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Starcraft Sim?

Snake eye

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Would anyone here come if i made a StarCraft Sim? it could take place say, right before brood war or something, ive got a storyline that would alow alot of choice unit wise (except very big stuff), it could be in IRC under StarChat, i can regester some channels (something like #SCS, StarCraft Sim) have it say saturday same time as XCAS is on sunday? if you don't want to go to the practice sims anyway, so is this idea worth planning and setting up? or is it a waste of time?
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Well id let the people configure the story, fix it where it needs it, I.E. make it so it will "work", Basicly the idea was at the end of the original say a group of confederates and protoss combined to form a secret government owned group to combat the remaining zergs, the Dominion, and remaining Conclave members, maybe even introduce another race :blush:. This would allow choice of units from either Protoss or Terran i chose not to include the zerg due to several complications. Mainly id like to keep it down to say, Terran: SCVs, Marines, Ghosts, firebats, medics, and pilots/drivers (for missions with Tanks/Ships) Protoss: Probes, Zealots, Dragoons, High Templar, Dark Templar and Pilots/drivers. we can try it this saturday.
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I'll be perfectly honest... I have mixed feelings about this new sim. But what hey? I'll try it out this saturday if applicable. :blush:


The joining thinger should have a substitute address by the way. My particular browser isn't configured to use that style of E-mail form, and I wouldn't be surprised if many others have the same problem. ;)

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Snake Eye, I don't have an E-mail address with Comcast (My service provider.). If I tried to join with that form, it would never make it to you because there would be no E-mail service to send it. You should put your address right below the text box so people that use 3rd party e-mail like me, ala Hotmail and Netscape, can join up. :blush:
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Perhaps one little tip too, I would recommend copying and editing Mouse's description of how to get to the simming channel, modifying it to fit the StarCraft sim and hosting it on your own site. To new people that don't know XCAS it would look a bit unprofessional to be using someone else's pages or instructions :blush: Just a piece of advice ;) (oh and a spelling checker might be a good idea, no offense ;))
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Here I have a different rank structure:


- Private

- Second Lieutenant

- First Lieutenant

- Sargeant

- Captain

- Major

- Colonel

- Lt. Commander

- Commander

- General


It's a bit extense, but it'd ensure promotions more often :blush: .


A lil' suggestion: Why don't you pick another day during the week? I know many of you will be busy, but using Saturday's practice sim time is IMHO not the best choice.

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