll try to extract the files myself today... But my school's computers don't like to have programs installed on them.


I'll let everyone know if i decide to host the files.


pckview from the xcom util homepage doesn't work for me . I think because i have ONLY the xcom "gold edition" from the pc gamer diskette. Which program is a stand-alone pck viewer ?

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I tried Daishiva's pck view - it worked but none of the selectable paletts produced perfect results. Could be that i'm using xp pro at school :dontgetit:


I'll try using another OS .


In the meantime - if you have them all ripped please email me at benny@xboxottawa.ca and i'll host them to the public.

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lol Daishiva's program worked for me ( except it won't load "big objects" )


now i know why nobody has the sprites - It would take a month to convert them all to GIF format. !


I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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pckview from the xcom util homepage doesn't work for me . I think because i have ONLY the xcom "gold edition" from the pc gamer diskette. Which program is a stand-alone pck viewer ?

The only difference between the PCGamer's nerfed edition of the Collectors Edition and the original dos edition are a few executables and the music files. Otherwise, the files used to store the graphics are identical, and therefore pckview should be able to export images from them. If pckview cannot run on your system, then it cannot run on your system.


As for ripping the graphics and hosting them: I don't particularly condone this path of action, but, on the other hand, there are a lot of sprite webcomics around these days and they seem to have gotten away with it.



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I converted everything to a gif file once, i had 1000+ images


The only reason i do not convert everything for you (it would take about 5 minutes to write the code) is that i feel their content is copyrighted and while its okay to use it in the manner you suggest, you should only have access to that content if you legally own the game.


so in that line of thought, i do not want you to host the images, i cannot stop you from doing so, but i will not help you in that endeavor.

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I do own the games

UFO defence ( original & gold )


and i even used to have Apoc.




The music was done by John Broomhall (UFO)




The technical supplemenet for UFO has written on the front page :

"Your X-com UFO Defense package should contain a Player's Handbook... etc"


BTW i don't have photoshop so , really I don't see any quick way to convert the files with the programs I have.

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