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I believe it is time at last.

Ion Mage

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As some of you may know, I have recently rescinded myself of executive command of XCAS (that is, of XO status). This was in large part to having become the XO of XCGS, and not likely having the time to be both. However, I am afraid that reality is showing I am getting more and more stripped for time. Plus, XCAS as a setting is losing it's appeal to me, somewhat. Lastly, I'm realising how Howardson isn't the greatest of characters RP-wise.


As such, I have come to the decision to leave XCAS, formally. I will stay for the duration of the current saga, perhaps we can plan a dramatic Howardson-death until then, but that is as far as I go.


It has been very fun, and I remember my first sim here rather well. It was my introduction to mIRC-based roleplaying, with which I was knowledgable of prior to joining but never having actually gotten to do it. XCAS seemed like quite the chance to get in, given how I already had an idea behind the setting.


I do not want you to think that I am leaving because anyone here did anything wrong, or that anyone annoyed me. You are all great friends. As a matter of fact, if I find the time, I will pop into #XCAS on occassion to observe, as does Loonie on occassion. It is purely a matter of not being able to take on two sims at once, and I want to give XCGS a real chance here.


Thank you for the good times, they'll never truly be gone :)

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Everyone? Nah I would hardly say that. For the people that are really leaving I believe it was only Loonie and Ion Mage (though I may have missed one or two). From what I see, most that joined XCGS are either not affiliated with XCAS, or will be doing both.
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Yup. The only ones that definately left from here are IonMage and myself but that would make sense since we're CO and XO now. :) Shadow is also in XCGS but he's in XCAS as well since he can handle both things, but otherwise there are 3 people in XCGS that were/are in XCAS with 4 others which have nothing to do with it. So trust me, we're not stealing simmers. :)
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