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The TRUE Successor to Xcom


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Hi! First post tongue.png

I don't know if someones posted here yet, but I wanted to make sure to let you all know. There is an ongoing project thats goal is to create a new game that will be the true successor to Xcom without violating any copyright stuff. The game will follow the original Xcom, and believe me, this will pan out. If you don't believe me go to www.projectxenocide.com and check out the pictures. Once your convinced go to the recruitment center and join up! They can use any help they can get, most especially if you are a programmer! Sorry for the long post, and I hope that you can help out!

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This is NOT a long post :( so don't worry about it :( Yeah we do know about the Xenocide project (mostly!) and I think we all give it our 100% support and good wishes! Unfortunately there are very few people here with the skills to help and those who are able to help are being redirected to another project here > https://www.gotdotnet.com/Community/Workspa...8c-3e5e2bf6792e

Ok it's not as tidy as the link to Xenocide but there you go :P


The great thing is, this is a prequel so it won't interfere with Xenocide or vice versa! So good luck to us all :(

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hey vet, is this a playable demo? that would be very cool, even though i wouldn't see any of my work put in it. ( cause i never got a chance to send it off, lol) last freakin week of training so in about a month i'll be back. people support this, it could be a very good program in the end. out



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If you go to the site Munky you'll find the newest Game download along with the most recent MDX. I think you'll be quite impressed, except with the autoshot :P the accuracy is useless. I've never hit anyone with burst fire evewn from repeated attempts point blank!


Right now it's very basic but yes the demo will have a full map with completely 3D battlefield including four accomodation blocks and a science facility. The map is currently yet another of my jobs (they're all pretty easy though so I shouldn't complain!)


It'll be a long while before we're done so you'll still have plenty to do when you get back. Look forward to having you back on the team!

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Oh, ideas and resources fans have a-plenty. If not actual resources, a single fan can write an entire tome full of ideas and rules for the game.


It's just that fans never complete or follow through with their plans to the end. Or if it's a group effort, the group is rarely harmonious or works together as a fluid team, with the project often being held up by key members who neglect their duties. Eventually ending with the project being forgotten.


This is especially true with very ambitious projects like X-Com-like remakes.


Granted, this needn't be true for everyone, right?



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Unfortunately that's true... Our group on XCom 6 has been gaining and losing members every few eeks since we started but Bulma and I have always and will always be there so it'll never die. Hopefully we can make a go at creating a good game out of it. If not at least we can have a demo and one more part of the X-Com timeline!
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The reason I'm a little cautious of joining such a project is because of what was just said: I'm sure that if I did join, I'd soon find something else to do with my time, or just forget about it, or something... I think I'll just keep my creative juices focused on my X-COM Screenplay...


P.S. That Xenocide thing looks like a direct remake :P

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goddammit Loonie! Will you just get this out in the open already! :P


PK, it doesn't matter if you vanish after a week or whenever. We desperately need people right now and if we get so much as one helpful item from you you're name would stay on the project.

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Fans can never make a true successor :/

You don't have access to the very same sources and ideas the original creators had. Thus a fan game will never have the same qualities XCOM has.


But that's my opinion.

Fans can make a true successor :(


The only problem is that they usually do not have enough free time and they are not paid for this work.


So you can wait until we add more terrains, units, mission types, resources and scenarios editor, AI opponents (computer controlled aliens), geoscape and strategy part to UFO2000.


Or you can really help to finish the game faster if you have decent C++ programming skills. We already have LOTS of ideas of what can be added to the game and just more ideas will not help much :-)


I agree with NKF that every fan can generate a lot of ideas but very ambitious projects are not very likely to succeed.


UFO2000 is not ambitious project, we just do what seems more important at this moment and do not have long plans. But the game is improving constantly (though slowly) and is playable.


The programmers can view a list of unassigned tasks for UFO2000 here: https://ufo2000.lxnt.info/pmwiki/index.php/Main/CurrentTasks

These tasks are not complicated but are dull and not very interesting to do (surely they are much less interesting than generating new ideas :P ). But taking and completing some of these tasks will make the game better.


If I only had more free time and motivation to finally make 0.4.0 release before the new year... Looks like all the other UFO2000 developers are even less motivated than me to do this :(

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Although fans might not be able to make a game the developers would 100% like, neither would the developers. No one has that much time or money. As it stands, the odds of an official game coming out that anyone would like (the last X-Com release being Enforcer, which has little to do with the X-Com style except for the cosmetics) are huge.


I wouldn't work in a team, though. I'm too head strong. I wouldn't like the end result, if only cause it wasn't entirely done my way. But teamwork is needed to produce anything; the ideas that go through my head would take a professional team at least half a year to pull off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Which is where XCom6 has an advantage :P We at least have a team constantly working towards an already determined goal. Even if it's usually only two or three people at least it's more than none!

Did I say we have nobody working on the game? That's not true :(

I just did say that the game is improving not so fast as I would like, but the work did not stop at all. After a year or two of XCom6 development you will understand me.


It is silly to debate which one of the existing projects is The TRUE Successor to Xcom.

For example, in my humble opinion, UFO2000 is the most promising of all x-com inspired projects. I would have already working on a better project otherwise. But you surely have a different opinion :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

As production values drop, graphics are the most noticable casualty. Xenocide, although the gameplay might end up being just fine, really doesn't look very good. I admit I'm just going by the screenshots, but the 3D is clearly not professional-quality. There's really nothing that can be done about this; even low-budget professional games have this drawback. Some other things that can go are the AI (a good AI can be very complicated), the writing, and the gameplay design.


That's why I hold out hope that UFO2000 can become an effective UFO Defense remake; the graphics and writing are there already, the gameplay design is not too hard to reverse engineer convincingly, and the X-Com AI is rather pitiful anyway. The problem is that the best that can come of such a remake is bug fixes and some extra features (multiplayer support being the big one, but extensibility being significant as well). It's still just a remake.


That's not to say I wouldn't be happy with a good X-Com inspired fan-made game; I would, I just don't think it's likely to happen. I also would be very happy with a UFO2000-style remake with bug fixes, relatively easy modding, and even possibly some sort of included XCOMUTIL feature.


I do wonder if anyone has checked up on the location of the X-Com: UFO Defense source code. I have no idea at all what the legal status of X-Com is, but it would be a great asset to these remakes to have access to the original gameplay mechanics as seen in the source code (it would also be ridiculously easy to fix some bugs; the base-defense misplaced wall bug is probably the result of one misentered number in a for loop somewhere). Considering that the X-Com brand is all but abandoned and that the source code is old enough to not be usable in anything but an X-Com remake, there might be hope.

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